A statue to honor Niklas Graf Salm, the German savior of Vienna during the siege in 1529.
30 Jul, 2007
How the Germans narrowly escaped a Turkish Invasion in the 16th century, when the Ottomans had neared Posen (Poznan) and besieged Vienna, on the borders of Prussia. And how after the end of the World War 2, the massive reconstruction efforts of the country allowed millions of Turks to come to Germany as migrant laborers, followed by Pakistanis, Afghans, and Arabs who came citing persecution in the home countries followed by the hordes of Arab students, some of whom hatched the 9/11 conspiracy in German student hostels and participated in that heinous act on that fateful day of 9/11/2001. The Germans have taken a challenging step by opening their society to Muslim immigration from 1945 onwards, and have made the Muslims a threat to civilized life in Germany preparing the making of Germany in to an Eurabia (European Arabia)
“Ottomans in Germany” is a statement that will raise many eyebrows. When did the Ottomans ever reach Germany? Yes there are flocks of Turks in Germany today. But historically did Germany (Prussia) ever face any threat from the Ottoman Turks when they ravaged neighboring nations of Austria, Poland and Russia. The answer is “Yes”. In the forgotten annals of history, the Germans played a stellar role in repelling the scourge of Islam that was creeping towards Germany, from Austria and Poland, in the 16th and 17th centuries.
A statue to honor Niklas Graf Salm, the German savior of Vienna during the siege in 1529.
In 1529, when the Ottomans shocked Europe by marching up to Vienna and laying siege there, the Pope Innocentius XI, fearing a Muslim (Ottoman) invasion of Central Europe, appealed for a joint effort to repel the new threat. He managed to secure men and money for the Habsburgs from Spain and Portugal as well as from Poland and various Catholic German (Prussian) princes.
The Pope’s appeal became relevant to Germany, when another pincer of the Ottoman aggression move close to Vienna in 1529. The German nobles responded to the Pope's appeal and sent in volunteers of all ages from teenagers to septuagenarians to fight the Turks, before the Fatherland was threatened. One of these was a seventy-year-old German warrior named Niklas Graf Salm, who had earlier distinguished himself at the Battle of Pavia in 1525.
After Slam, the next great German savior of Christendom could be Pope Benedict who from his days as Cardinal Ratzinger took a frank and fearless stand on Islam, the latest being his speech on the violent nature of Islam.
The Turks had reached Vienna first in 1529. Vienna was not only the capital of the Holy Roman Empire (Austro-Hungarian Empire), but was also a gateway into Germany (Prussia) in the north, Switzerland and France to the West and Italy to the South. The fall of Vienna would have unleashed the Ottoman armies all over Western Europe.
In 1669 after a siege which had lasted more than twenty years, the city of Candia in Crete had fallen into Ottoman hands: as a matter of fact the very long siege had showed the weaknesses, rather than the strengths of the Ottomans, but nevertheless the end result had raised in Italy a lot of fears of a renewed attempt by the sultans to conquer the Christian nations of Europe. This had been the second attack on Candia the first one in the 8th century when Candia then known by its ancient name Herakleion, the largest city on the island of Crete. The city was renamed as Khandak (ditch) by its Arab conquerors. It was liberated by the Normans in the 10th century. Now with the Muslims having again occupied the city, sent shock waves across Europe, especially through the papacy and revived fears of a Ottoman campaign across Sicily and Italy to mirror one by the Arabs in the 9th century.
Niklas Graf Salm, the German braveheart who had distinguished himself at the Battle of Pavia in 1525. He led the German contingent to defeat the Ottoman Turks at Vienna in 1529.
For this reason Pope Innocentius XI appealed for a joint effort to repel the new threat: he managed to secure men and money for the Habsburgs from Spain and Portugal as well as from Poland and various Catholic German (Prussian) princes.
The Pope’s appeal became relevant to Germany, when another pincer of the Ottoman aggression move close to Vienna in 1529. The German nobles responded to the Pope's appeal and sent in volunteers of all ages from teenagers to septuagenarians to fight the Turks, before the Fatherland was threatened. One of these was a seventy-year-old German warrior named Niklas Graf Salm, who had earlier distinguished himself at the Battle of Pavia in 1525.
The Germans led by Niklas Graf Salm inflicting the first defeat the Turks suffered at German hands in 1529 at Vienna.
In response to the Pope's appeal and that of Austrian Emperor, the German braveheart Salm arrived in Vienna at the head of a relief force which included German Landsknechte mercenary pikemen
In response to the Pope's appeal and that of Austrian Emperor, the German braveheart Niklas Salm arrived in Vienna at the head of a relief force which included German Landsknechte mercenary pikemen and Spanish musketmen and set about shoring up the three-hundred-year-old walls of Vienna surrounding St. Stephen's Cathedral, near which he established his headquarters. To make sure the city could withstand a lengthy siege, he blocked the four city gates and reinforced the walls, which in some places were no more than six feet thick, and erected earthen bastions and an inner earthen rampart, levelling buildings where necessary.
The Ottomans besiege Vienna in 1683.
The reason why the Franks, the Spanish and the Austrians (as also the Byzantines before them) could repel the Muslim invaders at different times in history was that they had a complete disdain for the Islamic enemy’s outlook. They looked upon the Muslims as barbarians (which they in fact were). And with this disdain for the enemy that the Europeans went to battle. The battle was half won, since it was already won in the mind. They never had the appeasement of the enemy in their minds as had Chamberlain for Hitler or as have Jacques Chirac, Gerhard Schroeder have for the Islamofascist Jihadis today and to an extent even Tony Blair and George Bush also do (when he declares Islam to be religion of peace)
In the annals of the Muslim attacks on Christendom over one thousand four hundred years, there is no mention of any Christian King surrendering himself to a Muslim conqueror and embracing Islam as a price of his freedom.
The invasion and its climactic siege, however, exacted a heavy price from both sides, with tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians dead and thousands more sold into slavery. It marked the end of the Ottomans' expansion towards the centre of Europe and arguably the beginning of their long decline as the dominant power of the Renaissance world. "The delivery of Vienna by a brave garrison under Count Niklas Salm in 1529," suggested historian Rolf Adolf Kahn, "was probably a greater though less spectacular achievement than the liberation five generations later in 1683 during the second siege of Vienna brought about primarily by the efforts of a rather large army of combined imperial and Polish forces led by Jan Sobeiski".
Ferdinand I set up a funeral monument for Niklas Graf Salm—who had been injured during the last Ottoman assault and died on 4 May 1530—to express his gratitude to the German defender of Vienna.
Light cavalry in action at Vienna in 1683
Such fast footed horsemen made the more well equipped but cumbersome Ottoman army taste dust at Vienna
Had the Ottomans captured Vienna, their next aim was to attack the German-Polish town of Posen (Poznan). Posen which is today a part of Poland and is known by its Polish name Poznan was the impetus for the German participation in the Austrian resistance to the Ottomans.
Had the Ottomans captured Vienna, their next aim was to attack the German-Polish town of Posen (Poznan). Posen which is today a part of Poland and is known by its Polish name Poznan was the impetus for the German participation in the Austrian resistance to the Ottomans.
German participation in the wars against the Ottomans continued up to the second siege of Vienna in 1683 when the next major battle at Vienna was again won by Polish-Austrian-German forces led by King of Poland Jan III Sobieski against the Ottoman Empire army commanded by Grand Vizier Merzifonlu Kara Mustafa Pasha. In 1683 the Ottomans made their second major attempt to capture the city of Vienna. This had long been a strategic aspiration for the Ottoman Empire, due to Austria’s inter-locking control over Danubean (Black Sea-to-Western Europe) southern Europe, and the overland (Eastern Mediterranean-to-Germany) trade routes. Control over Vienna would give the Turks a stranglehold over Europe’s overland trade with the East and also to spread Islam in to Europe as they had done in Albania, Bosnia and other parts of the Balkans.
A winged Hussar at Vienna
Due to the shock tactics of Christian battalions like these the Turks lost about 15,000 men who constituted the cream of their cavalry on the field, while the Western allies lost less then 4000 – martyred and wounded. Vienna had been delivered in the nick of time.
To thwart the Ottoman ambitions of overrunning Europe, the Poles united with the Austrians and the Germans to battle the Turks at Vienna. They were joined by additional troops from the German provinces of Bavaria and Baden, in addition to those from Saxony, Franconia and Swabia who had answered the call for a Holy League that was supported by Pope Innocent XI.
To thwart these Ottoman ambitions, the Poles united with the Austrians and the Germans and crossed the Danube 30km north west of Vienna at Tulln, to unite with the Austrian Imperial forces. They were joined by additional troops from the German provinces of Bavaria and Baden, in addition to those from Saxony, Franconia and Swabia who had answered the call for a Holy League that was supported by Pope Innocent XI. When the hostilities started in September 1683, the Austrian army held the left flank, while the German forces held the center. Thus the Germans made no mean contribution to the victory over the Ottomans at Vienna.
The Reason for the incongruous German-Ottoman Alliance
But unfortunately for Europe, while German troops were fighting for the Holy League, Louis XIV of France ruthlessly used the occasion, before and after the battle of Vienna, to annex territories in western Europe, such as Luxembourg, Alsace Lorraine, Strasbourg, etc. Due to the ongoing war against the Turks, Austria could not support the interest of German allies in the West. This French campaign against the German provinces caused widespread devastations in large parts of Southern Germany by the French. This is borne out in the biography of Ezechiel du Mas, Comte de Melac.
Niklas Graf Slam who led the German contingent against the Ottomans and emerged as the savior of Vienna and of Europe in 1529.
The defeat of the Jihadi Ottomans at Vienna in 1529, marked the second turning of the tide of the Muslim invasion of Europe (The first being turned back by Karl the Hammer (Charles Martel) the Frankish king at Poitiers in 732).
All Christian kings as also the Christian armies and the lay population preferred fight or flight, rather than surrender and the ignominy of conversion to Islam. It was only those who were unfortunate enough to fall to the hand of the conquering Muslims who had to submit to Islam at the point of the sword and became Muslims at the pain of death.
This behavior of Louis XIV of France also set the stage for centuries to come: German-speaking countries had to fight wars simultaneously in the West and the East. It was this backstabbing and the subsequent Napoleonic wars a century and a half later that veered Germany away from a pan-European alliance against the Ottomans and laid the seeds of the German-Turkish alliance that stumbled on up to the World War I, up to the end of Kaiser’s Germany and Ottoman Turkey. But this aberration cannot overrule the fact that the Germans played a pivotal role in stiffening Austrian resistance against Ottoman attempts to overrun Central Europe.
The Immigration Turkish Invasion of Germany
The next Turkish surge in to Germany came not from the battlefield, but from Immigration counters at Airports. The Turks did no longer come in as Jannsary-Jihadis, but as construction workers, laborers, et al. This has been especially so after the end of the World War 2, and the subsequent massive reconstruction efforts of war devastated Germany which allowed millions of Turks to come to Germany as migrant laborers.
The Turks were followed by Pakistanis, Afghans, and Arabs who came citing persecution in the home countries followed by the hordes of Arab students, some of whom hatched the 9/11 conspiracy in German student hostels and participated in that heinous act on that fateful day of 9/11/2001. The Germans have taken a risky step by opening their society to Muslim immigration from 1945 onwards, and have made the Muslims a threat to civilized life in Germany preparing the making of Germany in to an Eurabia (European Arabia).
The Turkish invader Kara Mustapha Pasha being challenged by a German-Polish-Austrian army at the Battle of Vienna in 1683. The Pasha lead an Ottoman force of 140,000 against Vienna, but was defeated by a much smaller force of 30,000 Polish-Lithuanian, and 11,000 Austrian and Prussian troops.
The victory at Vienna saved Europe from Islam for a second time after the victory of Charles Martel in 732.
The Turks had reached Vienna first in 1529. Vienna was not only the capital of the Holy Roman Empire (Austro-Hungarian Empire), but was also a gateway into Germany (Prussia) in the north, Switzerland and France to the West and Italy to the South. The fall of Vienna would have unleashed the Ottoman armies all over Western Europe.
Turkey in the EU, will be a modern day Trojan Horse
With Turkey set to join the EU in a few years from now, the threat Germany and the rest of Europe swamped by an influx of Muslim immigrants is looming large. And with the use of the Baby bomb, with the Muslim taboo on contraception and abortion along with the relaxation of Christian taboos on the same will see a further shrinking of the German population over the course of the next few decades.
If not immediately, but by the middle of the 21st century we might see large minorities of Muslims in Frankfurt, Hanover, Stuttgart, Hamburg, and even Berlin. Berlin of the 2040s and 2050s could be quite like the Paris of today where Muslim mobs went about setting cars on fire for weeks at a stretch in 2004.
After overrunning Serbia, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary, the Ottoman Turks now lunged at the heart of Central Europe by repeatedly attacking Cracow and Vienna. They focused on Vienna as that was the major city, the capture of which would open their advance into Poland and Germany. Sensing the danger, in the winter of 1682-3, Poland, Prussia (Germany) and Austria came to an agreement providing for joint action against a Turkish invasion and promising relief in case of a direct attack on Vienna or Cracow.
But their defeat at Vienna also gave the final death blow to the Ottoman Empire transforming it from an existential threat to Western Civilization into being "The Sick man of the Bosphorus" who survived till 1920 only due to the rivalry between the European powers mainly Russia, Britain and France.
The murder of Theo Van Gogh and the Cartoon Controversy and the finding of suitcase bombs in German trains a few months back are harbingers of the difficult days to come with restive populations of Muslims growing in German cities. This is bound to happen unless we decide to reverse the flow of Turks in to Germany and to face the prospect of keeping Germany free of an influx of Turks and other Muslims.
The danger that Germany faces from these Proto-nazis is not exclusive, but all of Europe and in fact all of the non-Muslim world faces the same danger, be that in Europe, USA, Russia, Brazil, China (Eastern Turkestan) Australia, India (Kashmir), Kenya, Nigeria, or for that matter the one nation in the forefront of this war – Israel.
The Nature of the Islamic Threat
Like Nazism, Islam seeks world domination and advocated the use of mindless and blood-chilling cruelty to achieve its hegemonistic aims. The only difference is that while Nazism was based on nationalism, Islam is based on religion and so is more pervasive and difficult to destroy than Nazism ever was. Islam like Nazism is a perverted mentality, a mental sickness based on intimidation to convert all non-Muslims to Islam, and to murder you if you refuse to convert. The Nazi holocaust went on for 12 years from 1933 to 1945, the Muslim holocaust has been going on from 622 C.E. and shows no signs of abating. If they have their way the Muslims will turn the whole world in to an Auswitch. And if you manage to save your head from the Muslims, then you have to live under their dehumanizing tyranny and live as non-Muslims (Dhimmis or Zimmis) as the Jewish people did in Concentration Camps like the Warsaw Ghetto.
The Retrograde Negative Spirit of Islam pervades all across that Islamic civilization(sic). Although to call it “civilization” is a contradiction in terms
The very first verse uttered by that lecherous mass-murderer, the accursed Mohammed-ibn-abdallah was “La Ilah Il Allah, Mohammed ur Rasoolallah” which translated literally would read “No god but god, Mohammed is prophet of god”. In Arabic “La” connotes “No”. So what can one expect from a mentality whose very first of its five principles is based on negativism?
Negativism permeates all through Islam, its attitudes towards all non-Muslims, its use of dishonesty to portray itself as a victim, its murderous intent towards all those who refuse to convert to Islam, its use of any level of cruelty to Islamize entire humankind.
We can save ourselves from this Malignant Madness of Islam, only if we see it through to its grave. The other option is landing in the grave ourselves along with liberty, progress and free-thinking, freedom of speech and scientific advancement, all of which will be become slaves to that Instruction Manual of Hate and Terror – the Quran.
The two faces of The Holocaust – Past and the Future?
The Muslims are the neo-Nazis, in fact they should be called the proto-Nazis. The Muslims pre-dated Nazism by thirteen centuries. The Nazis started their march in 1933, the Muslims did it in 622. The Nazis were spurred on by a megalomaniac named Adolf Hitler, the Muslims by a greater Megalomaniac named Mohammed-ibn-abdallah whose tradition is carried forward today by the likes of Ahmedinejad. The Nazis followed an instruction Manual of Hate and Terror called the Mein Kampf written by Hitler, the Muslim follow another and more wile instruction Manual of Terror and Murder called the Quran. The Nazis dreamt of conquering the entire globe under their excuse “Lebensraum”, the Muslims want to do so with their excuse “Jihad”. The Nazis feigned victimization (by the Czechs in Sudentenland, and by the Poles in Gdansk-Danzig) to launch their blitzkrieg, the Muslims feign oppression, persecution and occupation to send in their Dawat-al-Islam (ultimatum to embrace Islam) to launch their aggression called Jihad. The Nazis sent their victims to the Gas chambers, the Muslims slaughtered them en masse, in historic times and now use terrorists attacks like 9/11, 7/7, 3/11 to intimidate their intended victims.
Similarities between the Nazis and the Muslims
The Turks like all other Muslims are the neo-Nazis, in fact they should be called the proto-Nazis. The Muslims pre-dated Nazism by thirteen centuries. The Nazis started their march in 1933, the Muslims did it in 622. The Nazis were spurred on by a megalomaniac named Adolf Hitler, the Muslims by a greater Megalomaniac named Mohammed-ibn-abdallah whose tradition is carried forward today by the likes of Ahmedinejad. The Nazis followed an instruction Manual of Hate and Terror called the Mein Kampf written by Hitler, the Muslim follow another and more wile instruction Manual of Terror and Murder called the Quran. The Nazis dreamt of conquering the entire globe under their excuse “Lebensraum”, the Muslims want to do so with their excuse “Jihad”. The Nazis feigned victimization (by the Czechs in Sudentenland, and by the Poles in Gdansk-Danzig) to launch their blitzkrieg, the Muslims feign oppression, persecution and occupation to send in their Dawat-al-Islam (ultimatum to embrace Islam) to launch their aggression called Jihad. The Nazis sent their victims to the Gas chambers, the Muslims slaughtered them en masse, in historic times and now use terrorists attacks like 9/11, 7/7, 3/11 to intimidate their intended victims.
Why was Nazism destroyed within 12 years while Islam has survived for 1385 years?
Hitler boasted that the Third Reich will last for one thousand years. It lasted for only twelve from 1933 up to 1945. Bu the Muslim Reich has lasted for more than one thousand years from 622 C.E. up to today (200&) that makes it 1385 years. That’s a record! How did the Muslims manage to last so long in spite of the fact that they as barbarous as the Nazis if not more? The answer is in the strategy that Mohammed adopted in making Islam a religion, and barbarism (or nobleness) enshrined in to religion is far more difficult to eradicate from the minds of the followers than a simple political affiliation.
A political and ideological affiliation survives only till the party that advocates that affiliation is in power or at least it survives as a political entity after it loses power. That is why Communism went into decline in Eastern Europe and in the Russian Federation (as also in Angola). When that political party is banned and is hounded out of public life, its creed virtually ceases to exist. This is why Fascism and Nazism have disappeared in Italy and Germany – well almost so. Yes there are Neo-Nazis, the KKK, Skinheads, etc, but these are fringe groups, that have no impact on mainstream society.
But Islam has never been sidelined this way even when the Muslims have been defeated. Why so? This is so as Islam remained alive in the minds of the defeated Muslims and will remain alive so, until we put a full and final end to Islam by eradicating it from the minds of the defeated Muslims. This precisely why it is only a threat of death the only way to defeat Islam.
Why is a threat of death the only way to defeat Islam?
Islam was spread with the use of death threats. The defeated non-Muslims were given the choice of Islam or Death. After having been forced to accept Islam through such terminal coercion, the converted people had no way of renouncing Islam. If they did so, they were targeted as Murtads (apostates) and were killed. It is mandatory in Islam for Muslims to kill anyone who leaves the cult. So the converts were forced to remain Muslims. And as this was their fate, then the best bet for them was to imbibe the murderous attitude themselves and impose it on others.
Today although "Islam or Death" is not possible openly, unless you live in Muslim ruled countries of the Islamic crescent like Egypt, Sudan, Iran, Pakistan or in areas contiguous to Muslim majority areas like Malaku in Indonesia, Southern Sudan, Kashmir, North Nigeria.
Muslim converts today are convicts or psychological wrecks like Jose Padilla and Richard Reid
But the Muslims have devised ingenious methods to reach those best suited for Islam, so they evangelize in Prisons, where they can appeal to the dregs of society, or those come from broken families, those who have gone through divorces, or those who have had some heart-breaking personal experience.
It is on the emotions of such unfortunate wrecks and irredeemable convicts that these Muslim missionaries prey like vultures and hyenas to make them join the murderous ranks of Islam. Richard Reid, the Shoe bomber, Jose Padilla are specimen of those who become Muslim today.
The cardinal fact is that across the fourteen centuries of Islam’s existence, it has been its death threat that made people Muslim and it was the same death threat that kept them Muslim. The same death threats are used today to intimate Ayan Hirsi Ali, Salman Rushdie and many others like them to keep them from speaking the truth about Islam.
He who was born by the sword shall die by the sword
Modifying the age-old adage “He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword.” We can say that “Islam which was born by the sword shall die by the sword” As it was a death threat that made people into Muslims and kept them as Muslims, the only way these scum can be shaken out of their adherence to the savagery called Islam is a death threat. Not individual death threats as the Muslims hurl today at Hirsi and Salman, but a death threat of extermination through a nuclear holocaust of the entire Muslim population across the globe!
Only when the beastlike Muslims see the determination of a world to do them in, upto their last man and woman, can the Ummah of Islam be smashed.
Like Nazism, Islam seeks world domination and advocates the use of mindless and blood-chilling cruelty to achieve its hegemonistic aims. The only difference is that while Nazism was based on nationalism, Islam is based on religion and so is more pervasive and difficult to destroy than Nazism ever was. Islam like Nazism is a perverted mentality, a mental sickness based on intimidation to convert all non-Muslims to Islam, and to murder you if you refuse to convert. The Nazi holocaust went on for 12 years from 1933 to 1945, the Muslim holocaust has been going on from 622 C.E. and shows no signs of abating. If they have their way the Muslims will turn the whole world in to an Auswitch. And if you manage to save your head from the Muslims, then you have to live under their dehumanizing tyranny and live as non-Muslims (Dhimmis or Zimmis) as the Jewish people did in Concentration Camps like the Warsaw Ghetto.
Only when the Muslims see that there is no option other than death, if they persist in remaining Muslim, will the fort of Islam be breached and once the first trickle of Muslims who renounce Islam starts, the trickle will turn into a flood and an avalanche that will wipe out Islam.
Yes there will certainly be many Muslims who will try to kill those who renounce Islam, but when these murderers are themselves hunted down with equal ferocity, will the lay Muslims believe that it is safe for them to give up Islam. Then and only then, shall we see Muslims coming over in droves to give up Islam. But this can happen only after we seriously hurl and start executing a death threat of mass killing of all Muslims across the globe. There are no soft options here.
Do we have it in us to do that?
The answer decides whether civilization wins or Islam wins!
The Paradox of the death seeking psychology of Islam
This very death seeking psychology of Islam is also the behind their wanting to become suicide (genocide) bombers today. Any power that wants to defeat this death-seeking psychology, will have to be a death-giving one. Since Muslims want martyrdom, so only those who can give them this martyrdom fast and on a mass scale can overcome this delinquent psychology of the Muslims. The roots of Islam are psychological, and only one who understand this psychology, can overcome it.
Islam is a psychology of perpetual war. A psychology that had existed among the pre-Islamic Bedouin Arabs. But then, before Islam, this psychology was not a global problem, since the Arabs fought amongst themselves. With Islam this psychology was inbuilt into religion and infused with a zeal to impose this psychology on all those who were weak enough to fall before Muslim swords. As long as Islam has other religions on this globe, the war Jihad, will go on till the whole world is Islamized. But in the unlikely event of the entire world being Islamized, will this violence stop? No Never. Then in that global Dar-ul-Islam, Muslims would fight amongst themselves Shias against Sunnis, Iranians against Iraqis, Arabs against non-Arabs and so on. Herein lies the paradox of Islam. As long as Islam is surrounded by other religions, there will be violence, but even after, and if at all, Islam is alone on this globe, there will still be endless violence, till Islam is put to an end.
Islam has a senseless and unmanageable agenda, with other religions, while they are not sensible, at least they are manageable. Other religions also bear animosity against each other, but they can be sobered down and made to co-exist with each other, as do Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Shintoism, Hinduism, Animism, etc.
But Islam defies, being civilized, and being made manageable. And it will defy till its violent end. Before Islam burst upon the world, all other religions had made the world non-sensible, but it is Islam that has made religion unmanageable, Had Islam not been around, it would not have been necessary to think in terms of the demise of religion itself. It is Islam that is forcing and will continue to force humankind away from religion. While non-Islamic religions made man into a delinquent, who kept muttering to himself, Islam has made man into a delinquent who has gone violently berserk, The delinquent has now to be shot a tranquilizer and then given a strong sedative to sober him up, so that mankind can bury the delinquent behavior of religion which Islam has made criminal, and after which humankind can continue its march of knowledge and science to plant the banner of humanity across the universe, and not waste its energies in fighting against itself in the narrow confines of planet earth.
In the following pages we trace the bloodied march of Islam across the different countries and the story of those hapless people who were given the choice of Islam or death. We start with the Jihad against the Zoroastrian Persians of Iran, Baluchistan and Afghanistan (634 to 651).
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Select Bibliography
The Mummy, Funeral Rites & Customs in Ancient Egypt, by Ernest A. Wallis Budge, reprint of 1893 edition by Senate Studio Editions 1995
The Twilight of Ancient Egypt, First Millennium B.C.E., by Karol Mysliwiec, translated by David Lorton, Cornell University Press2000
Egypt in The Age of Cleopatra, by Michel Chauveau, translated by David Lorton, Cornell University Press, 2000
Women in Ancient Egypt, by Gay Robins, Harvard University Press, 1996
Women and Society in Greek and Roman Egypt: A Source Book by Jane Rowlandson, Cambridge University Press, 1998
The Chronicle of John Coptic Bishop of Nikiu (circa 690 A.D.), translated by Robert Henry Charles, reprint from 1916 edition, APA-Philo Press Amsterdam, Holland
The Vanished Library, A Wonder of The Ancient World, by Luciano Canfora, University of California Press
The Story of The Church of Egypt, Volumes I and II, by Edith L. Butcher, reprint of 1897 edition by AMS Press Inc, New York, N.Y 1975
Coptic Egypt, by Murad Kamil, Le Scribe Egyptien, 1968
Traditional Egyptian Christianity, A History of the Coptic Church, by Theodore. Hall Patrick, Fisher Park Press, 1999
Muslim Extremism in Egypt, The Prophet and the Pharaoh, by Gilles Kepel, University of California Press 1993
Ancient Egyptian Culture, published by Chartwell Books, Edison, N.J. 1998.
Samson Blinded: A Machiavellian Perspective on the Middle East Conflict, by Obadiah Shoher
Jihad in the West: Muslim Conquests from the 7th to the 21st Centuries (Hardcover) by Paul Fregosi
The Sword of the Prophet: History, Theology, Impact on the World by Srdja Trifkovic
Islam Unveiled: Disturbing Questions About the World's Fastest Growing Faith by Robert Spencer
Studies in Muslim Apocalyptic (Studies in Late Antiquity and Early Islam) by David Cook
Why I Am Not a Muslim by Ibn Warraq
Onward Muslim Soldiers by Robert Spencer
Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis by Bat Ye'Or
Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide by Bat Yeor
What the Koran Really Says: Language, Text, and Commentary by Ibn Warraq
Islam and Terrorism: What the Quran Really Teaches About Christianity, Violence and the Goals of the Islamic Jihad by Mark A. Gabriel, Mark A. Gabriel
A Concise History of the Crusades by Thomas F. Madden
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) by Robert Spencer
The Great Divide: The failure of Islam and the Triumph of the West by Marvin Olasky
The Myth of Islamic Tolerance: How Islamic Law Treats Non-Muslims by Robert Spencer
Islam Unveiled: Disturbing Questions About the World's Fastest Growing Faith by Robert Spencer, David Pryce-Jones
The Koran (Penguin Classics) by N. J. Dawood
Don't Keep me Silent! One Woman's Escape from the Chains of Islam by Mina Nevisa
Christianity And Islam: The Final Clash by Robert Livingston
Holiest Wars : Islamic Mahdis, Their Jihads, and Osama bin Laden by Timothy R. Furnish
The Last Trumpet: A Comparative Study in Christian-Islamic Eschatology by Samuel, Ph.D. Shahid
Unleashing the beast: How a fanatical islamic dictator will form a ten-nation coalition and terrorize the world for forty-two months by Perry Stone
Contemporary Muslim Apocalyptic Literature (Religion and Politics) by David Cook
Islam and the Jews: The Unfinished Battle by Mark A., Ph.D. Gabriel
The Challenge of Islam to Christians by David Pawson
The Prophetic Fall of the Islamic Regime by Glenn Miller, Roger Loomis
Prophet of Doom : Islam's Terrorist Dogma in Muhammad's Own Words by Craig Winn
The False Prophet by Ellis H. Skolfield
The Approach of Armageddon: An Islamic Perspective by Muhammad Hisham Kabbani
The Cube and the Cathedral: Europe, America, and Politics Without God by George Weigel
Infiltration : How Muslim Spies and Subversives have Penetrated Washington by Paul Sperry
Unholy Alliance : Radical Islam and the American Left by David Horowitz
Unveiling Islam : An Insider's Look at Muslim Life and Beliefs by Ergun Mehmet Caner
Perfect Soldiers : The Hijackers: Who They Were, Why They Did It by Terry McDermott
Islam Revealed A Christian Arab's View Of Islam by Anis Shorrosh
Leaving Islam: Apostates Speak Out by Ibn Warraq
The Origins of the Koran: Classic Essays on Islam's Holy Book by Ibn Warraq
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The History of Jihad site is brought to you by a panel of contributors. This site is coordinated by Robin MacArthur with Mahomet Mostapha and Naim al Khoury, New Jersey.
Other contributors to this site include professors and members of the faculty from the Universities of Stanford and Michigan (Ann Arbor), Kansas State University, Ohio State University, and the London School of Economics. We strongly suggest that this site be recommended as additional reading for students of Islamic History.
History of Jihad is against all forms of fanaticism – religious and non-religious. But the emotional appeal of non-religious fanaticism like Nazism, Fascism or Communism is not as pervasive as that of the religious fanaticism. When fanaticism and religion are mixed, we have a very potent and dangerous brew that can sustain itself for centuries unlike non-religious fanaticisms like Nazism and Communism which die out when the ringleaders are defeated.
While all forms of religious fanaticism are negative, Islam is the most vicious and the most pressing danger we face today. This site is dedication to expose the danger of Islam. We support other people taking similar efforts against other religion posing smaller threats.
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