samedi 9 février 2019

Islam Watch Articles 2005-2006

Raped in Oslo  - Fjordman [18 Dec, 2006]
Islam's Apartheid  - Amil Imani  [18 Dec, 2006]
War Without End: A Brief History of the Muslim Conquests   - T. David Curp  [03 Dec, 2006]
The Forgiven Sins of Islam - Mumin Salih [24 November, 2006]
The Complexity in Iraq  - Mac [20 Nov, 2006]
Democracy’s Problems with Islam   - Amil Imani [18 November, 2006]
An Account From Hell  - Mumin Salih [14 November, 2006]
A Tribute to a Muslim Genius  - Sujit Das [12 November, 2006]
Holding Islam to Account [7 Nov, 2006]
Dr. Yunus is My Messenger, too  - Ys. Akram Hosain  [03 Nov, 2006]
An Unholy Alliance  - Sher Khan [29 October, 2006]
Muhammad says himself..
I Have Lost Count! And You?  - Peace Forever  [22 October, 2006]
ISLAM: IS IT A RELIGION OF PEACE? - Andrew J. Stunich [20 October, 2006]
A Letter from an Animal  - Shabana Muhammad [15 October, 2006]
Things Non-Offensive to Islam  - Paolo Bassi [14 October, 2006]
The Tragedy of Pim Fortuyn  - Stephen Hand
Islam Has Expired   - Amil Imani [10 October, 2006]
The Golden Rule   - Y. M.  [08 October, 2006]
The Truth about Islam  - CS Karlson  [08 October, 2006]
Where can I buy a brain?  - Shabana Muhammad [08 October, 2006]
A Vacuum with Nipples  - Sujit Das [03 October, 2006]
Madina Suras Saved Islam  - Ayesha Ahmed [03 October, 2006]
The Islam Conundrum - Amil Imani [02 October, 2006]
When Will Muslims Apologize? - Compiled by 'Patriotic Kiwi' [20 Sep, 2006]
Is Islamic Fascism a Slur?  - Amil Imani [24 September, 2006]
Proving the Pope Right  - Amil Imani [22 September, 2006]
Was the Pope Wrong?  - MA Khan [19 September, 2006]
The March of 'God's Army' - Slater Bakhtavar [14 September, 2006]
Slouching Towards Bethlehem  - Peter Fruchter  [08 September, 2006]
A Worthless Deity Who Lied!   -Mohammad Asghar  [18 August, 2006]
Challenge to Muslims  - Amil Imani  [26 August, 2006]
Homeland Security: Profiling  - Moc1  [24 August, 2006]
Islamic Fascism  - Tashbih Sayyed, PhD [22 August, 2006]
Is Wahabism Real Islam?  - Sher Khan [19 August, 2006]
Muslims and Air Travel  - Mumin Salih  [15 August, 2006]
It is Islam, dummy  - Amil Imani  [14 August, 2006]
A Fate Worse Than Death  - Sujit Das  [14 August, 2006]
Entrapped by Tolerance: Humanism in the Netherlands - Floris van den Berg [10 August, 2006]
Iran Mullahs' Aim - Amil Imani  [28 July , 2006]
The Would-Be Terrorist's Explosive Tell-All Tale - Faiza Saleh Ambah [24 July, 2006]
Islam, the Taxi Driver and My Six Pack - Louis [10 July, 2006]
The Muslims’ Dilemma - Mumin Salih [07 July, 2006]
Better late then never ─ An apostate speaks out - Crossedhat [07 July, 2006]
Is Islam Misrepresented? - Amil Imani  [02 July, 2006]
   [ Introduction ]
Rich Muslims Go to Heaven  - Amil Imani [27 June, 2006]
Six Pillars of Islam  - Sher Khan [19 June, 2006]
   • Offensive War to Spread Islam [10 June, 2006]
   • The Bloody History of Islam [14 June, 2006]
   • The Wars to spread Islam [19 June, 2006]
The Enlightenment - Sujit Das [15 June, 2006]
From Iran with Love - Sher Khan [04 June, 2006]
6 days - Mohammad Abdullah [29 May, 2006]
Carbon Copy - Mohammad Abdullah [29 May, 2006]
Mutt, Jeff, and Muhammad - RJ Hoffmann
Innovative Jihad - Ayesha Ahmed [06 May, 2006]
The Last Dance - Sher Khan [30 April, 2006]
My sweet Grandmother and the concept of "Najass" - Keyvan Shirazi [28 April, 2006]
Islam: A False Religion - Amil Imani [17 April, 2006]
1984  - Mohammad Abdullah [16 April, 2006]
The Image of the Prophet - Bill Cooke [10 April, 2006]
Allah in a Tomato - Sher Khan [08 April, 2006]
The Borders of Free Speech - RJ Hoffmann [07 April, 2006]
Why I Left Islam - I Raza  [07 April, 2006]

No To Political Islam - Azar Majedi [21 March, 2006]
Cruel Affection - Isaac Schrödinger [07 March, 2006]
MANIFESTO: Together facing the new totalitarianism - Salman Rushdie, Ibn Warraq & other Ex-Muslims
An Ex-Muslim's Warning - An ex-Muslim [28 February, 2006]
March for Free Expression - Voltaire [24 Feb, 2006]
America: The Last Frontier - Amil Imani  [14 February, 2006]
Islam - the fastest growing religion! - Letter from Stahl [12 February, 2006]
Hush-hush Cartoons - Sher Khan  [10 February, 2006]
Democracy in a Cartoon - Ibn Warraq  [04 January, 2006]
What Is Islam Actually? - Imran Hossain [29 January, 2006]
Why Truce and Not Peace? - Showan Khurshid  [28 January, 2006]
Treaty or Trickery? - Sher Khan  [14 January, 2006]
Refuting Dr Naik's Claim of Jihad in Bhagwad Gita - Aman Garg  [14 January, 2006]
My Testimony  - Khaled Waleed  [13 January, 2006]
Islamic Morality - Anwar Sheikh  [12 January, 2006]
Biography of Muhammad - Ahmed Simon [12 January, 2006]
What Muslims Learn - Isaac Schrödinger  [11 January, 2006]
The Narcissistic Allah - Faiyaz Taffakur  [06 January, 2006]
A Contract with Allah Mumin Salih [03 January, 2005]
Islam's fanatical one percent - Mohammad Habash  [29 December, 2006]
Why Does the Muslim World Lag in Science? - Middle East Quarterly  [27/12/2005]
Buraq' ride in London - Sher Khan [27 December, 2005]
Women and Islam - Mohammad Asghar [19  December, 2005]
Undermining the War at Home - Walid Phares  [19 December, 2005]

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