samedi 6 janvier 2018

"Is Islam a Threat to the West?" Shadid Lewis Vs David Wood

NM : 1. if you read quran "literaly" and sorting the sequence of revelation quran verse: - quran teach peacefull (mekkah verse) when muhammad DOESNT HAVE jihad army yet. - quran teach violence (medinah verse) when muhammad ALREADY HAVE jihad army. This times muhammad start to impose islamic law. 2. if u want jump to christianity violent (KKK, central africa, crusader era, etc), fundametal of christianity is jesus. jesus CONSISTENT never teach violence. 3. if u apply the same method to islam/muhammad, its very hard to claim islam is peacefull religion. 4. radical/fundamentalist islam: - there are some ideology, (violence) new quran verse can abrogate (peacefull) old quran verse - there are defend/offense jihad ideology in medinah verse. "defend" on this concept is very abstract. they can define "defend" as they like. - there are offense jihad ideology to impose sharia law (some hadist legimate it) - muhammad it self teach violence (some hadist legimate it) - soo many violence verse in quran - etc 5. moderate muslim : - try to intreprete that violence verse as peacefull as possible. there are book how you to intrepret quran "contextualy" - tafsir book. Jihad is allowed in certain circumstance. that why moderate muslim said ISIS, boko haram, etc thats why they said Islamic terorist has noting to do with islam, out of the context. - leader of al-azar scholar admit medinah verse its troublesome/dilemmatic - some choose and pick verse/interpretation which more suitable for them, ignore the violence verse/interpretation - some believes jihad like yoga, its like spiritual thing - some believes violence verse is not valid in modern era - some have different islam/muhammad histories version and doesnt aware the bad side of muhammad/islam. - some can become fundamentalist - some is not too religious - blame salafis/wahabis, america attack iraq, israel issues, etc. before all this happen, there are already jihad movement. but not in international scale. - etc 6. majority muslim - majority want sharia law - majority is violence when islam/muhammad being critics - majority agree death sentence to apostate and blasphemy - moderate muslim agree and still do "defend" jihad. "defend" on this concept is very abstract. - their head is fullfilled with conspiracy theory - whos agree and whos realy do it, its different thing. 7. the question is, - WHEN ISLAM START CONQUERE ACCROSS EUROPE/ARAB AT 7th CENTURIES AND DO MUCH VIOLENCE, WHAT THEY BELIEVE? WHAT VERSE OF QURAN/HADIST THEY BELIEVE? CONTEXTUALY OR LITERALY? DEFENSIVE OR OFFENSIVE? - why radicalsm still continue in last decade ? always repeat their action in different group? - why being bigger and bigger again ? - why soo easy to miss interpreting/manipulating islamic scripture/text ? - how can massive amount muslim can miss interpreting ? - some blame salafis/wahabis, america attack iraq, israel occupation issues, imperial/colonial era, etc. before all that happen, there are already jihad movement. but not in international scale. - reject ISIS/boko haram/etc does it mean islam is peacefull? when soo many violence verse in quran 8. assume 10% from total population muslim in the world is fundamentalist. 10% from 1.8 billiion is BIG number. its enough to do destruction on the world and submit to them. some will be as jihadis fighter, the rest will support with money, weapon, aid service, islam teacher, islam politic, islam propaganda, etc did rome empire/mongol empire/ottoman empire/nazi army/comunism army/etc need 50% of their population to rule others? 9. Internal security domestic. - muslim still minorities in the WEST. thats why that threat seem doesnt exist. and majority of this generation muslim still peace and busy with their daily life. this generation of minorities will be replaced with the new generation and they will growth up very FAST. let say 50-100 year later, they reach more than 30% of population. now u should start worry about. violent/jihad ideology can be awakening in massive ammount among them. not all muslim, but enough to make LOT destructive. enough to threaten/kill whos againts them. fundamentalist islam soo different with western value. this islam version will be different what u see when they still minorities. fundamentalist just simply do the what islam said. some will be as jihadis fighter, the rest will support with money, weapon, aid service, islam teacher, islam politic, islam propaganda, etc. did rome empire/mongol empire/ottoman empire/nazi army/comunism army/etc need 50% of their population to rule others? radicalisme it will not stop untill end of the world i think.

NM : Is Islam a threat to the west?  I'd say, "YES," for sure and the debate made it very clear.  More than that, it is a threat to anyone who speaks out against Islam.  To make the point, could such a debate have happened in Sudan, Saudi Arabia or Morocco?  No, because the Muslims would have taken Mr. Wood out and killed him.  How can I say that?   I'm from the other side of the world and many of my friends who peacefully proclaimed the saving message of Jesus Christ were murdered, kidnapped or imprisoned.  In a country like Sudan, which I know well, hundreds of churches were burned down and at least a million and a half non-Muslims murdered by the Muslim leaders.  For these Christians and others Islam is a threat and that goes also for people in any other Muslim country. 
So is Islam even from it's root a threat?  Yes it is!    It is a violent religion and the pages of the Qur'an are filled with it.  That should be enough for any Muslim to quickly turn to the Lord Jesus Christ who alone loves them unconditionally, gives them peace and desires to welcome them to Heaven.  You know what, millions of Muslims are indeed doing that right now.  Have you heard what they are saying?  "I don't want my violent religion any more!  I want the love and peace found only in the Bible and the Lord Jesus Christ."  For years Muslims have remained Muslim because of fear - great fear!  But a life of fear is no life and thus tens of thousands each day are stepping out.  Your threat not only to the West, but to every country, has been enough.  These, from many Muslim countries, have had a enough of fear, violence, oppression and lies.  They are willing to risk their lives and come home to the Lord Jesus Christ who is truth, love, peace and eternal joy.  Your Islamic threat is now motivating many to turn to Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life  (John14:6). 

"Is Islam a Threat to the West?" Shadid Lewis Vs David Wood note : im not western/american.