samedi 17 mars 2018

The New Battle of London : Sunday 18/3/2018, 3 pm, London, Hyde Park, Speakers' Corner

Tommy Robinson censored

*The New Battle of London : Sunday 18/3/2018, 3 pm, London, Hyde Park, Speakers' Corner*
The UK is on the verge of becoming an islamofascist regime which protects islam against any critics. Instead of preventing radical imams from preaching hate toward non-muslims, toward homosexuals, the medias and the politicians are concerning about islamophobia. Instead of stopping muslim grooming gangs who have already raped thousands of english girls, the media sand the politicians are afraid of being called racists and do nothing except arrest those who denounce those pedophile criminals.

Tomorrow is the day this could change and you could send a strong message to all islamofascist governments of Europe.

Tommy Robinson: "Reclaim Our Freedom To Speak", London, Hyde Park, Speakers' Corner, 18/3/2018, 3 pm.

Say NO to blasphemy laws, DEFEND FREE SPEECH with Tommy Robinson by coming at his speech on free speech for free speech at the historical place for free speech. By the way, it's not his speech, it's Martin Sellner's who was arrested a few days ago, put in jail for three days and then deported, not because he's a dangerous terrorist, but because he planned to do this speech at Speakers' Corner. And in fact it could be anybody's speech. The important thing in liberal states is that anybody should be given the right to speak and it's this right which constitutes the heart of our western democracy which is currently under fierce attacks since it's becoming more and more difficult for the mainstream medias and the Establishment to prevent people to see the truth about islam.

Tommy Robinson Made to Leave Speakers' Corner by Cops - 300 Year History Undone

As Martin Niemöller said about the mistakes of German people and specially German church during the rise of nazism :

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— 
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— 
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

I have listed two series of articles and videos exposing the recent events regarding this problem, but the titles were in french.

Charia et liberté d'opinion au Royaume-Uni (suite)

Charia et liberté d'expression au Royaume-Uni : la bataille de mars 2018

I paste the whole content of these two pages just below. You have a few hours to share these contents with all your friends and family. Share it and discuss it, please.
It's your future, it's our future.


"If Liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they don't want to hear." (George Orwell)


C : IF they prevent tommy robinson from speaking then they will have just torn up the rule book , no law could possibly be respected after such a thing , its the very foundation of Britain and what it stands for the quote ! i disagree with what you say but will defend your right to say it " is written in our blood for freedom of speech , IF we allow extreme muslims to speak then we MUST allow a Briton to speak out against islam , it is NOT and never shall be illegal to question or disagree or even despise a religion or belief system let alone the prototype and blue print for fascism

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