jeudi 28 novembre 2019

Britain will look very different in 2031. Will more diversity bring more tolerance, too?

Britain will look very different in 2031. Will more diversity bring more tolerance, too?

It is the opposite, the more forced diversity there is the more destruction to local communities will take place and both the 'new british' and the native will be less tolerant. Please read the following to see why & how, this is proven in scientific study.

Biological Ethnocentrism: The Negative Impact of Racial and Ethnic Diversity Upon Societies and Individuals.

Unless indigenous English voted to be a minority in their homelands, this qualifies as ethnocide.
The English are being ethnically cleansed through mass immigration.

Not at all. More diversity will sooner or later bring Civil War to Britain and Europe. Urban riots of 2005 in France or 2011 in England are just a glimpse of what lies ahead...

The great replacement is looking good  And don’t forget to be nice to minorities, maybe they’ll be nice to you when you’re a minority yourself- or maybe not.

That is a genocide by non-violent means.

Of course it won't. The British are a comparatively tolerant people
The growth of less tolerant populations within will lead to a decline in tolerance. I'm sure left leaning press will still blame White British though.

There is no study ever that has concluded that diversity breeds tolerance. The results are actually the complete opposite. Record violent crime rates set to continue to sky rocket. Ask Sweden, they dont even publish crime stats anymore because they are climbing so rapidly.

Intolerance usually means patriotism, values and tradition, that's what the Globalist trash pushing diversity want. Wake up ....

Replacing whites with people from Pakistan or Bangladesh isn't diversitiy, it's the destruction of Great Britain.

Diversity? You mean Islam.
And no Islam is not tolerant.

Let's gamble with more and more diversity (more immigrants). What could possibly go wrong? And if wrong, oh sorry, just killed an entire country.

Are you on crack?
White people have been demonized to such an extent that we will become an oppressed and hated minority.
Anyone without an agenda and a spare brain cell can see the writing on the wall.

No you lying, globalist, genocide enabling hypocrites. It'll lead to disfunction, distrust, balkanisation and conflict. But you knew that already didn't you.

Multiculturalism doesn't work. Sorry if you believe otherwise, but even Angela Merkel said the same in her 2011 speech, 4 years before the migration crisis! Rootless society...

Ethnic diversity brings about a destruction of social capital, civil unrest and in the long run, balkanization along ethno-religious lines. "Tolerance" isn't going to stop that.

Lol ppl have been demonetized for publishing demographics content over the years. But it's ok when the economist does it lol

sounds like a "far right" "conspiracy" here.

Birmingham Cinema: Girl, 13, among ‘machete’ brawl arrests

Its called the great replacement, see UN Replacement Migration report. Instead of incentivisng westerners to have more children and think cohesively over the past 1/2century, western culture has been deconstructed and our ppl now replaced with groups that have higher birth rates

Not when you're replacing the native born population with the least tolerant culture on the planet.

No, it will bring permanent inter-ethnic conflict that will enable the state to vastly increase its power under the guise of security. Look forward to self-segregation, 'peace walls', diversity barriers, terrorism.
All courtesy of the globalists.

It's called white genocide I think you'll find.

You know fine well it wont bring tolerance, there is scientific data to back this. Not one example can be shown of where this is true.

demographic replacement is a conspiracy theory

"Diversity" is cancer.
Its just a code word for #WhiteGenocide.

If by tolerant you mean Britons do not have a voice to speak, yes. As far as understand it's already illegal to speak on your own befalf if you're white and oppose forced diversity in your neighborhood. Am I missing something?

We are being ethnically cleansed from our lands. They admit it, but say it isn’t happening when it’s convenient.

Diversity = less indigenous British people.

Robert Putnam. The more diverse a society, the lest trusting it becomes, regardless of which ethnic groups make up the melting pot. Multiculturalism is always detrimental.
- Your comment was hidden under the "may be offensive" box  Yet it's literally just an easily verifiable statement of fact. So now Twitter hides facts that it doesn't like?
- The question is: to whom is this offensive? I haven’t singled out any one community above the others...

Of course! Chemistry teaches us the best way to avoid unplanned reactions is to mix as many chemical compounds as you can in a limited space in an extremely small amount of time! What could possibly go wrong?

+ Diversity = + Violent Crime

Making people feel like unwanted guests in their own home - will it make people more inviting??

White British have struggled to reproduce themselves due to govts not supporting the family, traditional values + affordable homes needed to raise families. Allowing excessive immigrantion to compete for resources has not helped. UK is set to become a White minority country. Sad.

So what you're saying is civilization will be ended by 2031 in Europe.
Whites out = Lights out

Mass immigration is a deliberate choice made by politicians, this isn't good, natural, or inevitable
The native people of Britain are being ethnically replaced in their own homeland by their own governments without their knowledge or consent

'Tolerance' from whom and of what? Do you mean the indigenous British meekly giving up their ancestral homeland? Is that what you mean by 'tolerance'?

When did the Economist start trading in conspiracy theories?

Just take heed; the UN definition of genocide is any ethnic (or religious, etc) displacement of a majority, intentionally or unintentionally, through violent or non-violent means.

These figures show a clear and present danger to indigenous Britons. Close your borders, now.

Will anything be done to stop this? Or will white people lose everything their ancestors fought for?

The real question is will the new majority be tolerant of the minority white peopl

No, more Muslims means less tolerance.

The Great replacement is a conspiracy they say while showing us this shit right here. Percentage point after percentage point, replaced.

Why would more ethnic division bring tolerance and why are neoliberals bringing incompatible people to our country and telling us to endure it?

> Will more diversity bring more tolerance, too?
More diversity will bring endless violence along the borders of ethnic ghettoes as gangs/tribes compete for territory, as they have for thousands of years.

Violence is caused by "diversity plus proximity."

It’s just a theory right?

Mass immigration is ethnic cleansing and genocide.

Tolerance is a two way street! Are we tolerated in our own country by our guests?

Utterly disgusting, you see how we’re already treated, how do you think it’ll be for us when we’re outnumbered?

This isn't a question of 'conspiracy', chauvinism or fear of the Other. This is a question of the complete ethnic, cultural and, in many cases, ideological transformation of our country.

Because Brazil is the pinnacle of culture and civilisation...

White liberals seem to be the only people on Earth who hate their own race. Very sad.

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