jeudi 19 avril 2018

'Why Is Sweden Collapsing Now??' - Mark Steyn Talks About Sweden With Katie Hopkins

Sweden and most EU countries are toast! NATO is finished in the long term. Prepare for a theater-wide civil war in Europe. Which America will not be able to respond. When that occurs, plan for an instant global recession and eventual depression when air transportation stops cold.

The EU's so-called "leaders" should have consulted an educated sociologist in helping to better determine current and future demographic trends. In short, this is a societal and cultural suicide happening before our eyes, and EU peoples are actually paying for their own destruction by the forced method of taxation. Without taxes, the moronic migrants can't survive, and that's where things get interesting. What happens when the money flow stops to millions of uneducable, ignorant, potentially violent people, who embrace a Dark Age death worshiping cult? Only time will tell.

'Why Is Sweden Collapsing Now??' - Mark Steyn Talks About Sweden With Katie Hopkins

Katie Hopkins tells Mark Steyn: “Swedes are desperate to leave”

Sweden: From Valhalla to OBLIVION

"Sweden Is OUT Of CONTROL" - Tucker Carlson REACTS To Situation In Sweden

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