Like Nazism, Islam seeks world domination and advocates the use of mindless and blood-chilling cruelty to achieve its hegemonistic aims.
The only difference is that while Nazism was based on nationalism, Islam is based on religion and so is more pervasive and difficult to destroy than Nazism ever was.
Islam like Nazism is a perverted mentality, a mental sickness based on intimidation to convert all non-Muslims to Islam, and to murder you if you refuse to convert.
The Nazi holocaust went on for 12 years from 1933 to 1945, the Muslim holocaust has been going on from 622 C.E. and shows no signs of abating.
If they have their way the Muslims will turn the whole world in to an Auschwitz.
And if you manage to save your head from the Muslims, then you have to live under their dehumanizing tyranny and live as non-Muslims (Dhimmis or Zimmis) as the Jewish people did in Concentration Camps like the Warsaw Ghetto.
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