mardi 13 mars 2018

The Truth About Broken Britain (Paul Joseph Watson)

It's almost like the UK is no longer a democratic country.

The Uk is really good at keeping out extremists. 
You know, like when they kept out Iraqi extremist Ahmed Hassan 
after he told border officials 
he'd been trained to kill by ISIS. 
Oh no, they let him and gave him asylum... 

But at least they deported him 
after he was caught watching ISIS videos 
and singing jihadi songs 
with the lyrics 
"we are coming with you 
to the slaughter in your home and country".
Oh no, they didn't and he went on to bomb a train !
Ok, but wait, that's just one case !

Youssef Zaghba in 2016 told officials, quote : "I'm going to be a terrorist" (0 :44)


- the USA is a multicultural land not a white land. If any alt righter is upset with that then they should leave.

- You should leave to a muslim country. If you want getting beaten and raped, that's what you should do, instead of yelling at those who defend the country against invasive and intolerant immigration and who don't want their wives and daughters being enslaved and raped on a daily basis. Look at the grooming gangs in the UK and tell me why we should accept this sort of multiculturalism. 
When islam comes to a country and stays for a while, all non-muslims are killed one day or the other. Look at Syria : 100 % christian and jews and polytheists at the beginning. Now, 0,5%, 1 %, 2 % who are considered as half-slaves and killed regularly. Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Iran, Irak, Afhganistan, Pakistan, Indonesia, Somalia, Suddan, Turkey, Albania, Bosnia, etc. More than 270 millions dead in djihadist attacks since 622 in all these countries. The acts of torture, the raped women and the enslaved people and the forced conversions and the destructions of villages, towns, cities, and libraries are innumerous.  

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