June 27, 2010
Mandel - THE
Reading the reports on the state of newspapers today, and following the New
Media revolution, you couldn't be blamed for thinking advertising and the
riddle of the online paywall are the media's most pressing challenges.
Such is life, and worry, in a free country.
reality, while newspapers are struggling in the West (from 2007-2009, the
industry's revenue dropped by 30 percent in the U.S., according to the OECD),
journalists elsewhere in the world -- especially in repressive states -- put
their lives on the line. It is this combination -- falling revenue and the
constant threat of death -- that has pushed Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury's
newspaper to the brink.
paper, The Weekly Blitz , is published out of Bangladesh. When it was founded
in 2003, advertising revenue wasn't an issue. But as soon as the Blitz started
publishing pro-Israel editorials, local businesses in this Muslim country
immediately started shunning the paper. Later that year, Choudhury was arrested
at the airport heading to a writer's conference in Tel Aviv, tortured for 10
days, and kept in solitary confinement for 17 months at a Dhaka prison.
He is still on trial for sedition, blasphemy, and treason, for which he would
be executed if found guilty.
speaks eloquently about the fight against radical Islam and the moral
imperative of supporting Israel. He is an unabashed Zionist, which many of our
readers -- who filled a room in November 2009 to hear him speak -- know well.
In that
speech, Choudhury mentioned that the police protection he was finally granted
after the intervention of the U.S. Congress -- most notably Rep. Mark Kirk
(R-Ill.) -- has been removed. As if on cue, six weeks after Choudhury gave that
speech in New Brunswick, armed robbers broke into his home. The commotion woke
the neighbors, and the men fled.
incidents have become routine, unfortunately, though Choudhury refuses to flee
Bangladesh or convert out of Islam. "I remain important to the Muslims because
I am a Muslim," Choudhury said back in November. "The moment I become
an ex-Muslim, it makes no difference. If you want to reform a class, you need
to be a member of the club. I am a member of Islam and I demand a reform in
Islam... preaching hate is not the Islam that I follow; the Islam I follow is
where I can embrace a Jew as a brother."
He has
always been frank about his Zionism. "Today, Israel is suffering, tomorrow
the world will suffer," he told me when we first met. Israel, he said,
"is a land blessed by God. And God will protect his land."
And it
goes without saying that bravery has never been a weakness for him. But now he
is in the position of needing our help. It can't be easy for him to ask for it,
but it should be easy for us to answer the call. A wealthy businessman in
Bangladesh recently offered to buy Choudhury's paper for a generous sum, but
Choudhury knows the man's intention: to silence one of the few pro-Israel,
pro-Western voices in the East. Choudhury declined, choosing principles over
"But, now, our very sustainability has become almost impossible,"
Choudhury wrote in a message to readers. "Each month, we are losing [a]
huge amount of money in continuing the print and online edition of this
newspaper. For any newspaper, it is absolutely impossible to sustain without
any advertisement revenue." He included the email address: ediblitz
[at] at which he could be contacted by those willing to help.
will get no help whatsoever from his fellow countrymen, who at best ignore him
and at worst wish the government would end his troublemaking once and for all.
So he needs the West to step up to the plate. Jewish organizations should do
what Choudhury's close friend Richard Benkin did when he first heard Choudhury
was in danger. Benkin references the one-word response Moses gave God when he
was called from the burning bush: Hineni -- here I am.
Advertising revenue would be great, though a grant would be even better. We are
blessed with philanthropists aplenty, and Israel has no more courageous
defender than Choudhury. This is the first time he has ever made such an
appeal. It has been two weeks since Choudhury published that request, and, he
told me, "the situation is still unchanged. Weekly Blitz is in the very worst
economic constraint."
I stand before you, the people of Bangladesh and in fact the entire Muslim
world as a witness; a witness that Israelis want above all else peace and
justice," Choudhury was to say in that speech prepared, but never delivered,
to the writer's conference in Tel Aviv. "And those who spread false rumors
to the contrary around the world, and especially in Muslim countries, are,
frankly, either deluded or dishonest. I also stand before you perhaps as a
living contradiction: a Zionist, a defender of Israel, and a devout, practicing
Muslim, living in a Muslim country."
needs such fire more than anything; yet this flame is in danger of being
snuffed out. "Please pray for us," Choudhury told me this week. We
should, and we will. But if all we can do is pray, we haven't done enough.
Seth Mandel is the managing editor of The Jewish State.
June 21, 2010
On Thursday evening, June 17th, members of Stand With Us, the pro-Israel
student advocacy organization staged a raucous demonstration outside The House of
the Lord Church on Atlantic Avenue in downtown Brooklyn, as they confronted the
allegations leveled against Israel in its role in the May 31st commando raid on
the "Free Gaza Flotilla" ship, the Marvi Marmara. The former Turkish
MP and IHH activist Ahmet Faruk Unsal who had been scheduled to speak was
denied access to the USA, however Viva Palestina organizer Kevin Ovenden and
filmmaker Lara Lee, who claim they were passengers on the ship, took the podium
to spew forth invective against Israel for the attack that left nine Turkish
terrorist nationals dead.
Sponsored by a litany of anti-Israel and pro-Hamas organizations such as
Al-Awda-New York: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, the Muslim American
Society, American Muslims For Palestine, NYC Labor Against the War,
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, the Arab Muslim American Federation,
Labor For Palestine, Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine, Action for a
Progressive Pakistan, and the ANSWER Coalition among others, the speakers called
for "an international war crimes" tribunal to be established in order
to bring Israel to "justice" for what they perceive as an act of
"piracy and murder".
Approximately 40 member of Stand With Us and other concerned citizens stood
directly across the street from the church holding aloft signs saying,
"Humanitarian Aid Workers Don't Carry Knives, Axes and Metal Bars",
"Israel: We Stand With You” and "Shame on Turkey" while chanting
"Terrorists - Yes; Humanitarians - No". Clearly, the implications of
the demonstrators was that the Turkish sponsored flotilla, under the aegis of
the IHH, which stands for the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and
Humanitarian Relief, is not an Islamic charity but rather a group with direct
links to terrorist organizations.
According to news reports, Turkish security forces, in 1998, raided the IHH’s
headquarters in Istanbul and found weapons, explosives, instructions for making
IEDs and a flag with a jihad message. As former French counter-terrorism
magistrate, Jean-Louis Bruguière, who was involved in the raid, has explained:
“It was clearly proven that some of the NGO’s work was not charity. It was to
provide a facade for moving funds, weapons and mujahedeen to and from Bosnia
and Afghanistan.”
The IHH is also a member of the Saudi-based umbrella organization, the Union of
Good (Ittilaf al-Kheir), led by Sheikh Yusuf Quaradawi, who is considered the
spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. Every year the Union of Good, whose
top officials include Hamas members, channels millions of dollars to
Hamas-controlled organizations in the West Bank and Gaza.
Avi Posnick, the local chapter leader of Stand With Us said, "We are here
today to counter the bald faced lies and egregious propaganda that are being
hurled against Israel inside this church. Based on video and personal
testimonies, Israel has been exonerated from any wrongdoing but these speakers,
who allege to be humanitarians, but are just the opposite; choose not to look
at the truth. Israel did not randomly kill "innocent” people aboard the
Marvi Marmara but rather defended herself against terrorists with the intent to
kill Israeli commandos and with the intent of smuggling weapons to Hamas forces
in Gaza."
Referencing a June 15th article by Jerusalem Post reporter Caroline Glick in
which she wrote: "Led by US President Barack Obama, the West has cast its
lot with Hamas against Israel. It is not surprising that Obama is siding with
Hamas. His close associates are leading members of the pro-Hamas Free Gaza outfit.
Obama's friends, former Weatherman Underground terrorists Bernadine Dohrn and
William Ayres participated in a Free Gaza trip to Egypt in January. Their aim
was to force the Egyptians to allow them into Gaza with 1,300 fellow Hamas
supporters. Their mission was led by Code Pink leader and Obama fundraiser
Jodie Evans. Another leading member of Free Gaza is former US senator from
South Dakota James Abourezk. All of these people have open lines of
communication not only to the Obama White House, but to Obama himself",
New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind who represents the 48th assembly district
in Boro Park and was present at the demonstration said, "I am not at all
surprised. Obama has created a political atmosphere that not only endangers
Israel but the entire Western world."
"My question is: Where are all the Zionist organizations? Where are all
the pulpit rabbis? Why aren't they here today and why don't we hear their
collective voices of outrage and indignation against the Obama administration's
pressure on Israel to empanel an investigative committee to find out what
really happened on the Marvi Marmara, when we all know that the State of Israel
was being attacked by terrorists? Why isn't the Zionist leadership, especially
here in New York organizing rallies and demonstrations against the nefarious
policies of this administration as it pertains to Israel?" Assemblyman
Hikind declared.
Citing the abject silence on the part of his colleagues in the Democratic
party, Hikind intoned, "We can expect little or nothing in terms of strong
opposition to Obama's Middle East agenda from our elected officials in the
Democratic party. Their reluctance to voice their concern about Israel's
predicament speaks volumes about their allegiance to partisan politics and
their repudiation of the concerns of their constituencies."
Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury
When we started our journey, back in 2003, as one of the periodicals in
Bangladesh, no one really had any problems with us. We even were receiving
advertisements from the local advertisers. But, during mid 2003, when we
started publishing positive articles and editorials on Israel and some other
issues, which were almost considered to be taboo in Bangladesh, local
advertisers swiftly turned away their faces from us.
Then I
was arrested on November 29 2003, at Dhaka International Airport, on my way to
Tel Aviv for attending a peace conference. The then Bangladesh Nationalist
Party [BNP]-led Islamist government used the state machinery in placing me on
remand for 10 days, thus mentally and physically torturing with the 'hope' of
extracted a confessional statement. They considered me to be a Zionist Spy.
the government sent to an isolated cell at Dhaka Central Jail, where I was
detained for 17 months in extreme hit and humidity.
In 2004 [January], the government brought sedition, treason and blasphemy
charges against me. According to Bangladeshi law, sedition bears capital
I was not allowed to attend my mother's funeral when she passed away on August
9, 2004.
At the intervention of Congressman Mark Steven Kirk and relentless effort by
Dr. Richard L Benkin [my Jewish brother] as well as Congressional aide Jeff
Phillip, I was released on bail on April 30, 2005 from Dhaka Central Jail.
The sedition, treason and blasphemy charge is still hanging on me and every
month I have to appear in the court to face trial. Though Bangladesh's present
government is renewing its commitment in fighting Islamist militancy, it is
reluctant in dropping the charge, fearing reaction from the Islamists.
On my release, Weekly Blitz resumed its publication in 2005 and since then, we
never received even a single advertisement in our print edition. Only two or
three advertisements were offered by some philanthropists and my supporters
with a small amount of money, which is again not enough for Weekly Blitz to
sustain for a week. But, still, my profound gratitude and admiration for those
kind hearted people, who stood for us, during our difficult days.
From the mid of 2008, Weekly Blitz is again seeing extreme adversities in
continuing its publication. In the same year, our office was attacked and we
were evicted from our own office, illegally by some politically blessed thugs.
Thanks to Dr. Daniel Pipes and Middle East Forum, for helping us in taking a
new office just in May this year. The entire amount received from MEF has
already been spent for the new office and furniture.
Sensing our inability and economic adversities in running Weekly Blitz, a
business tycoon with heavy affiliation with an Islamist party offered to buy
the entire newspaper with an amount equivalent to US$ 300K. They even continued
to offer us much higher amount, if we were ready to sell the newspaper. We knew
they were planning to buy Weekly Blitz for turning it into a newspaper like all
others in the Muslim nation, mostly spreading message of hatred against Israel
and Jews. Their intention was to morally kill our newspaper. We did not bow to
such dirty desire of the Islamists.
But, now, our very sustainability has become almost impossible. Each month, we
are losing huge amount of money in continuing the print and online edition of
this newspaper. For any newspaper, it is absolutely impossible to sustain
without any advertisement revenue.
Can we expect, some of the philanthropists or organizations, who want this only
anti-Jihadist newspaper in the Muslim world to sustain, would kindly help us
with advertisements or grants? Such help is so much urgent for us. And, this is
for the first time; we are making this appeal.
Please help us! And also refer our appeal to everyone you know. This is such
critical time for us. Your actions and help can help us stay alive. If you are
willing to help Weekly Blitz, kindly write to:
You can
kindly send cheques or wire transfer the amount of Advertisement Cost, Grant or
Donation. Also you can donate through Paypal by visiting the website of the
online edition of Weekly Blitz at
Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury
America is defined by the last phrase of its national anthem: The land of the
free and the home of the brave. Freedom, in all its forms, is its greatest
legacy, which the nation has bravely fought many wars on many fronts to
preserve against the unceasing assaults of totalitarianism of all stripes. Time
and again, the heroes of the nation bravely sacrificed their lives to protect
freedom and liberty.
Currently, America is faced with the insidious, multifaceted, and most deadly
threat of Islamism. Since Islam has been around for centuries, there is a
tendency to ignore or even deny the threat it poses to humanity. Various
concessions are made, some of them as good faith offerings and some in the hope
of placating the Islamists. Yet, concessions to threats are appeasements. And
appeasements have never solved any problems. They only whet the appetite of the
aggressor, give it more power, and make it even more dangerous.
Very unfortunately, in today’s world, Islamists [including political Islam] are
set as Islam’s locomotive that takes the Islamic train on its demolition
course. Instead of promoting peace, many of the so-called leaders of the
‘Muslim Ummah’ are engaged in fuelling Jihad and killing innocent people in the
name of religion. And sadly, such elements are gradually growing influence
everywhere in the world as well brainwashing some of the naïve global leaders
like Barack Hussain Obama, who continues to appease Islamists without sensing
the degree of threat it poses to his very own country.
Islam and democracy are incompatible. As democracies practice their magnificent
accommodating belief, they knowingly or unknowingly lay the track for the
advancing train wrecking that is Islam. Radical Islamism threatens to set a new
record for brutality, contrary to the contention that there is no reason to
worry about it. Jihadist Wahabism’s tentacles are reaching out from its cradle
in Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf Arab Emirates. The Petrodollar flush
Sunni-Shia zealots are liberally financing mosques, Madrassas [Islamic
indoctrination schools], Islamic centers at universities, front organizations
and lobbyists to promote the Wahhabi or Shiite virulent Islamism in every part
of America. That makes America the Vulnerable.
Activities of Tablighi Jamaat is gradually increasing in United States, and
according to recent statistics disclosed during last year’s largest Tablighi
congregations in Bangladesh, more than four hundred Tablighi groups are
actively working in various so-called community mosques or in disguise mostly
targeting young Americans with the goal of converting them initially to Islam
and later giving them Jihadist provocations.
What is Tablighi jamaat?
Tablighi Jamaat [Conveying Group] is a Muslim missionary and revival movement.
Their activities are not limited to the Deobandi community.
Leaders of Tablighi Jamaat claim that the movement is strictly non-political in
nature, with the main aim of the participants being to work at the grass roots
level and reaching out to all Muslims of the world for spiritual development.
Tablighi Jamat seeks to revitalize Muslims around the world. It is claimed that
their ideology and practices are in strict accordance with Qur'an and Sunnah.
Despite their affiliation and influence of the prominent scholars of Deoband,
they do not focus any particular sect or community. It gathers its members and
aids in community activities such as mosque building and education.
Tabligh maintains an international headquarters, the Markaz, in Nizamuddin,
Delhi and has several national headquarters to coordinate its activities in
over 80 countries. Throughout its history it has sent its members to travel the
world, preaching a message of peace and tolerance. It organizes preachers in
groups [called Jamaats, meaning Assembly]. Each group, on average, consists of
10 to 12 Muslims who fund themselves in this preaching mission.
The second largest gathering of Muslims after the Hajj [the pilgrimage to
Mecca] is known as Bishwa Ijtema, a non political gathering of Muslims from all
over the world hosted by the leaders of "International Tabligh
Jama'at". It takes place in Tongi which is on the outskirts of Dhaka,
The Tablighi Jamaat was founded in the late 1920s by the well known scholar
Maulana Ilyas [Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Kandhelvi] in the Mewat province of
India. The inspiration for devoting his life to Islam came to Ilyas during his
second pilgrimage to the Hejaz in 1926. Maulana Ilyas put forward the slogan,
'Come O Muslims! Be Muslims'. This expressed the central focus of Tablighi
Jamat, which has been renewing Muslim society by renewing Muslim practice in
those it feels have lost their desire to devote themselves to Allah and the
Islamic prophet, Muhammad.
Maulana Ilyas was a prominent member of the movement and throughout Tabligh's
history there has been a degree of association between scholars of Deoband and
Tablighi Jamat. Tabligh was formed at a time in India when some Muslim leaders
feared that Indian Muslims were losing their Muslim identity to the majority
Hindu culture.
In 1978, construction of the Tablighi mosque in Dewsbury, England commenced.
Subsequently, the mosque became the European headquarters of Tablighi Jamaat.
Ameer [Emir] or Zimmadar are titles of leadership in the movement. The first
Ameer, also the founder, was Maulana Ilyas [1885-1944], second was his son
Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Kandhalawi and the third was Maulana Inaam ul Hasan. Now
there is a shura which includes two leaders: Maulana Zubair ul Hasan and
Maulana Saad Kandhalawi. In Pakistan the duties of the Ameer are being served
by Haji Abdulwahhab. Maulana Muhammad Zakariya al-Kandahlawi is also among the
prestigious personalities of the Jamaat, as he compiled the famous book
With the ascent of Maulana Yusuf, Ilyas´ son, as its second emir (leader), the
group began to expand activities in 1946, and within two decades the group
reached Southwest and Southeast Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America.
Initially it expanded its reach to South Asian diaspora communities, first in
Arab countries then in Southeast Asia. Once established, the Tablighi Jamaat
began engaging local populations as well.
Although the movement first established itself in the United States, it
established a large presence in Europe during the 1970s and 1980s. It was
especially prominent in France during the 1980s. The members of Tablighi Jamat
are also represented in the French Council of the Muslim Faith. Tabligh's
influence has grown, though, in the increasing Pakistani community in France,
which has doubled in the decade before 2008 to 50,000-60,000.
However, Britain is the current focus of the movement in the West, primarily
due to the large South Asian population that began to arrive there in the 1960s
and 1970s. By 2007, Tabligh members were situated at 600 of Britain's 1350
After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the movement made inroads into
Central Asia. As of 2007, it was estimated 10,000 Tablighi members could be
found in Kyrgyzstan alone.
By 2008 it had a presence in nearly 80 countries and had become a leading
revitalist movement. However, it maintains a presence in India, where at least
100 of its Jamaats go out from Markaz, the international headquarters, to
different parts of India and overseas.
There are many celebrated personalities associated with this movement:
These include the former Presidents of Pakistan, Muhammad Rafiq Tarar and
Farooq Leghari [Sardar Farooq Ahmed Khan Leghari], and former President of
India, Dr. Zakir Hussain who was also associated with this movement. Major
General Ziaur Rahman, former President and Chief of Army Staff of the
Bangladesh Army, was a strong supporter and member of Tablighi Jamaat, and
popularized it in Bangladesh.
Lieutenant General [R] Javed Nasir of the Pakistan Army and former head of
Inter-Services Intelligence along with former Prime Minister of Pakistan,
General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq have also been linked with the movement.
Other well-known politicians such as Dr. Arbab Ghulam Rahim the former chief
mininster of Sindh, and Muhammad Ijaz-ul-Haq, former Pakistani Federal Minister
for Religious Affairs have strong ties with the Tablighi activities.
Many well-recognized writers and scholars, such as Dr. Nadir Ali Khan [famous
Indian writer] and others are deeply related with it.
Among Pakistani cricket professionals, Shahid Afridi, Saqlain Mushtaq,
Inzamam-ul-Haq, Mushtaq Ahmed; and the former Pakistani cricketers Saeed Anwar,
Saleem Malik are active members. It is also widely believed that Pakistani
middle order batsman Mohammad Yousuf embraced Islam with the help of the
Tablighi Jamaat. Others include South African batsman Hashim Amla.
This movement also includes eminent directors and producers including Naeem
Former renowned singer and pop star Junaid Jamshed has close links with Jamaat,
and his departure from professional singing career is attributed as the result
of his inclination towards this movement.
Many famed actors and models including Moin Akhter, Hammad Khan Jadoon and many
others are strongly affiliated with the movement.
Several business men, industrialists, millionaires are actively serving in the
Tablighi Jamaat terror connection:
Policy analysts and Islamist scholars are fiercely divided in their assessments
of Tablighi Jamaat, an Islamic revivalist organization that has spread from its
origins in India in the 1920s to the broader Muslim world.
Policy communities, for their part, have depicted the Tablighi Jamaat as a
"gateway to terrorism" and contend that the organization poses
numerous, underestimated security risks. The group appeared peripherally in
such high-profile cases as those of Jose Padilla, Richard Reid and John Walker
Lindh, all of whom allegedly used the group as their stepping stone to
radicalism. However, the Islamic studies community tends to depict Tablighi Jamaat,
which roughly translates to "group to deliver the message of Islam,"
as a revivalist organization that eschews politics in its quest to reform
society. What accounts for these starkly different accounts, and how can one
resolve some of the deeply perplexing questions surrounding this important and
secretive organization?
In an attempt to better understand this movement and its social, political, and
potential security implications, the Center for Conflict Analysis and
Prevention at the U.S. Institute of Peace hosted Eva Borreguero, visiting
Fulbright Scholar at Georgetown University´s Center for Muslim-Christian
Understanding, to present some of the key findings of her ongoing research on
the Tablighi Jamaat. This talk drew on Borreguero´s recent fieldwork in India
and Pakistan, two important centers for the Tablighi Jamaat. This
USIPeaceBrieing highlights Borreguero´s arguments, as well as some of the
important issues that arose during the discussion that followed her
Tablighi Jamaat: Gateway to Terrorism?
In Britain, France, and the United States, the Tablighi Jamaat has appeared on
the fringes of several terrorism investigations, leading some to speculate that
its apolitical stance simply masks "fertile ground for breeding
terrorism." While acknowledging the involvement of the movement´s
individuals, Borreguero discounted the claims made against the organization
Borreguero began her assessment by providing an historical overview of this
complex movement. Maulana Muhammad Ilyas founded the Tablighi Jamaat in 1925,
against the backdrop of the British Empire and a waning Muslim identity in
South Asia. Believing that social, political, and economic hardships beset
Muslims in India, Ilyas sought a return to a pristine form of Islam from the
heterodox variants flourishing in South Asia. For nearly two decades, the
Tablighi Jamaat operated mainly within South Asia. With the ascent of Maulana
Yusuf, Ilyas´ son, as its second emir [leader], the group began to expand
activities in 1946, and within two decades the group reached Southwest and
Southeast Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America. Initially it expanded its
reach to South Asian diaspora communities, first in Arab countries then in
Southeast Asia. Once established, the Tablighi Jamaat began engaging local
populations as well. Although the group first established itself in the United
States, Britain is the current locus of the group in the West, primarily due to
the large South Asian population that began to arrive there in the 1960s and
Structure, Composition, and Work:
Despite its secretive nature, Borreguero offered some insights into the
organizational structure of the Tablighi Jamaat. The general conception of the
group is of a nebulous collection of loosely affiliated, itinerate jamaats.
While this is one major component of the group, there is a fixed, hierarchical
network of elders and mosques, and the two components do overlap. According to
Borreguero, the core of the organization is comprised of "full-time"
Tablighis who comprise the shura [council] and who are usually the elders of
the mosques affiliated with the group.
In addition to this core, there are the traveling Tablighis who undertake
proselytizing missions over varying durations. Formed into jamaats of
approximately ten people, these Tablighis’ missions last three days, forty
days, four months, or one year. The jamaat’s destination and desired area of
focus generally determines the length of these missions. Those who go for three
days concentrate on a local city, while a jamaat traveling for a month will do
so throughout their country. The longer tours of four months to one year
generally take the Tablighis abroad.
During these tours, the jamaat—under the leadership of its emir—stays at a
local mosque, which serves as its base for the duration. Four or five members
of the group conduct daily ghast, during which they visit neighborhoods [or
neighborhoods with large Muslim populations if in a non-Muslim country] and
homes, asking the men of the household to attend mosque for Maghrib [sunset]
prayers. Those who attend are offered the dawa [invitation] as the Tablighis
outline their six principles and encourage attendees to form their own jamaat.
Members voluntarily work for the organization and there is no registration process
in the group. Participants are free to leave the movement at any time.
Consequently, Tablighi Jamaat has a loose, informal recruitment process and
attracts members of varying commitment. For example, some members only engage
in group activities episodically, while others will do so annually. All of
these factors contribute to the uncertainty regarding Tablighi Jamaat´s
membership numbers.
Tablighis in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh have competing claims as to which
comprises the movement’s international headquarters. Those in India contend
that Nizamuddin [India] is the base, since the movement grew out of the Deoband
school of Islam and it is in Delhi that the group was founded. However, elders
in Raiwind [Pakistan] and Tongi [Bangladesh] dispute Nizamuddin’s final
authority, citing their countries´ majority Muslim populations and claiming
that the organization can operate more openly.
South Asia is by far the most significant region for the group, with Mecca and
Medina also serving as important geographical symbols. The organization is
diverse and includes persons from nearly every sector of society across the
countries of South Asia and beyond. Within South Asia, members of the
lower-middle class and the business community have joined the group and some
members even hold government posts. In the West, second and third generation
Muslim diaspora make up the main pool of Tablighis. This demographic usually
has little knowledge of Islam but are also not fully assimilated to culture in
the West. According to Borreguero, the Tablighi Jamaat "is a source of
re-Islamization that provides an alternative to religious institutions."
These individuals tend to be well-educated, multilingual, and have lived in
both the West and a Muslim country. She noted that the Tablighi Jamaat also has
some appeal to marginal members of society [petty criminals, drug abusers, and
so on] who are looking for a renewed identity that submerges them in a
community of piety.
Keys to the Success of the Tablighi Jamaat:
Borreguero sees several salient features which explain the Tablighi Jamaat´s
successful transformation from a local South Asian movement into a robust
transnational phenomenon, including its simple message, its non-political
character, the authority of its leadership, and its policy of secrecy.
Outstanding Concerns:
Borreguero addressed the persistent question of how a group so devoted to
proselytizing a pristine form of Islam and inner spiritual transformation can
coexist with modern society, and specifically whether such a group warrants
scrutiny because of its revivalist beliefs.
While recognizing the numerous reports that link Tablighi Jamaat to militancy
in various forms, her fieldwork yielded little evidence to support the most
sweeping of these claims. During her interviews with Tablighis, they tended not
to opine on politics. However, she conceded that for some Tablighis—as
individuals—this might not be enough. She claimed that there is no evidence
thus far that the group as a whole is involved with militant groups, such as
Jaish-e-Mohammed and Lashkar-e-Taiba in Pakistan, while acknowledging the
potential role that individual Tablighis may have played in them. She claimed
that the Tablighi Jamaat remains neutral on these groups, neither condemning
nor supporting their actions.
To some analysts, this neutrality is enough to make them culpable. Borreguero
admits that militant groups may try to infiltrate the Tablighi Jamaat in order
to gain a cover for obtaining visas and traveling abroad. Also, individual
members may come to find that the movement’s principles are too apolitical and
neutral for their liking. Members of militant groups often attend the Tablighi
Jamaat´s Ijtima [congregation] in Raiwind, where they hand out recruitment
pamphlets. It is thus possible that a flame sparked and fueled by Tabligh could
begin to burn out of control.
Borreguero, however, stressed that once this extreme position is taken, the
individual relinquishes his or her membership to the Tablighi Jamaat. She also
believes that any overt connection with these groups is not in the best
interest of the Tablighi Jamaat. As stated above, the movement’s neutrality
allows cordial relations with authorities, or at least keeps them from
incurring official harassment. Any collusion with militant outfits would likely
invite official proscription, especially in Western societies.
While much light was shed on the Tablighi Jamaat, many questions still remain.
To some, its official secrecy and peripheral links to some nefarious
individuals have nullified its choice to remain outside politics. But, as
scholar Barbara Metcalf writes, "Islamic movements [like the Tablighi
Jamaat] may have many goals and offer a range of social, moral, and spiritual
satisfactions that are positive and not merely a reactionary rejection of
modernity or ´the West.´ Quite simply, these movements may, in the end, have
much less to do with ´us´ than is often thought." Borreguero´s insights
provided a gateway to better assess the group´s motives and machinations. It
may well be that the study of the Tablighi Jamaat as an apolitical
traditionalist movement gives an alternate lens through which security concerns
over Islamist groups´ hostility toward the West can be viewed.
Every fall, over a million almost identically dressed, bearded Muslim men from
around the world descend on the small Pakistani town of Raiwind for a three-day
celebration of faith. Similar gatherings take place annually outside of Dhaka,
Bangladesh, and Bhopal, India. These pilgrims are no ordinary Muslims, though;
they belong to a movement called Tablighi Jamaat ["Proselytizing
Group"]. They are trained missionaries who have dedicated much of their
lives to spreading Islam across the globe. The largest group of religious
proselytizers of any faith, they are part of the reason for the explosive
growth of Islamic religious fervor and conversion.
Despite its size, worldwide presence, and tremendous importance, Tablighi
Jamaat remains largely unknown outside the Muslim community, even to many
scholars of Islam. This is no coincidence. Tablighi Jamaat officials work to
remain outside of both media and governmental notice. Tablighi Jamaat neither
has formal organizational structure nor does it publish details about the scope
of its activities, its membership, or its finances. By eschewing open
discussion of politics and portraying itself only as a pietistic movement,
Tablighi Jamaat works to project a non-threatening image. Because of the
movement's secrecy, scholars often have no choice but to rely on explanations
from Tablighi Jamaat acolytes.
As a result, academics tend to describe the group as an apolitical devotional
movement stressing individual faith, introspection, and spiritual development.
The austere and egalitarian lifestyle of Tablighi missionaries and their
principled stands against social ills leads many outside observers to assume
that the group has a positive influence on society. Graham Fuller, a former CIA
official and expert on Islam, for example, characterized Tablighi Jamaat as a
"peaceful and apolitical preaching-to-the-people movement." Barbara
Metcalf, a University of California scholar of South Asian Islam, called
Tablighi Jamaat "an apolitical, quietist movement of internal grassroots
missionary renewal" and compares its activities to the efforts to reshape
individual lives by Alcoholics Anonymous. Olivier Roy, a prominent authority on
Islam at Paris's prestigious Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique,
described Tablighi Jamaat as "completely apolitical and law abiding."
Governments normally intolerant of independent movements often make an
exception for Tablighi Jamaat. The Bangladeshi prime minister and top political
leadership, many of whom are Islamists, regularly attend their rallies, and
Pakistani military officers, many of whom are sympathetic to militant Islam,
even allow Tablighi missionaries to preach in the barracks.
Yet, the Pakistani experience strips the patina from Tablighi Jamaat's façade.
Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif [1990-93; 1997-99], whose father was a
prominent Tablighi member and financier, helped Tablighi members take prominent
positions. For example, in 1998, Muhammad Rafique Tarar took the ceremonial
presidency while, in 1990, Javed Nasir assumed the powerful
director-generalship of the Inter-Services Intelligence, Pakistan's chief
intelligence agency. When Benazir Bhutto, less sympathetic to Islamist causes,
returned to the premiership in 1993, Tablighis conspired to overthrow her
government. In 1995, the Pakistani army thwarted a coup attempt by several
dozen high-ranking military officers and civilians, all of whom were members of
the Tablighi Jamaat and some of whom also held membership in Harakat
ul-Mujahideen, a U.S. State Department-defined terrorist organization. Some of
the confusion over Tablighi Jamaat's apolitical characterization derives from
the fact that the movement does not consider individual states to be
legitimate. They may not become actively involved in internal politics or
disputes over local issues, but, from a philosophical and transnational perspective,
the Tablighi Jamaat's millenarian philosophy is very political indeed.
According to the French Tablighi expert Marc Gaborieau, its ultimate objective
is nothing short of a "planned conquest of the world" in the spirit
of jihad.
Origins and Ideology:
The prominent Deobandi cleric and scholar Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Kandhalawi
[1885-1944] launched Tablighi Jamaat in 1927 in Mewat, India, not far from
Delhi. From its inception, the extremist attitudes that characterize Deobandism
permeated Tablighi philosophy. Ilyas's followers were intolerant of other
Muslims and especially Shi´ites, let alone adherents of other faiths. Indeed,
part of Ilyas's impetus for founding Tablighi Jamaat was to counter the inroads
being made by Hindu missionaries. They rejected modernity as antithetical to
Islam, excluded women, and preached that Islam must subsume all other
religions. The creed grew in importance after Pakistani military dictator Zia
ul-Haq encouraged Deobandis to Islamize Pakistan.
The Tablighi Jamaat canon is bare-boned. Apart from the Qu'ran, the only
literature Tablighis are required to read are the Tablighi Nisab, seven essays
penned by a companion of Ilyas in the 1920s. Tablighi Jamaat is not a monolith:
one subsection believes they should pursue jihad through conscience [jihad bin
nafs] while a more radical wing advocates jihad through the sword [jihad bin
saif]. But, in practice, all Tablighis preach a creed that is hardly
distinguishable from the radical Wahhabi-Salafi jihadist ideology that so many
terrorists share.
Part of the reason why the Tablighi Jamaat leadership can maintain such strict
secrecy is its dynastic flavor. All Tablighi Jamaat leaders since Ilyas have
been related to him by either blood or marriage. Upon Ilyas' 1944 death, his
son, Maulana Muhammad Yusuf [1917-65], assumed leadership of the movement,
dramatically expanding its reach and influence.
Following the partition of India, Tablighi Jamaat spread rapidly in the new
Muslim nation of Pakistan. Yusuf and his successor, Inamul Hassan [1965-95],
transformed Tablighi Jamaat into a truly transnational movement with a renewed
emphasis targeting conversion of non-Muslims, a mission the movement continues
to the present day.
While few details are known about the group's structure, at the top sits the
emir who, according to some observers, presides over a shura [Council], which
plays an advisory role. Further down are individual country organizations. By
the late 1960s, Tablighi Jamaat had not only established itself in Western
Europe and North America but even claimed adherents in countries like Japan,
which has no significant Muslim population.
The movement's rapid penetration into non-Muslim regions began in the 1970s and
coincides with the establishment of a synergistic relationship between Saudi
Wahhabis and South Asian Deobandis. While Wahhabis are dismissive of other
Islamic schools, they single out Tablighi Jamaat for praise, even if they
disagree with some of its practices, such as willingness to pray in mosques
housing graves. The late Sheikh ´Abd al ´Aziz ibn Baz, perhaps the most
influential Wahhabi cleric in the late twentieth century, recognized the
Tablighis good work and encouraged his Wahhabi brethren to go on missions with
them so that they can "guide and advise them." A practical result of
this cooperation has been large-scale Saudi financing of Tablighi Jamaat. While
Tablighi Jamaat in theory requires its missionaries to cover their own expenses
during their trips, in practice, Saudi money subsidizes transportation costs
for thousands of poor missionaries. While Tablighi Jamaat's financial
activities are shrouded in secrecy, there is no doubt that some of the vast
sums spent by Saudi organizations such as the World Muslim League on
proselytism benefit Tablighi Jamaat. As early as 1978, the World Muslim League
subsidized the building of the Tablighi mosque in Dewsbury, England, which has
since become the headquarters of Tablighi Jamaat in all of Europe. Wahhabi
sources have paid Tablighi missionaries in Africa salaries higher than the
European Union pays teachers in Zanzibar. In both Western Europe and the United
States, Tablighis operate interchangeably out of Deobandi and Wahhabi
controlled mosques and Islamic centers.
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing:
The West's misreading of Tablighi Jamaat actions and motives has serious
implications for the war on terrorism. Tablighi Jamaat has always adopted an
extreme interpretation of Sunni Islam, but in the past two decades, it has
radicalized to the point where it is now a driving force of Islamic extremism
and a major recruiting agency for terrorist causes worldwide. For a majority of
young Muslim extremists, joining Tablighi Jamaat is the first step on the road
to extremism. Perhaps 80 percent of the Islamist extremists in France come from
Tablighi ranks, prompting French intelligence officers to call Tablighi Jamaat
the "antechamber of fundamentalism." U.S. counterterrorism officials
are increasingly adopting the same attitude. "We have a significant
presence of Tablighi Jamaat in the United States," the deputy chief of the
FBI's international terrorism section said in 2003, "and we have found
that Al-Qaeda used them for recruiting now and in the past."
Recruitment methods for young jihadists are almost identical. After joining
Tablighi Jamaat groups at a local mosque or Islamic center and doing a few
local dawa [proselytism] missions, Tablighi officials invite star recruits to
the Tablighi center in Raiwind, Pakistan, for four months of additional
missionary training. Representatives of terrorist organizations approach the
students at the Raiwind center and invite them to undertake military training.
Most agree to do so.
Tablighi Jamaat has long been directly involved in the sponsorship of terrorist
groups. Pakistani and Indian observers believe, for instance, that Tablighi
Jamaat was instrumental in founding Harakat ul-Mujahideen. Founded at Raiwind
in 1980, almost all of the Harakat ul-Mujahideen's original members were
Tablighis. Famous for the December 1998 hijacking of an Air India passenger jet
and the May 8, 2002 murder of a busload of French engineers in Karachi, Harakat
members make no secret of their ties. "The two organizations together make
up a truly international network of genuine jihadi Muslims," one senior
Harakat ul-Mujahideen official said. More than 6,000 Tablighis have trained in
Harakat ul-Mujahideen camps. Many fought in Afghanistan in the 1980s and
readily joined Al-Qaeda after the Taliban defeated Afghanistan's anti-Soviet
mujahideen [Jihadists].
Another violent Tablighi Jamaat spin-off is the Harakat ul-Jihad-i Islami.
Founded in the aftermath of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, this group has
been active not only in the disputed Indian provinces of Jammu and Kashmir but
also in the state of Gujarat, where Tablighi Jamaat extremists have taken over
perhaps 80 percent of the mosques previously run by the moderate Barelvi
Muslims. The Tablighi movement is also very active in northern Africa where it
became one of the four groups that founded the Islamic Salvation Front in Algeria.
Moroccan authorities are currently prosecuting sixty members of the Moroccan
Tablighi offshoot Dawa wa Tabligh in connection with the May 16, 2003 terrorist
attack on a Casablanca synagogue. Dutch police are investigating links between
the Moroccan cells and the November 2, 2004 murder of Dutch filmmaker Theo van
There are many other cases of individual Tablighis committing acts of
terrorism. French Tablighi members, for example, have helped organize and
execute attacks not only in Paris but also at the Hotel Asni in Marrakech in
1994. Kazakh authorities expelled a number of Tablighi missionaries because
they had been organizing networks advancing "extremist propaganda and
recruitment." Indian investigators suspect influential Tablighi leader, Maulana
Umarji, and a group of his followers in the February 27, 2002 fire bombing of a
train carrying Hindu nationalists in Gujarat, India. The incident sparked a
wave of pogroms victimizing both Muslims and Hindus. More recently, Moroccan
authorities sentenced Yusef Fikri, a Tablighi member and leader of the Moroccan
terrorist organization At-Takfir wal-Hijrah, to death for his role in
masterminding the May 2003 Casablanca terrorist bombings that claimed more than
forty lives.
Tablighi Jamaat has also facilitated other terrorists' missions. The group has
provided logistical support and helped procure travel documents. Many take
advantage of Tablighi Jamaat's benign reputation. Moroccan authorities say that
leaflets circulated by the terrorist group Al-Salafiyah al-Jihadiyah urged
their members to join Islamic organizations that operate openly, such as
Tablighi Jamaat, in order "to hide their identity on the one hand and
influence these groups and their policies on the other." In a similar
vein, a Pakistani jihadi website commented that Tablighi Jamaat organizational
structures can be easily adopted to jihad activities. The Philippine government
has accused Tablighi Jamaat, which has an 11,000-member presence in the
country, of serving both as a conduit of Saudi money to the Islamic terrorists
in the south and as a cover for Pakistani jihad volunteers.
There is also evidence that Tablighi Jamaat directly recruits for terrorist
organizations. As early as the 1980s, the movement sponsored military training
for 900 recruits annually in Pakistan and Algeria while, in 1999, Uzbek
authorities accused Tablighi Jamaat of sending 400 Uzbeks to terrorist training
camps. The West is not immune. British counterterrorism authorities estimate
that at least 2,000 British nationals had gone to Pakistan for jihad training
by 1998, and the French secret services report that between 80 and 100 French
nationals fought for Al-Qaeda.
A Trojan Horse for Terror in America?
Within the United States, the cases of American Taliban John Lindh, the
"Lackawanna Six," and the Oregon cell that conspired to bomb a
synagogue and sought to link up with Al-Qaeda, all involve Tablighi
missionaries. Other indicted terrorists, such as "shoe bomber"
Richard Reid, "dirty bomber" Jose Padilla, and Lyman Harris, who
sought to bomb the Brooklyn Bridge, were all members of Tablighi Jamaat at one
time or another. According to Robert Blitzer, head of the FBI's first Islamic
counterterrorism unit, between 1,000 and 2,000 Americans left to join the jihad
in the 1990s alone. Pakistani intelligence sources report that 400 American
Tablighi recruits received training in Pakistani or Afghan terrorist camps
since 1989.
The Tablighi Jamaat has made inroads among two very different segments of the
American Muslim population. Because many American Muslims are immigrants, and a
large subsection of these are from South Asia, Deobandi influences have been
able to penetrate deeply. Many Tablighi Jamaat missionaries speak Urdu as a
first language and so can communicate easily with American Muslims of South
Asian origin. The Tablighi headquarters in the United States for the past
decade appears to be in the Al-Falah mosque in Queens, New York. Its
missionaries—predominantly from South Asia—regularly visit Sunni mosques and
Islamic centers across the country. The willingness of Saudi-controlled front
organizations and charities, such as the World Muslim League, the World
Assembly of Muslim Youth [WAMY], the Haramain Foundation, the International
Islamic Relief Organization [IIRO] and others, to spend large amounts of money
to co-opt the religious establishment has helped catalyze recruitment. As a
result Wahhabi and Deobandi influence dominate American Islam.
This trend is apparent in the activities of Tanzeem-e Islami. Founded by long-term
Tablighi member and passionate Taliban supporter, Israr Ahmed, Tanzeem-e Islami
flooded American Muslim organizations with communications accusing Israel of
complicity in the 9/11 terror attacks. A frequent featured speaker at Islamic
conferences and events in the United States, Ahmed engages in incendiary
rhetoric urging his audiences to prepare for "the final showdown between
the Muslim world and the non-Muslim world, which has been captured by the
Jews." Unfortunately, his conspiracy theories have begun to take hold
among growing segments of the American Muslim community. For example, Siraj
Wahhaj, among the best known African-American Muslim converts and the first
Muslim cleric to lead prayers in the U.S. Congress, is also on record accusing the
FBI and the CIA of being the "real terrorists." He has expressed his
support for the convicted mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing,
Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, and advocating the demise of American democracy.
Tablighi Jamaat has appealed to African American Muslims for other reasons.
Founded by Elijah Mohammed in the early 1930s, the Nation of Islam was
essentially a charismatic African American separatist organization which had
little to do with normative Islam. Many Nation of Islam members found
attractive both the Tablighi Jamaat's anti-state separatist message and its
description of American society as racist, decadent, and oppressive. Seeing
such fertile ground, Tablighi and Wahhabi missionaries targeted the African
American community with great success. One Tablighi sympathizer explained, The
Umma [Muslim community] must remember that winning over the black Muslims is
not only a religious obligation but also a selfish necessity. The votes of the
black Muslims can give the immigrant Muslims the political clout they need at
every stage to protect their vital interests. Likewise, outside Muslim states
like Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, and Pakistan need to mobilize their effort, money,
and missionary skills to expand and consolidate the black Muslim community in
the USA, not only for religious reasons, but also as a farsighted investment in
the black Muslims' immense potential as a credible lobby for Muslim causes,
such as Palestine, Bosnia, or Kashmir—offsetting, at least partially, the venal
influence of the powerful India-Israel lobby.
Not only foreign Tablighis but also the movement's sympathizers within the
United States enunciate this goal. The president of the Islamic Research
Foundation in Louisville, Kentucky, a strong advocate of Tablighi missionary
work, for instance, insists that "if all the Afro-American brothers and
sisters become Muslims, we can change the political landscape of America"
and "make U.S. foreign policy pro-Islamic and Muslim friendly." As a
result of Tablighi and Wahhabi proselytizing, African Americans comprise
between 30 and 40 percent of the American Muslim community, and perhaps 85
percent of all American Muslim converts. Much of this success is due to a
successful proselytizing drive in the penitentiary system. Prison officials say
that by the mid-1990s, between 10 and 20 percent of the nation's 1.5 million
inmates identified themselves as Muslims. Some 30,000 African Americans convert
to Islam in prison every year.
The American political system tolerates all views so long as they adhere to the
rule of law. Unfortunately, Tablighi Jamaat missionaries may be encouraging
African American recruits to break the law. Harkat ul-Mujahideen has boasted of
training dozens of African American Jihadists in its military camps. There is
evidence that African American Jihadists have died in both Afghanistan and
Tablighi Jamaat: The Future of American Islam?
Tablighi Jamaat has made unprecedented strides in recent decades. It
increasingly relies on local missionaries rather than South Asian Tablighis to
recruit in Western countries and often sets up groups which apparently model
themselves after Tablighi Jamaat but do not acknowledge links to it.
In the United States, such a role is apparently played by the Islamic Circle of
North America [ICNA]. Founded in 1968 as an offshoot of the fiercely Islamist
Muslim Student Association, ICNA is the only major American Muslim organization
that has paid open homage to Tablighi founder Ilyas. The monthly ICNA
publication, The Message, has praised Ilyas as one of the four greatest Islamic
leaders of the last 100 years. While the relationship between ICNA and Tablighi
Jamaat is not clear, the two organizations share a number of similarities. They
both embrace the extreme Deobandi and Wahhabi interpretations of Islam. ICNA
demonstrates disdain for Western democratic values and opposes virtually all
counterterrorism legislation, such as the Patriot Act, while providing moral
and financial support to all Muslims implicated in terrorist activities. An
editorial in the ICNA organ, The Message International, in September 1989
bemoaned the "uncounted number of Muslims lost to Western values"
which was a "major cause for concern." In 2003 and 2004, ICNA has
collected money to assist detainees suspected of terrorist activities,
participated in pro-terrorist rallies, and mounted campaigns on behalf of
indicted Hamas functionary Sami al-Arian. Like Tablighi Jamaat, ICNA initially
drew its membership disproportionately from South Asians. As with Tablighi Jamaat,
ICNA demands total dedication to missionary work from its members. Because many
ICNA members spend at least thirty hours per week on their mission, their
ability to independently support themselves is unclear. Many cannot hold
full-time jobs. ICNA's recruitment efforts have borne fruit, though. All ICNA
members are organized in small study groups of no more than eight people,
called NeighborNets. As in a cult, these cells provide support and
reinforcement for new recruits, who may have sought to fill a void in their
lives. Its yearly convocations, patterned on the annual Tablighi Jamaat
meetings in South Asia, now attract some 15,000 people.
The estimated 15,000 Tablighi missionaries reportedly active in the United
States present a serious national security problem. At best, they and their
proxy groups form a powerful proselytizing movement that preaches extremism and
disdain for religious tolerance, democracy, and separation of church and state.
At worst, they represent an Islamist fifth column that aids and abets
terrorism. Contrary to their benign treatment by scholars and academics,
Tablighi Jamaat has more to do with political sedition than with religion.
U.S. officials should focus on reality rather than rhetoric. Pakistani and
Saudi support for Tablighi Jamaat is incompatible with their claims to be key
allies in the war on terror. While law enforcement focuses attention on Osama
bin Laden, the war on terrorism cannot be won unless al-Qaeda terrorists are
understood to be the products of Islamist ideology preached by groups like
Tablighi Jamaat. If the West chooses to turn a blind eye to the problem,
Tablighi involvement in future terrorist activities at home and abroad is not a
matter of conjecture; it is a certainty.
The Tablighi Role in the Global Jihadism:
However, there are indeed some links between Tablighis and the world of
jihadism. First, there is evidence of indirect connections between the group
and the wider radical/extremist Deobandi nexus composed of anti-Shiite
sectarian groups, Kashmiri militants and the Taliban. This link provides a
medium through which Tablighis who are disgruntled with the group’s apolitical
program could break orbit and join militant organizations.
One apparent manifestation of this nexus was a purported militant offshoot of
TJ, Jihad bi al-Saif [Jihad through the Sword], which was established in
Taxila, Pakistan. Members of this group were accused of plotting a coup against
former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in 1995. Yet, because of the
organization’s extreme secrecy, little is known about it other than that it is
believed to have developed in reaction to the TJ’s apolitical, peaceful stance.
The TJ organization also serves as a de facto conduit for Islamist extremists
and for groups such as al Qaeda to recruit new members. Significantly, the
Tablighi recruits do intersect with the world of radical Islamism when they
travel to Pakistan to receive their initial training. We have received reports
that once the recruits are in Pakistan, representatives of various radical
Islamist groups, such as Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, the Taliban and al Qaeda, are
said to woo them actively — to the point of offering them military training.
And some of them accept the offer. For example, John Walker Lindh — an American
who is serving a prison sentence for aiding the Taliban in Afghanistan —
traveled with Tablighi preachers to Pakistan in 1998 to further his Islamic
studies before joining the Taliban.
Because of the piety and strict belief system of the Tablighis and their focus
on calling wayward Muslims back to an austere and orthodox Muslim faith, the
movement has offered a place where jihadist spotters can look for potential
recruits. These facilitators often offer enthusiastic new or rededicated
Muslims a more active way to live and develop their faith. Although the TJ
promotes a benign message, the same conservative Islamic values espoused by the
Tablighis also are part of jihadist ideology, and so some Muslims attracted to
the Tablighi movement are enticed into becoming involved with jihadists.
Additionally, because of its apolitical belief system, TJ seems to leave a gap
in the ideological indoctrination of the individual Tablighi because it
essentially asks the novice to shun politics and public affairs. The problem in
taking this belief system from theory to practice, however, is that some people
find they cannot ignore what is happening in the world around them, especially
when that world includes wars. This is when some Tablighis become disillusioned
with TJ and start turning to jihadist groups that offer religiously sanctioned
prescriptions as to how "good Muslims" should deal with life’s
Once a facilitator identifies such candidates, he often will segregate them
from the main congregation in the mosque or community center and put them into
small prayer circles or study groups where they can be more easily exposed to
jihadist ideology. [Of course, it also has been shown that a person with
friends or relatives who ascribe to radical ideology can more easily be radical].
Examples of people making the jump from TJ to radical Islam are the two leading
members of the cell responsible for the July 7, 2005, London bombings —
Mohammed Siddique Khan and Shahzad Tanweer. Both had life-changing experiences
through their exposure to TJ, though by 2001 the men had left the Tablighi
mosque they had been attending in the British city of Beeston, because they
found it to be too apolitical. They apparently were frustrated by the mosque’s
elders, who forbid the discussion of politics in the mosque.
After Khan and Tanweer left the Tablighi mosque, they began attending the
smaller Iqra Learning Center bookstore in Beeston, where they reportedly were
exposed to frequent political discussions about places such as Iraq, Kashmir
and Chechnya. The store’s proprietors reportedly even produced jihad videos
depicting crimes by the West against the Muslim world. Exposed to this
environment, the two men eventually became radicalized to the point of
traveling to Pakistan to attend a terrorist training camp and then returning to
the United Kingdom to plan and execute a suicide attack that resulted in the
death of them both.
TJ also is used by Jihadists as cover both for recruiting activities, as
discussed above, and for travel. Like Khan and Tanweer, many jihadists desire
to travel to Pakistan for training, while others want to get to Afghanistan,
Kashmir or other places to fight jihad. However, the travel environment is far
different today than it was in the early 1980s, when 747 jetliners packed with
Jihadists from Saudi Arabia and other places flew into Pakistan en route to
fight the Soviets in Afghanistan.
Foreigners traveling to Pakistan today cannot enter the country without a visa,
and Pakistani authorities are no longer inclined to issue visas to Jihadists,
as Jeffrey Battle and the other members of the Portland Seven had to learn the
hard way. Shortly after the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, the friends traveled
to China with the intention of entering Afghanistan by way of Pakistan. Once at
the Chinese-Pakistani border, however, they found they could not enter Pakistan
without a visa. After spending a frustrating month trying to obtain visas from
the Pakistani Embassy in Beijing, the seven aspiring Jihadists decided to go
their separate ways.
Battle, who reportedly once served as a bodyguard for Black Panther leader
Quanell X, later attempted to obtain a visa to Pakistan by saying he was
affiliated with TJ. The Pakistanis, probably recognizing him from his prior
[and apparently somewhat vocal] visa attempts, denied him again, though he was
able to get a visa to travel to Bangladesh using the feigned connection to TJ.
Unable to make his way from Bangladesh to Pakistan or Afghanistan, however,
Battle returned to the United States, where he was later arrested. He was
sentenced to 18 years in prison after pleading guilty to charges of seditious
conspiracy and waging war against the United States.
Similarly, in the spring of 2001 the members of the so-called Lackawanna Six
cell traveled to Pakistan under the pretext of studying the Islamic religion
and culture at the TJ training center. In reality, the men traveled through
Pakistan to Afghanistan, where they attended training at the al-Farooq camp, a
training site being run by al Qaeda. Again, the men used TJ as cover for
travel, though there is no indication that TJ played any real part in their
alleged plot.
Although the TJ organization unintentionally serves as a front for, or conduit
to, militant organizations such as al Qaeda, there is no evidence that the
Tablighis act willingly as a global unified jihadist recruiting arm. Rather,
such activities appear to occur without the knowledge or consent of TJ leaders.
Additionally, because of the very size of the organization and it activities in
Muslim communities in the West, a great many Muslims have had some sort of
contact with the group. TJ itself, however, is not an intentional propagator of
Man behind the Cordoba Mosque:
Faisal Abdul Rauf The prospective developer of a $100 million, 13-story mosque
600 feet from Ground Zero presents himself as a Muslim moderate. Yet
Kuwait-born Faisal Abdul Rauf also boasts of his issue from an "Egyptian
family steeped in religious scholarship". Indeed, Feisal Rauf's Muslim
Brotherhood provenance, radical by definition, is as authentic as it gets.
Rauf's father, Dr. Muhammad Abdul Rauf [1917-2004] - an Egyptian contemporary
of Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna - conveyed to Feisal his family's
long tradition of radicalism, which he acquired at Islam's closest equivalent
to the Vatican, Al-Azhar University. The elder Dr. Rauf studied and taught
there before fleeing Egypt in 1948. That year, Feisal Abdul Rauf was born in
Imam Faisal Rauf has planned for some time to further develop his father's U.S.
Islamic expansionism. In 1990, Rauf opened the tiny al-Farah Mosque at 245 West
Broadway in lower Manhattan. Area residents did not even notice the mosque
until 2006, when the New York State Liquor Authority [SLA] refused to license a
new bar on the same block and started yanking others' liquor licenses.
Rauf attended grammar school and high school in the UK and Malaysia, according
to his biography. He probably first lived in America only in 1965, at age 17,
when his father moved from Malaysia to New York to plan and head the Islamic
Cultural Center [not built until the mid-1980s]. Rauf then obtained a BS in
physics at Columbia University. In 1971, the family moved to Washington, D.C.,
where Rauf's father headed the Islamic Center on Massachusetts Ave. His father,
buried in Suitland, MD, at the for-profit Washington National Cemetery, also
founded three Malaysian Islamic studies programs, including the International
Islamic University of Malaysia.
Rauf's early UK education and familiarization with American popular culture and
values made him an acutely adept practitioner of Islamic taqiyya - deceptive
speech and action to advance the interests and supremacy of Islam. To further
that Islamic advancement, Rauf in 1997 established the American Society for
Muslim Advancement (ASMA). His Kashmir-born wife Daisy Kahn, an interior
designer by profession, has run the organization since 2005.
Rauf then began cultivating new spheres of influence. In about summer 2002,
Rauf started lecturing on Islam at the 750-acre southwestern New York campus of
Chautauqua Institution, a 136-year-old non-profit where religion director Joan
Brown Campbell took Rauf under her wing. Under the rubric of the
"Abrahamic" faiths, a convenient cover for Rauf's Islamic activities,
Campbell subsequently named him the prospective head of a Muslim house now
planned on campus by another Rauf brainchild - the 501(3)c organization Muslim
Friends of Chautauqua. Rauf also befriended Karen Armstrong, the former British
nun and devotee of Islam.
In 2003, Rauf befriended leaders of Denver's Aspen Institute, including former
executive director and four-term Aspen mayor John S. Bennet. In 2004, under
ASMA auspices, Rauf organized a meeting of 125 young Muslims and formed Muslim
Leaders of Tomorrow. With Bennet's help, he co-founded the Cordoba Initiative
in Aspen, purportedly to "improve" Muslim-West relations. Rauf gets
funding from a variety of other liberal organizations, including, for example,
Gloria Steinem's Ms. Foundation.
Now, the same Rauf is set to construct a mosque at Ground Zero, which he claims
will prove that ‘Islam is not a violent faith’.
As Islamic attacks on September 11, 2001, destroyed the World Trade Center
towers, falling jet debris simultaneously crushed the five-story 1923 structure
some 600 feet away that until that morning housed a robust Burlington Coat
Factory store. Over the ruin of the former retail outlet, Rauf now plans to
build a 13-story, $100 million mosque. Rauf says the Cordoba Initiative bought
the former retail building to prove to the world that Islam is not a violent
Imam Rauf says that New York Muslims provided nearly $5 million in cash to buy
the Park Place building. Yet in fiscal 2009, Rauf's ASMA received large
international donations. In the year ended June 30, 2009 - days before Feisal
closed the purchase - ASMA received at least $1.3 million. The largest
donation, $576,312, came from Qatar. That Persian Gulf nation has long harbored
terror financiers, and even the government stands accused of funding
international terrorism. Qatar also has, for decades, hosted Muslim Brotherhood
spiritual chief Yusuf al-Qaradawi. The elderly sheikh, a large and founding
shareholder in the terror-financing al-Taqwa Bank, champions sharia law, wife
beating, and suicide bombing.
ASMA also received $481,942 from Holland's Millennial Development Goals Fund
[MDG3], $144,752 from New York's Carnegie Corporation, $53,664 from the U.N.
Population Fund [UNFPA], plus donations from the Rockefeller Brothers and Hunt
Alternatives funds, among others.
The Ground Zero mosque plan is more than a little reminiscent of a program
initiated by Rauf's late father in 1965. That year, Muhammad R. Abdul Rauf
moved to New York to plan and head a huge Islamic Cultural Center that took
decades to realize. He bought prime Manhattan real estate at 96th St. and 3rd
Ave - roughly two thirds of a city block - apparently with $1.3 million in
funding from Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Libya. The late Rauf long retained some
of that land in a personal trust. But when construction started on the $17
million mosque in 1984, it had received funding from 46 Islamic nations. By
2010, the enormous Islamic complex had added another two buildings. Since 1984,
its founders-envisioned apartment unit has been restricted to Muslims alone.
Whenever Feisal first considered building a mosque across from Ground Zero, he
had the idea firmly in mind by 2004, when he wrote What's Right with Islam. The
book was translated into many languages. In Indonesia's Bahasa, its title translates
as "The Call from the WTC Rubble." Rauf promoted the book in December
2007 at a Kuala Lumpur gathering of Hizb ut Tahrir – a terror outfit banned in
Germany since 2003, and also outlawed in Bangladesh, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon,
Egypt, Tunisia, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, among other places - and
ideologically akin to the Muslim Brotherhood. Both seek to replace the U.S.
Constitution with Islamic law [Sharia], and eventually impose Islam and Sharia
law worldwide. Most North American Muslim Brotherhood organizations avoid
widely publicizing that aim. The Hizb Ut Tahrir however, at a July 2009
Khalifah conference at a suburban Chicago Hilton, openly promised to replace
capitalism with Islam and Sharia law.
Now, Imam Rauf is set to construct his dream project, wherefrom possibly the
radical Islamists will start Islamization of America. This will not be a mere
mosque, but a tower of terrorism to further flex the muscle of militant Islam
right inside the heart of United States.
Hope Americans will realize this, before it is too late!
Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury
Indian American Intellectual’s Forum [IAIF], which is based in New York City,
USA has issued a press release condemning the forthcoming Indian movie named
‘Dear Friend of Hitler’. This movie is being directed by Rakesh Ranjan Kumar
and eminent Indian actors Anupam Kher and Neha Dhupia are playing key roles in
IAIF in its press release said, “In the history of humanity Hitler is regarded
as an ultimate evil that sent six million Jewish to the gas chambers and
propelled the world to second world war that caused the death of tens of
millions of people. Hence this news has sent shock waves to many Israeli
friends of India in Israel, UK , USA and many other countries.”
According to IAIF, this movie is funded by notorious drug and arms baron dealer
Dawood Ibrahim, who operates from United Arab Emirates and Pakistan and it is
even reported that Dawood works for Pakistani intelligence agency named ISI
[Inter Service Intelligence].
According to the official synopsis of the film, it gives audiences a glimpse into
Hitler's "insecurities, his charisma, his paranoia and his sheer
According to latest news, actor Anupam Kher staunchly defended his decision to
play Adolf Hitler, finally was forced to step out from this movie at the
protest of thousands of his fans. In a statement he said, “Considering the
ill-will that the project is generating among my fans, I wish to withdraw from
it as I respect their sentiments.”
Meanwhile, Neha Dhupia showed that she has it in her to take on the challenging
role of Eva Braun at the launch party of Dear Friend Hitler.
Neha is excited to play the Eva Braun role. She is already researching for her
character by watching historical footage and past films made on Eva. The former
Miss India (2002) is slowly building her resume with diverse acting roles such
as playing a village thug Munni gangster in With Love To Obama, and her first
international project, IFC's Bollywood Hero, opposite Chris Kattan.
It is a million dollar question as to why suddenly growing Indian cine Capital
Bollywood has decided to make a movie on a devil like Hitler. Many believe that
this movie might be a sabotaging project of some anti-Indian elements to some
how put Indo-Israel and Indo-US relations into jeopardy. On the other hand,
some believe that, this very project shows clearly how anti-Semitism is
spreading wings in some of the Asian nations.
In most of the Muslim countries, anti-Semitism and anti-US or anti-Israel
sentiment is secretly funded by Iran or some other terror patron nations. Iran
in particular, spends millions of dollars every year in spreading hate speech
in the Muslim nations through publications, movies and other media. On the
other hand, controversial television channels like Al Jazeera or Peace TV are
working with a very specific goal and mission of poisoning the minds of Muslim
masses against United States, Israel and the West by portraying the very theme
of War on Terror as ‘War against Islam’.
June 14, 2010
Barack Obama's ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American
By; Aaron Klein, with Brenda J. Elliott
Reviewed by: FERN SIDMAN
American journalist, author and radio host, Aaron Klein, along with historian
and researcher, Brenda J. Elliott blow the lid off the dome of silence
surrounding the Obama administration as they boldly unmask the nation's 44th
president in their latest chilling monograph entitled. "The Manchurian
President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other
Anti-American Extremists" (WND Books - May 2010). Providing close to 900
footnotes and countless pages of documentation they reveal surreptitious ties
to radical leftists of all stripes. If the title of this book sounds at all
familiar, it is a takeoff on the 1959 political thriller novel by Robert Condon
called "The Manchurian Candidate" in which the son of a prominent US
political family has been brainwashed into being an unwitting assassin for the
Communist party.
While Klein does not infer that President Obama is part of a Communist sleeper
cell, he does present an exhaustive investigation into President Obama's
background and his radical ties to pivotal figures in the Communist movement,
both inside the White House and out who also happen to be major players in
crafting legislation, including the economic stimulus package. This weighty
tome weaves a complex spider's web of a narrative that is replete with a
plethora of names and organizations of radical leftists, hitherto unknown by
the public, who helped shape Obama's ideology and career.
Starting with Obama's childhood affiliation as a Sunday school attendee at the
First Unitarian in Honolulu, a radical activist church that not only served as
sanctuary for draft dodgers in the 1960s and 70s but had strong links to the
even more radical Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Klein embellishes on
the movement that gave birth to the underground terrorist offshoot called
Weatherman. It was through this organization that Obama liaison Bill Ayers
achieved fame as a Pentagon bomber-conspirator and a notorious leftist student
agitator. Ayers summed up the Weatherman ideology which he referred to as
"an American Red Army" by saying, "Kill all the rich people.
Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home. Kill your
Klein informs us that Obama worked directly with Ayers in Chicago back in 1988,
after Ayers resurfaced from his underground status amid multiple criminal
charges related to his extremist activities. The charges were dropped due to
prosecutorial misconduct. The two were introduced by Gerald "Jerry"
Kellman, a Marxist acolyte of radical community organizer Saul Alinsky, and
thus, a professional association was forged as Obama served with the Ayers' run
community advocacy coalition called the Alliance for Better Chicago Schools, or
ABC. When Obama launched his political career in 1995, the venue for his first
fundraiser was the Chicago apartment of Bill Ayers and the two served alongside
each other from 1995 to 2000 on a $100 million education foundation called the
Chicago Annenberg Challenge or CAC.
Says Klein, "To underscore Ayers' radical mentality in 1995, while he
worked closely with Obama, the unrepentant terrorist gave an interview in that
year for author Ron Chepesiuk's book Sixties Radicals, in which Ayers stated,
"I'm a radical, leftist, small 'c' communist."
Following the guidelines of Alinsky-like tactics of working within the system
to overthrow the capitalist structure of American government, Klein speaks of
Obama's direct links to the CAC's role in "disbursing money through
various far-left community organizers, such as ACORN." Such Socialist led
organizations and unions like Project VOTE!, the SEIU (Service Employees
International Union), the AFL-CIO (the American Federation of Labor and
Congress of Industrial Organizations), AFSCME (American Federation of State and
County Municipal Employees) and the Apollo Alliance are also directly linked to
ACORN and Obama cronies with "questionable" ties. Quoting from a 2001
book by Jarol B. Manheim, "The Death of a Thousand Cuts: Corporate
Campaigns and the Attack on the Corporation", Klein says that "by
1986, ACORN had forged institutional ties with AFL-CIO Central Labor Councils
in at least 30 cities" and that ACORN's "People's Platform"
included such radical reformist objectives as "free medical care, a public
defender system, the elimination of the state income tax for low income people
and higher welfare benefits."
Obama's associations with the Nation of Islam, Black Liberation Theology and
black political extremists are also revealed in nuanced detail, as Klein sheds
light on the fact that Obama attended the million man march organized by Nation
of Islam leader and rabid Jew hater, Louis Farrakhan. For over 20 years Obama
attended the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago where Farrakhan gave
guest lectures at the behest of anti-American extremist preacher Rev. Jeremiah
Wright. Klein also uncovers the fact that the Nation of Islam was on Obama's
payroll in the early days of his political career and that his senior advisor,
David Axelrod also maintained ties to radical Islam through his association as
a board member of St. Sabena's Church in Chicago which served as a haven for
black nationalists of the Nation of Islam variety.
The backgrounds of other key Obama advisors and "Czars" such as
Valerie Jarrett, Van Jones, Andy Stern, Cass Sunstein and John Holdren are also
carefully scrutinized by Klein as well as their political leanings and the
influence they wield in this current administration. Ghastly epiphanies
proliferate, as Klein documents the fact that Communist Party member, Frank
Marshall Davis who would become a mentor to the young Barack Obama in Hawaii
worked closely with Vernon Jarrett, Valerie Jarrett's father-in-law in at least
three communist dominated organizations in Chicago in the late 1940s. Former
Green Jobs Czar Van Jones, who resigned his post in September of 2009, was
forced out of his job by allegations of association with a Marxist group during
the 1990s. Having been arrested several times during the 90s for political
activism, Jones was quoted in a November 2005 interview with the East Bay
Express as saying that while in jail, ""I met all these young radical
people of color -- I mean really radical, communists and anarchists. And it
was, like, 'This is what I need to be a part of.'"
"The Manchurian President" also exposes how Obama's health-care
policy, masked by moderate populist rhetoric, was pushed along and partially
crafted by extremists. Some of them reveal in their own words that their
principal aim is to achieve corporate socialist goals and a vast increase in
government powers.
Klein was recently quoted on FOX news as saying, "It is clear that Barack
Obama has ties to an anti-American fringe nexus that was instrumental in
building his political career from the beginning all the way through now."
He adds that, "I believe this work is crucial to Americans from across the
political spectrum, including mainstream Democrats who should be alarmed that
their party has been hijacked by an extreme-left bent on permanently changing
the party to fits its radical agenda."
This meticulously documented piece of outstanding investigative research is a
must read for all good citizens of this great country who are concerned with
the future of our cherished freedoms and values.
June 7, 2010
"No mosque at Ground Zero" was the rallying cry of the day, as
thousands of angry demonstrators gathered for a rally to oppose the proposed
construction of a 13-story mosque just blocks away from the site of the 9/11
attacks. A palpable patriotism and zeal filled the air on Sunday afternoon,
June 6th as Zucotti Park at the corner of Church and Liberty Streets in lower
Manhattan was filled to capacity. Rally attendees who came from as far as
Chicago and Los Angeles held signs saying, "Ground Zero is a War Memorial
- No Mega Mosque here", "You Can Build a Mosque at Ground Zero - When
Can We Build a Synagogue in Mecca?", "Pack Your Sharia and Get
out", "Mayor Bloomberg: This Mosque Has Radical Ties - and you still
approve?" Hundreds of American flags blew in the summer breeze as speakers
representing every walk of life condemned the notion of a mosque being erected
near the site of the former World Trade Center's twin towers.
The Cordoba Initiative, headed by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, is the chief sponsor
of the project that is to be called The Cordoba House, a name that refers to
the city in Spain which, in the Middle Ages, was a center of Islamic culture
and learning. Cordoba was also the seat of an Islamic caliphate in which Jews
and Christians suffered under second-class dhimmi status and was the site of
large-scale pogrom, perpetrated by Muslims, in the year 1011.
The proposed mosque will be built at 45 Park Place, which is the site of a four
story edifice built in 1857 and was a Burlington Coat retail store until 9/11,
when part of the plane's landing gear crashed through the roof. The building
which currently houses a mosque will be razed to make room for the new
structure. The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission could
conceivably thwart the intended project if they determine that the building has
historic status, thus rendering it a landmark. Elisabeth de Bourbon, a
spokeswoman for the Landmarks Commission said a hearing is scheduled to take
place on that very subject. New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg has weighed in
on the issue and has expressed support for the project.
Imam Rauf insists that the $150 million project is meant to heal the wounds of
9/11. "We've approached the community because we want this to be an
example of how we are cooperating with the members of the community, not only
to provide services but also to build a discourse on how Muslims and
non-Muslims can cooperate together to push back against the voice of
extremism", he said.
Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy says
there are more productive ways to fight Islamic extremism and has questions
about the financing. According to reports, the building that occupies the site
was purchased last year for $4.85 million in cash by Soho Properties, a real estate
company run by Muslims. Imam Rauf, who is also the founder of the American
Society for Muslim Advancement was an investor in that transaction.
Dr. Jasser said that with such a financial commitment, there needs to be full
disclosure about where the money is coming from. "There should be
transparency about who those investors are; whether that money is coming from a
domestic source or not, and if it's coming from foreign interests we need to
know, because I think that's a liability, and it shows that there is another
agenda rather than domestic security and tranquility" he said.
Organized by such organizations as 'Stop the Islamization of America', Families
of the 9/11 Victims, The New York City Firefighters, the Tea Party Activists of
Brooklyn and Staten Island among other such groups, the rally goers stood in
the scorching heat and listened to the impassioned words of the litany of
speakers. "We're not here today to condemn Muslims or Islam" said
Pamela Geller, executive director of 'Stop the Islamization of America',
"but we are here today to condemn the kind of mosque that will teach the
very same radical ideology that gave birth to the 9/11 attacks", she
intoned. "Building a mosque just several blocks away from Ground Zero is
an insult and an affront to every single person that was killed on 9/11, to
their families, to the first responders and every concerned American who
cherishes liberty, democracy and freedom" she continued.
"3000 pairs of eyes are looking down at us today" declared James
Lafferty of the Virginia Anti-Sharia Task Force who traveled to New York to
speak at the rally. "We must stand together as a free people and tell the
world that we will fight the imposition of Sharia law until our last breath.
These evil, cowardly bastards who took the lives of those proud Americans on
9/11 will be remembered forever and this mosque which represents the triumph of
Islamic fanaticism will not be built if we have anything to say", he said.
Mr. Lafferty received thunderous applause when he said, "The good people
of the USA must also stand in solid unity with the Israel Defense Forces who
are waging a war against Hamas terrorism as was evidenced several days ago when
they intercepted a Turkish based flotilla of ships whose aim it was to break
the Israeli blockade of Gaza. It is the IDF who is on the front lines in the
battle against Islamic radicalism and we must support them".
Dr. Babu Suseelan, a Hindu human rights activist told the crowd, "We
Hindus and Sikhs have a story to tell. Islamists killed 80 million of us since
700 AD and they continue to kill us. They destroyed 3000 glorious temples and
built mosques over them. In the last 60 years, Islamists in Pakistan wiped out
infidel Hindu and Sikh populations. At one time we represented 25% of the population
and now we are less that 1%. Know this: The 9/11 mosque is not a symbol of
understanding. It is a symbol of conquest. Imam Rauf is a master of Taqiyya,
which is the use of deception to forward the agenda of Islam. What Faisal
Shahzad failed to accomplish in Times Square on May 1st with overt jihad, Imam
Rauf will succeed with stealth jihad."
"Not here! Not now!" was the resounding theme of the speech delivered
by Jay Townsend, the GOP candidate of the US Senate from New York who will be
challenging the incumbent Charles Schumer in the upcoming November elections.
"The wounds have not healed, Imam", he said. "And we cannot so
soon forget. The hatred that spawned this assault on our sensibilities is still
taught in too many of your mosques and inscribed into too many of your prayer
rugs. Not here, not now, until you have excised the hatred that is inscribed in
the school books of your impressionable young. Not here, not now, until you are
willing to say that Israel has the right to exist, that the people of Israel
have a right to a life absent of fear of a nuclear armed tyrant who denies the
Holocaust" he declared.
Robert Spencer, director of Jihad Watch, a program of the David Horowitz
Freedom Center, and a co-organizer of the rally referenced a June 5th article
in the New York Post that said, "The imam behind a proposed mosque near
Ground Zero is a prominent member of a group that helped sponsor the
pro-Palestinian activists who clashed violently with Israeli commandos at sea
this week. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is a key figure in Malaysian-based Perdana
Global Peace Organization, according to its website. Perdana is the single
biggest donor ($366,000) so far to the Free Gaza Movement, a key organizer of
the six-ship flotilla that tried to break Israel's blockade of the Hamas-run
Gaza Strip Monday."
Members of the Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam (HRCARI) also made
their presence known at the rally through their visual depiction of the heinous
murders committed by radical Islamists around the globe. "We are glad that
the speakers here today drew a distinction between the Islamic faith and those
who commit murder in the name of Allah. We work with Muslims and ex-Muslim
dissidents who oppose the pernicious ideology of radical Islam and we are an inclusive
alliance of people of all religions and nationalities who cherish freedom"
said Dr. Marvin Belsky, a retired internist.
Responding to the remarks of the "Dean" of the White House Press
Corps, 89 year old Helen Thomas who told a reporter on May 27th, following a
celebration of Jewish Heritage Day at the White House that "the Jews
should get the heck out of Palestine. The Palestinians are occupied by those
who stole their land. They should go home to Poland and Germany, America,
anywhere", Dr. Belsky said, "Ms. Thomas is a disgrace to the White
House press corps and she should have her press credentials revoked. She is a
virulent anti-Semite that should be roundly condemned."
Other speakers included Anders Gravers of Stop the Islamization of Europe,
Simon Deng, the Sudanese ex-slave and campaigner for human rights for Sudanese
Christians, Richard Connerney, a philosophy professor at Pace University, Nonie
Darwish, an Egyptian ex-Muslim and author of "Now They Call Me
Infidel" and "Cruel and Unusual Punishment", Nelly Braginskaya,
a 9/11 family member who lost her son, Larry Savinkin, father of Vladimir
Savinkin, 21 and president of the September 11th Family Group uniting 9/11
families from the Russian-American community, Dan Maloney, New York Director of
the Gathering of Eagles organization and congressional candidate in District 4
in New York, Germano Rivera, who recovered remains on 9/11, Nabil Asaad and Dr.
Esmat Zaklama, Coptic Christian human rights activists, Pamela Hall of SIOA-NY
and a human righhts activiist, Herb London of the Hudson Institute, and Beverly
Carlson of the Band of Mothers, among others.
The rally organizers urged those in attendance today to continue their work
against the mosque in their localities and they were exhorted to return for yet
another rally in opposition to the mosque on September 10th. The rally
concluded with the singing of "God Bless America".
June 2, 2010
Angry demonstrators fire back
As the world continues to demonize Israel for her role in defending her
citizens in the Gaza flotilla debacle, livid Jewish demonstrators pushed back
against the onslaught of invectives being hurled at the Jewish state in a rally
that was staged on Tuesday evening, June 1st in front of the Turkish Consulate
on E 46th Street and 1st Avenue, outside of the United Nations. Organized by
the organization called RAJE, the Russian American Jewish Experience, over 300
rally attendees took to the streets in defense of Israel. Holding aloft such
signs that read "Israel: We Stand With You", "Gaza Peace
Activists Don't Use Clubs or Knives" and "Peace Activists Should Not
Support Hamas", the demonstrators held both Israeli and American flags and
called for an end to Hamas terrorism.
Dovid Ha'Ivri of the Shromron Liaison office and a resident of the Israeli
settlement of Tapuach said, "Any country in the world has a right to
defend themselves and Israel is no different. Clearly, this purportedly
"Free Gaza" flotilla was filled with Hamas supporters who refused to
cooperate with the Israeli military. They had their own nefarious agenda and
it's just too bad that the lives of our commandos were put in jeopardy. Orders
should have been given that the Mavi Marmara be sunk. Israel has nothing to
apologize to the world for and certainly Turkey has no right to pass judgment
on Israel after the Holocaust that they inflicted on the Armenian
Just several blocks away in front of the Israeli Consulate, several thousand
pro-Palestinian and pro-Hamas apologists gathered for their own raucous
demonstration in which they spewed forth their own inimitable brand of vitriol
against Israel. "The Israelis are murderers and pirates and they should be
tried for war crimes and genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza" said
Ahmed Wahad of the organization Al-Awda. Insisting that the mission of the
flotilla activists was purely a humanitarian one, he denied allegations that
the people on the Mavi Marmara brutally assaulted Israeli commandos as they
descended on to the ship. "Look, the people in Gaza are suffering due to
the inhumane Israeli blockade of food, medicine and other essential supplies
and these people on the boat were victimized by the savage Israeli
occupiers", he continued.
Members of the anti-Israel contingent began marching down East 42nd Street
towards Times Square shouting, "From the river to the sea, Palestine will
be free" and "No more US tax dollars for Israel" as they called
for the end of the 'occupation' of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine.
Video evidence of the incident reveals quite clearly that the Israeli commandos
came aboard the boat peacefully, without the intention to inflict harm, when
they were set upon by passengers wielding metal pipes, clubs, and knives.
Several pistols were stolen from the commandos and shots were fired as one
commando was thrown overboard into to side boat.
"It's really pretty simple. At one time such terrorist groups as Hamas and
Hezbollah believed that the best way to destroy Israel was to murder our
citizens either through conventional warfare and through suicidal terrorist
attacks. They woke up and came to the conclusion that such actions only garner
sympathy for Israel. Now, they are keenly cognizant of the fact that the war
they are fighting is through the media and world opinion, so the best way to
destroy us is to force us into a position to kill them", said Meir
Epstein, 52, of Monsey, NY who traveled down to attend the pro-Israel rally.
Across the street from the Turkish consulate stood Turkish nationals and
members of the vehemently anti-Israel Neturei Karta movement who continued to
berate Israel while leveling epithets laced with hatred at members of the
pro-Israel contingent. "Murderers, occupiers and pirates" they shouted
while calling for the annihilation of Israel. "Israel should not exist
because it is a racist state and we oppose the Jewish character of the state.
Why should the Jews have their own country, when the land that they live on was
stolen from the Palestinians. A country composed of Jews cannot be a true
democracy", said Fagria Behar, a Turkish national.
The defiant pro-Israel faction continued to shout, "Am Yisroel Chai",
(the people of Israel live) and "We have the right to self-defense"
while police kept both sides separated behind barricades. "The fact that
the UN saw fit to hold an emergency security council session to condemn Israel
is nothing new", said Ronn Torrosian, a renowned New York publicist and a
board member of RAJE. "It is cesspool of Jew hatred and what these so
called peace activists on the Turkish vessel pulled off was nothing short of a
cleverly devised anti-Semitic lynching" he added.
What best summed up the collective thoughts of the pro-Israel rally goers was a
sign featuring an Israeli flag and the words under it: "It's better to
have a Jewish State that's hated by the whole world than an Auschwitz that's
loved by it."
May 31, 2010
A June 6th rally opposing the construction is planned
A palpable tension filled the air on Greenwich Street in lower Manhattan on Tuesday
evening May 25th, as an emotionally charged meeting was held by Manhattan's
Community Board 1 over the proposed construction of a 13-story mosque and
cultural center just blocks away from Ground Zero, the site of the 9/11 twin
towers terror attacks.
After four hours of rancorous public debate, hostilities reached a zenith when
members of the board voted 29-1 with 10 abstentions in support of the plan.
Several board members proposed a postponement of the vote until the next
meeting in order to obtain more detailed information about funding of the
project and the organizations sponsoring it, but the motion failed.
The Cordoba Initiative, headed by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, is the chief sponsor
of the project that is to be called The Cordoba House, a name that refers to
the city in Spain which, in the Middle Ages, was a center of Islamic culture
and learning. Cordoba was also the seat of an Islamic caliphate in which Jews
and Christians suffered under second-class dhimmi status. It was the site of a
large-scale pogrom, perpetrated by Muslims, in the year 1011.
The mosque will be built at 45 Park Place, is the site of a four story edifice
built in 1857 and was a Burlington Coat retail store until 9/11, when part of
the plane's landing gear crashed through the roof. The building which currently
houses a mosque will be razed to make room for the new structure. The New York
City Landmarks Preservation Commission could conceivably thwart the intended
project if they determine that the building has historic status, thus rendering
it a landmark. Elisabeth de Bourbon, a spokeswoman for the Landmarks Commission
said a hearing is scheduled to take place on that very subject.
Failing to abide by Roberts Rules of Order, project opponents jeered at the
speakers and yelled comments such as, "You're building over a
cemetery!" while holding signs that read, "Show respect for the
3000" among other things. Among the groups standing in opposition to the
proposed mosque are the Families of the 9/11 Victims, the Tea Party activists
of Staten Island and Brooklyn, the New York City Firefighters, Stop the
Islamization of America (SIOA), Jihad Watch and the Human Rights Coalition
Against Radical Islam (HRCARI).
Pamela Geller, executive director of "Stop Islamization of America' (SIOA),
an organization that is spearheading the June 6th rally to protest the proposed
mosque blasted the Cordoba Initiative and its leader, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf,
saying the project is "an insult to the people who were murdered there on
9/11 to build a mosque that will teach the same holy book, the same
belief-system, that motivated the 9/11 terrorists." She added that,
"In Islam there is a history of placing mosques over the cherished sites
of conquered people: the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, where the Dome of the Rock
now stands, and the conversion of the Hagia Sophia cathedral in Constantinople
into a mosque are two of the most famous examples, but there are thousands of
others. In the Islamic world a mosque at Ground Zero would be no less
unmistakably a sign of Islamic triumphalism and supremacism."
Before the vote, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer said that he
understood the sensitivities of the families of the 9/11 victims. "I don't
think anybody wants to do anything to disrespect those families. They made the
ultimate sacrifice" he said. "At the same time, we have to balance
diversity and look for opportunities to bring different groups together."
Stringer released a statement on behalf of the community board saying that
support of the construction of the mosque "sent a clear message that our
city is one that promotes diversity and tolerance."
Stringer has been the target of disparaging remarks by Tea Party activist Mark
Williams who has called the proposed center a monument to the terror attacks.
Stringer has defended his position in support of the plans to build the mosque
and has denounced what he perceives to be offensive speech directed at him or
at Muslims.
Council member Margaret Chin said early in the meeting that those who assume a
posture of strong resistance to the plans for the proposed mosque are
"haters and bigots." The reference was directed at members of the
Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam (HRCARI) and others who held aloft
signs condemning the decision of the board to support this endeavor. According
to a 1991 article in "The City Journal" author Richard Brookhiser
revealed Ms. Chin's political agenda. He states, "For Ms. Chin had risen
to prominence by way of the Communist Workers Party, a Maoist sect that decided
several years ago to begin infiltrating mainstream politics."
Satya Dosapati, a leader of the Hindu Human Rights Watch and an active member
of the Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam said that "my
observation has been that people are waking up to the very real threat that
Islamic radicalism represents." Mr. Dosapati is working on mobilizing the
large Hindu population in central New Jersey and is arranging buses to the
rally on June 6th. "We need exceptionally large numbers of people to
attend this rally if we want our voices to be heard. We are assembling at 12
noon on June 6th at Zucotti Park on the corner of Church and Liberty Streets
and we beseech all those who are concerned about the future of democracy,
liberty and freedom to come out."
Imam Rauf insists that the $150 million project is meant to heal the wounds of
9/11. "We've approached the community because we want this to be an
example of how we are cooperating with the members of the community, not only
to provide services but also to build a discourse on how Muslims and
non-Muslims can cooperate together to push back against the voice of
extremism", he said.
Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy says
there are more productive ways to fight Islamic extremism and has questions
about the financing. According to reports, the building that occupies the site
was purchased last year for $4.85 million in cash by Soho Properties, a real
estate company run by Muslims. Imam Rauf, who is also the founder of the American
Society for Muslim Advancement was an investor in that transaction.
Dr. Jasser said that with such a financial commitment, there needs to be full
disclosure about where the money is coming from. "There should be
transparency about who those investors are; whether that money is coming from a
domestic source or not, and if it's coming from foreign interests we need to
know, because I think that's a liability, and it shows that there is another
agenda rather than domestic security and tranquility" he said.
Robert Spencer, director of Jihad Watch, a program of the David Horowitz
Freedom Center, and the author of ten books on the nature of Islam expressed
doubts about the purportedly benign views of Imam Rauf. "After the 9/11
attacks, Imam Rauf was quoted on the CBS 60 Minutes program of September 30,
2001 as saying, "US policies were an accessory to the 9/11 crime. In the
most direct sense Osama Bin Laden was made in the USA". It is clear from
the language that Imam Rauf uses now as opposed to back in 2001 that he is a
prototypical dissembler as he boldly insinuated that American foreign policy
was to blame for the heinous atrocities that took the lives of close to 3,000
people on 9/11" he said.
"Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is an open proponent of Sharia, which institutionalizes
discrimination against Jews, Christians, women, and others, and denies freedom
of speech and freedom of conscience" said Pamela Geller of SIOA. Her sober
warning was crystal clear: "If we do not confront this threat now, then in
the future we will see increasing assertiveness from Islamic supremacists in
this country; demanding that we accept elements of Islamic law, and increasing
conflict as free Americans see their rights being abridged and Muslims set up
as a privileged class here."
May 26, 2010
problem lies in Pakistan
You are right that the "Afghan mission can still be made a worthwhile one,
but not if it is left to drift rudderless". However, it is not the goals
that need to be debated but rather the strategy.
Unfortunately, the root of the problem continues to be ignored: namely, the
Pakistani military and intelligence's support for the various militant groups
in Afghanistan as part of their expansionist policy of "strategic
depth". The military and intelligence also play a double game as part of
their half-hearted co-operation with Nato forces by attacking militant groups
that directly threaten Pakistan's stability but providing early warnings and
escape routes during security operations against those that do not. This is
done in order to receive financial aid from countries such as the US.
Hence, increasing the number of troops could defeat the militant groups in
Afghanistan, but the victory would be short-lived as they could simply retreat
into Pakistan as they did in the period 2002-2004 and then infiltrate
Afghanistan again, similarly to what happened in 2005 and 2006, as can be
observed by the sudden spike in the number of troop deaths from 2005 onwards.
At the same time, the situation would deteriorate if Nato forces were to simply
withdraw. The militant groups would be strengthened, and the Pakistani military
and intelligence would be emboldened to pursue their policy of "strategic
Given the close co-operation between al-Qa'ida, the Taliban Shura based in
Quetta, and Punjab-based groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba, which was responsible
for the Mumbai attacks, the threat to the whole of South Asia would be
increased, and in turn to the West itself, since India and Pakistan both have
nuclear arsenals.
Thus, we must confront the Pakistani military and intelligence on this issue,
rather than assuming that we have, in Obama's words, a relationship of
"mutual trust" with Pakistan, and try to make them assume
responsibility for the situation. This would allow for a safe withdrawal plan
that would also put an end to the Pashtun nationalist insurgency in Afghanistan
that has arisen in response to the prolonged presence of Nato forces.
Aymenn Jawad
May 24, 2010
Fashionable 5th Avenue in New York City morphed into a virtual sea of blue and
white on Sunday afternoon, May 23rd, as thousands marched down the famed
thoroughfare in a passionate display of support for the State of Israel on her
62nd birthday. The flag of Israel was a ubiquitous site, as marchers
representing synagogues, schools, yeshivos and Jewish organizations from around
the tri-state area held aloft this indefatigable symbol of Jewish statehood
with pride while hoisting decorative banners and signs calling for a united
Jerusalem. Scores of spectators from all over the country lined the parade
route and joyfully cheered on the marchers as they raised their collective
voices in tribute to the glorious legacy of Israel.
For over 20 blocks, Hebrew songs blared through loudspeakers on the abundance
of floats representing organizations and businesses supporting Israel as
marching bands, dance troupes and choral societies provided their own unique
backdrop to the day's festivities. Throngs of ebullient students representing
such local area schools as Yeshiva of Flatbush, Magen David, Shulamith High
School for Girls, Yeshiva of Manhattan Beach and the East Midwood Hebrew Day
School proudly chanted, "Am Yisroel Chai" (the nation of Israel
lives) as they paid homage to the rich heritage, ancestry, and history of the
Jewish homeland.
Others schools and groups participating in the 2010 Salute to Israel parade
included the Yeshiva of Central Queens, Yeshiva University High School for Boys
and Girls, the JCH of Bensonhurst, HAFTR - Hebrew Academy of Far Rockaway and
the Five Towns, the Jewish Foundation School, the Hebrew Academy of Long Beach,
the Moshe Aaron Yeshiva High School, the Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy, the
Kings Bay YM-YWHA, the Ma'ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls, the North Shore
Hebrew Academy High School, the Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey, the
Sephardic Heritage Alliance, the Solomon Schecter Day Schools of Bergen, Essex
and Union counties in New Jersey, United Synagogue Youth, the Ramaz School, the
Westchester Jewish Conference, Temple Israel of Great Neck, Tzofim Tzabar -
Friends of Israel Scouts, the Republican Jewish Coalition, RAJE - Russian
American Jewish Experience, the Jewish War Veterans, among many others.
Float sponsors included the American Friends of Magen David Adom, the
America-Israel Friendship League, Bank Leumi, Bank Hapoalim, El Al Airlines,
the B'nai Zion Foundation and the 92nd Street YM-YWHA.
The parade was not without a polemical element as opponents of the Jewish state
gathered along the parade route between 58th and 59th Streets to voice their
animus towards Israel. Members of the vociferously anti-Israel Chassidic sect
known as Neturei Karta carried Palestinian flags and shouted epithets against
the Zionist movement while holding signs saying, "Authentic rabbis oppose
the creation of Israel". They were joined by members of the ANSWER
Coalition, a left wing pro-Palestinian conglomerate who lambastes Israel as a
"racist, apartheid state".
Directly across the street stood members of the Human Rights Coalition Against
Radical Islam (HRCARI), a nascent organization representing Jews, Christians,
Hindus, Sikhs and ex-Muslims whose objective is to graphically depict the
heinous atrocities committed by radical Islamists against all infidels. Andrew
Upton, a founding member of HRCARI said, "We are here today to remind all
Americans that Israel is on the front lines in the struggle against radical
Islam. If we strengthen Israel, we thereby strengthen all of humanity as
radical Islam represents the greatest threat to our freedoms since Nazism prior
to World War II."
Christian supporters of Israel such as Linda Rivera of Manhattan also joined
the HRCARI counter-protest. Said Ms. Rivera," The Jewish people are
finally back in the land that G-d gave them as an everlasting possession and
anybody who attempts to steal this land from the Jews is declaring war on G-d.
The Obama administration has expressed nothing but extreme hostility towards our
stalwart ally Israel while coddling our terrorist enemies such as Iran and that
is nothing short of reprehensible."
"Haven't we learned from history that we can't appease terrorists?",
intoned Coretta James, an African American woman and fervent supporter of
Israel. "I am here today to say as a black woman, that our president if a
blatant anti-Semite who should be ashamed of himself for his wayward policies
concerning Israel. The Jewish nation cannot be coerced into making a so called
'peace' with an enemy who has sworn her destruction such as the Palestinian
leadership", she added.
Rabbi Chaim Shimon of the Millinery Synagogue in Manhattan said, "We are
here today to show our solidarity with the one and only Jewish nation. As a
Torah observant Jew, my message to President Obama concerning his relations to
Jews and Israel comes directly from the Bible which states, 'Those who bless
you will be blessed and those who curse you will be cursed'. Mr. President -
keep your hands off our holy city of Jerusalem because the G-d of Israel is
watching over you."
As the parade reached its conclusion, both marchers and spectators headed
towards the "Summerstage" in Central Park for the 17th annual Concert
in the Park for Israel. Headlining at this year's musical tribute to Israel
were renowned singers Eitan Katz, Gershon Veroba, Dr. Meyer and Baruch Abittan,
Jerry Markowitz, Izzy Kieffer, Michael Ian Elias, Elad Snir, accompanied by
Israeli pianist extraordinaire Shlomi Aharoni and such groups as Pey Dalid and
the Maccabeats (a Yeshiva University a cappella group), among others
The concert, emceed by radio personality Nachum Segal, (JM in the AM), was
dedicated to Jerusalem never being divided, not giving up any land anywhere in
Eretz Yisroel, and standing up to the mullahs of Iran. Mr. Segal introduced
such speakers as New York State Assemblyman David Weprin, director of the Igud
HaRabonim, Rabbi Gershon Tannenbaum, Rabbi Dr. Elie Abadie of the Edmond J.
Safra Synagogue, Manhigut Yehudit international director, Shmuel Sackett, Rabbi
David Algaze of the Chavurat Israel synagogue in Forest Hills, Rev. Michael
Faulkner (Congressional candidate for the 15th district in northern Manhattan),
and executive director of the Shomron Liason Office, David HaIvri.
The keynote speakers were MK Danny Danon, Chairman of the World Likud movement
and deputy speaker of the Knesset and Michael S. Steele, Chairman of the
Republican National Committee. "Israeli settlements are not an obstacle to
peace in the Middle East" said MK Danon. "They are assets to Israel
that must be preserved at all costs", he intoned. Mr. Danon, a member of
the Betar Zionist youth movement founded by the legendary Zionist revisionist
leader Ze'ev Jabotinsky said that "Jerusalem will remain undivided; despite
the pressure that Israel finds herself under by the Obama administration. The
real threat to peace and stability in the region is the Iranian nuclear threat
which is very real and very lethal and that is something that the US is
reluctant to confront in the strongest terms", he declared. In a private
interview subsequent to his speech Mr. Danon said, "If need be, Israel has
the nuclear capability to deal with Iran's burgeoning nuclear arsenal. Israel
did not attend the recent global nuclear summit in Washington because we don't
need to be on the receiving end of pressure regarding nuclear disarmament,
especially now, as the clock is ticking concerning a possible strike against us
by Iran."
"We need very clear indications from Washington concerning its commitment
to Israel's security", said Michael Steele, Chairman of the Republican
National Committee. "And the major obstacle here is that we're not getting
any indications from the Obama administration about what they are planning to
do about the danger that Israel finds herself in, vis-a-via the Iranian nuclear
threat. It is our belief that Israel should not be exhorted to make territorial
concessions in the name of a false peace. We know that we cannot appease
terrorists and the Palestinian Authority and the other Iranian proxies such as
Hamas and Hezbollah are clearly dedicated to Israel's annihilation", he
May 16, 2010
Warning of the existential perils to Israel, the United States and the entire
western world that a nuclear empowered Iran represents, the Honorable John
Bolton, former US ambassador to the United Nations delivered a powerful address
as keynote speaker at the 2010 Jerusalem Reclamation Project/Ateret Cohanim
dinner on Thursday evening, May 13th at Terrace on the Park.
Citing the plethora of misinformation and misimpressions that swirl around the
status of Israel, Jerusalem and its surrounding settlements, Ambassador Bolton
made several oblique references to the current strain in US-Israeli relations
and chastised the Obama administration for pressuring Israel to cease
construction of new homes for Jewish residents in East Jerusalem. "People
should be able to buy and sell property in Jerusalem, as in any other country,
and clearly peace in the region is not dependent on Israel making territorial
concessions", he intoned. Referring to the chilly reception and
humiliating treatment that was accorded to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu on his most recent visit to Washington, Ambassador Bolton said,
"Today, Afghan president Hamid Kharzi was treated to a gala lunch at the
White House and shown the kind of respect that we display to our allies. Lest
we forget that Israel is our staunchest ally in the Middle East and as such the
prime minister of Israel should receive the same respect."
Debunking the ubiquitous myth that peace in the Middle East will be achieved by
settling the intractable Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Ambassador Bolton
opined, "The Palestinians are being exploited by their own leaders and the
US should not force either proximity or direct negotiations between Israel and
the Palestinians because there is no legitimate Palestinian entity to negotiate
with. The US needs to stop digging the hole that they're in because undertaking
this huge diplomatic task that will result in failed negotiations will leave the
US in a much weaker position."
Calling Iran the "cradle of terrorism", Ambassador Bolton said,
"Iran has been developing nuclear weapons for the last 20 years and
neither diplomacy nor economic sanctions will be effective deterrents against
them. Iran has been hiding from IAEA inspectors, concealing data and destroying
concrete proof of nuclear facilities. He also provided evidence of Iran's
nuclear ties to the rogue country of North Korea, whose nuclear power plant in
Syria was destroyed in a 2007 attack by Israel and spoke of Iran's financing of
such terrorist groups as Hamas, Hezbollah and the Taliban. "Because of the
ethnic dissatisfaction in Iran, a regime change is warranted and the ousting of
the Islamic revolutionary regime that came to power there in 1979", he
said to rousing applause. Until that time he said that "Iran cannot be
contained or deterred" and suggested that Israel might be put in a
position to launch a pre-emptive strike while there are no clear indications
from Washington that it will support such a venture.
The ambassador concluded by thanking the members of the JRP/Ateret Cohanim for
their unflinching devotion to building Jerusalem and for their tireless efforts
on its behalf of its people. The Jerusalem Reclamation Project and Ateret
Cohanim are organizations predicated on fulfilling a generations old dream of
rebuilding and securing a united Jerusalem, strengthening Jewish roots and
reestablishing thriving Jewish communities that are centered around educational
institutes in and around the Old City of Jerusalem. Referring to Jerusalem as
the "heart and soul" of the Jewish nation, its activities include
establishing educational centers, helping to renovate old buildings, installing
and maintaining security systems and initiating other Jewish educational
projects in an effort to revitalize this important area and have a greater
Jewish presence in and around the Old City.
The guests of honor at this year's dinner were Dr. Joseph Frager and Mr. Mel
Wadler. Dr. Frager, a renowned gastroenterologist, is the chairman of the board
of The Jerusalem Reclamation Project and is widely regarded as one of the
leading Jewish activists of today. Mr. Wadler is one of the founding members of
American Friends of Ateret Cohanim and established its first office in his home
back in 1984. He is a tenacious visionary who has become a driving force in the
Philanthropists Joseph and Helen Mermelstein were this year's recipients of the
auspicious Jerusalem Chai award and were hailed for their "tireless work
on behalf of Jews around the world." Credited with securing the release of
former Soviet prisoner of conscience Anatoly (Natan) Sharansky, the
Mermelsteins are also active in helping the settlements in Judea and Samaria by
donating swimming pools, basketball courts and day-care centers.
The Bonei Yerushalayim honorees of 2010 included three very special people.
Mark and Galina Moerdler have been active involved in various Jewish causes
including the JRP, Children of Chernobyl and Amit. Their exemplary dedication
and commitment to Jerusalem and Israel is manifested through their constant
support of JRP initiatives.
Introduced by Shani Hikind who is the JRP executive vice president, Mr. Moe
Tawil was described as a "man of action and devotion" and "a Moses
in our time" for his stalwart support of the rebuilding of Jerusalem. Mr.
Tawil was born into a family steeped in the Sephardic traditional way of life
where education, the study of Torah and Yirat Hashem were woven into the fabric
of their daily lives. Mrs. Hikind said that Mr. Tawil was a true Ohev Yisroel
who cares deeply for his brethren and that he confided in her that "Torah
is the secret to his longevity."
Other Jewish luminaries were also present at the dinner including Rabbi David
Algaze of the Chavurat Yisrael synagogue in Forest Hills, New York. Commenting
on the recent terrorist attempt in Times Square on May 1st by Pakistani born
American citizen, Faisal Shahzad, Rabbi Algaze said, "If our elected
officials and the media do not name the enemy as radical Islamists, we will
never find them. While stereotyping and profiling any group is abhorrent we
must realize that Islam is like no other culture. It seeks worldwide domination
in the form of a caliphate and their doctrine is based on the teachings of
Muhammed who called for the death of all infidels. Islamic mosques and
madrassas are breeding grounds for this kind of nefarious ideology and their
preachers and imams cannot stop it."
New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D) representing the 48th assembly
district in Boro Park since 1982 and husband of Shani Hikind of the JRP said of
the burgeoning Iranian nuclear threat, "As Ambassador Bolton suggested in
his speech, Israel may have no choice but to make the first move against Iran
for self-preservation reasons and not to take action may prove to be worse
later on." Opining on the US position of such an engagement by Israel he
said, "the Obama administration has been a disaster for Israel and the US.
This administration has done everything in its power to undermine Israel's
security, and thus the ultimate security of the United States."
May 12, 2010
Darul Uloom Deoband, the self-appointed guardian for Indian Muslims, in a
Talibanesque fatwa that reeked of tribal patriarchy, has decreed that it is
"haram" and illegal according to the Sharia for a family to accept a
woman's earnings. Clerics at the largest Sunni Muslim seminary after Cairo's
Al-Azhar said the decree flowed from the fact that the Sharia prohibited
proximity of men and women in the workplace.
"It is unlawful (under the Sharia law) for Muslim women to work in the
government or private sector where men and women work together and women have
to talk with men frankly and without a veil," said the fatwa issued by a
bench of three clerics. The decree was issued over the weekend, but became
public late on Monday, seminary sources said.
At a time when there is a rising clamour for job quotas for Muslims in India
and a yearning for progress in the community that sees itself as neglected, the
fatwa, although unlikely to be heeded, is clearly detrimental.
Even the most conservative Islamic countries, which restrict activities of
women, including preventing them from driving, do not bar women from working.
At the peak of its power, the Taliban only barred women in professions like
medicine from treating men and vice versa. But there was a never a blanket ban
on working, although the mullahs made it amply clear that they would like to
see the women confined to homes.
The fatwa, however, drew flak among other clerics.
"Men and women in Sharia are entitled to equal rights. If men follow the
Sharia, there is no reason why women can't work with them," said Rasheed,
the Naib Imam of Lucknow's main Eidgah Mosque in Aishbagh.
Mufti Maulana Khalid Rasheed of Darul Ifta Firangi Meheli -- another radical
Islamic body which also issues fatwas -- criticized the Deoband fatwa as a
retrograde restriction on Muslim women.
The fatwa was in response to a question whether Muslim women can take up
government or private jobs and whether their salary should be termed as `halal'
(permissible under the Sharia) or `haram' (forbidden).
Well-known Shia cleric Maulana Kalbe Jawwad, however, justified the fatwa.
"Women in Islam are not supposed to go out and earn a living. It's the
responsibility of the males in the family," he said. "If a woman has
to go for a job, she must make sure that the Sharia restrictions are not
compromised," he added, citing the example of Iran, where Muslim women
work in offices but have separate seating areas, away from their male
In Lucknow, a city with strong secular and progressive traditions, where Muslim
families train their daughters to be doctors, engineers and executives, there
was a sense of shocked disbelief even in conservative quarters that such a
decree could come from those who consider themselves to be advocates of the
"I am also a working woman and also ensure that my Sharia is not
compromised," said Rukhsana, a lecturer at a girl's college in Lucknow and
a member of the executive committee of All India Muslim Personal Law Board
(AIMPLB). "It's not necessary that one would have to go against the Sharia
when going to work."
"Name one Islamic country which does not have a national airline and does
not hire airhostesses? If I know correctly, even the Saudi Airlines has hostesses
and they don't wear a veil," said Shabeena Parveen, a computer
professional in the city.
Source: The times of India
In a judgment with far-reaching implications, the Allahabad high court has
ruled that a non-Muslim bride must convert to Islam to marry a Muslim. Failing
that, the matrimony with a Muslim man would be void as it would contradict
Islamic dicta and tenets of the Quran, the court said.
The ruling on Monday by a division bench comprising Justices Vinod Prasad and
Rajesh Chandra, came on a writ petition filed by Dilbar Habib Siddiqui. The
petitioner had sought quashing of an FIR registered against him on March 17
under sections 323, 366 and 363 of IPC with Naini PS, Allahabad and prayed the
court not interfere in his peaceful matrimonial life with Khushboo Jaiswal. The
judges directed a speedy probe into the marriage of Siddiqui and ordered the
cops to separate Khushboo Jaiswal, who was lodged in Nari Niketan, and hand her
over to her parents.
The primary question for adjudication was on whether the FIR could be quashed
or not. A perusal of the contents of the FIR indicated that Khushboo Jaiswal
was alleged to have been abducted by the petitioner three months prior to its
lodging. However, the petitioner had succeeded in preventing the FIR from being
registered. The FIR was filed by the girl's mother, Sunita Jaiswal, who alleged
that the petitioner had abducted her daughter. She contended that Khushboo
never converted to Islam and there was also no documentary evidence to suggest
"In our above conclusion we are fortified by the fact that in the
affidavit filed by Khusboo herself subsequent to her alleged contract marriage,
she has described herself as Khushboo and not by any Islamic name. As Khushboo,
she could not have contracted marriage according to Muslim customs. In those
documents she has addressed herself as Khushboo Jaiswal," the verdict said.
"Thus, what is conspicuously clear is that Khushboo Jaiswal never
converted and embraced Islam and therefore her marital tie with the petitioner
Dilbar Habib Siddiqui is a void marriage since the same is contrary to Islamic
dicta and tenets of Holy Quran," the court ruled.
Source: The Times Of India
On Tuesday evening, May 11th, the crossroads of the world, better known as
Times Square in Manhattan was the scene of a passionate display of fortitude as
members of the Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam gathered for a
rally to expose the existential perils that radical Islam represents to the
Western world. Standing just a few blocks from the place where 30 year old
Faisal Shahzad, the Pakistani born and Taliban trained American citizen
attempted to detonate his vehicle filled with deadly explosives on May 1st in
order to murder as many tourists and innocent civilians as possible, the
leaders of this rainbow coalition of activists sounded a clarion call as
onlookers watched and listened.
Comprised of Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and ex-Muslims, the HRCARI is a
nascent organization that champions the rights of those who have been
victimized and slaughtered by Muslim extremists. Having staged its very first
rally in Times Square in May of 2009, their ranks have swelled over the last
year with those who are deeply concerned about the cultural indifference to the
burgeoning growth of Islamic radicalism.
Charles Jacobs, a board member of the HRCARI and a writer for The Jewish
Advocate in Boston said, "Our purpose here today is two-fold. We are here
to send a clear message to the press and politicians who have intentionally
obfuscated the nature of this most recent terrorist attempt by not labeling the
enemy as radical Islam and acquiescing to political correctness. We are also
here to educate the public about the pernicious agenda of those radical
Islamists who would love nothing more than to obliterate our cherished values
of democracy, freedom and liberty."
"The Western world is mired in self-doubt and self-guilt that has been
imposed upon us by those post-modern forces on the left and in the sphere of
academia who believe we are deserving of the animus of our enemies", he
ruefully observed.
Holding aloft signs and banners saying, "Elected Officials and Mass Media
- Unveil The Truth: Radical Islam Attacks Humanity", "Stop Billions
of Saudi Oil Money that are Funding Worldwide Radical Islamic Intolerance and
Terror", "Reform Radical Islmamic Madrassas: Stop Teaching Hate"
and displaying placards of those Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, women and
gays who have been summarily murdered by brutal Islamic regimes, the rally
attendees graphically described the horrific consquences of being an
"infidel" in the Muslim world. Martin Rosenthal, a rally attendee
from Queens held a homemade sign that said, "Queers Against Radical
Islam" and spoke of the heinous atrocities committed against both gay men
and women in such countries as Iran, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
Narain Kataria, the founder of the Indian American Intellectuals Forum said,
"Since 9/11/2001, the followers of the so called "religion of
peace" have carried out 15101 deadly terrorist attacks and killed more
than 75,000 people. It does not requite a rocket scientist to tell us that the
aim of the Jihadist is to dominate the entire world, force all of us to
surrender and to plant the Islamic flag in Washington, London, Jerusalem and
New Delhi, not to mention New York City." He also spoke the mass slaughter
of Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan. "Pakistan is the nursery of terrorism.
Pakistan is the epicenter of Jihad. Pakistan is the most untrustworthy ally in
the war on terror. Pakistan is fooling us. They use sophistry and subterfuge to
hoodwink us", he declared.
"What we need here in America and throughout the free world is
intellectual clarity", said Madeline Brooks, the Manhattan chapter head of
Act For America, a national human rights organization that stridently opposes
radical Islam and serves as a bulwark against the mendacity of multi-cultural
relativists in the progressive camp. "We here in New York are faced with
mortal danger each day. We are the prime terror target on this planet. We are
in daner of being nuked and the government's denial of this threat only leaves
us in a much weaker state and undermines the confidence of the people who reside
here. That is the reality of radical Islam and we do ourselves a grave
injustice by not confronting it head on with the gravitas that it demands"
she continued.
John Kenneth Press, a PhD in history and the author of "Culturism: A Word,
A Value, Our Future" (2007 - Social Books) said, "Culturism is a
political philosophy, art and science based upon the understanding that
cultural diversity is real and important. Western culture believes in free
speech, feminism, and the separation of church and state. Islam, for example,
does not. Western culture is based on individuals applying their intelligence
towards progressive and productive ends. For 1400 years there has been a
worldwide Jihad fueled by radical Islam whose objective is death and
destruction of all infidels and the sooner that we give voice to this, the
sooner that we demand that our government consider this threat as a moral and
physical exigency, the sooner we can increase our chances of not falling prey
to an Islamic caliphate."
"21st century Nazism is now tantamount to radical Islam" said Andrew
Upton, a board member of HRCARI. "There is someone here today holding a
sign saying, "Queers Against Radical Islam". We applaud this person
for spotlighting the fact that gays and lesbians are considered worthy of death
in Islamic countries as are women who are consistently victims of honor murders
by male family members for attempting to divorce their husbands, for being
raped, for not allowing themselves to be party to forced marriages and for
purported violations of Sharia law", he said.
At the conclusion of the rally, the participants took their signs and banners
and staged a march throughout the Times Square area calling on all concerned
citizens to lobby their elected officials and the press to "jettison the
fraud of multi-cultural relativism and politcal correctness in the name of our
April 26, 2010
"Obama - Stop Pressuring Israel" was the rallying cry of the day, as
over 2000 supporters of Israel gathered in front of the Israeli Consulate in
New York City on Sunday afternoon, April 25th to express their views on the
current strain in relations between the United States and Israel. Organizers of
the rally had expected thousands more to attend but the inclement weather kept
many away.
The rally was sponsored and organized by the Jewish Action Alliance, an
pro-Israel activist organization that is renowned for championing issues of
Jewish security. Beth Gilinsky, the spokesperson and chief strategist of the
Jewish Action Alliance said, "We are outraged that President Obama is
scapegoating Israel and wants to expel Jews from their homes in Jerusalem.
President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton display more anger about
a Jewish family building a home in Jerusalem than Iran building a nuclear
bomb." Expressing the sentiments of those in attendance at the rally, she
said, "Vast segments of the Jewish community will not tolerate the
President's continuing attacks on Israel. Grassroots Jewry will not be
Noticeably absent from the lengthy roster of organizations endorsing this rally
were the major American establishment Jewish organizations such as the World
Jewish Congress, the ADL of B'nai Brith, the American Jewish Congress and the
United Jewish Appeal. It has been suggested that these liberal Jewish
organizations are supportive of President Obama's agenda in the Middle East and
don't want to damage their relations with the current administration. Amongst
the plethora of organizations endorsing and participating in the rally were,
Stand With Us, a college campus activist organization that spotlights hate
speech against Israel, Christians and Jews United for Israel, Children of
Jewish Holocaust Survivors, Artists 4 Israel, Z Street, The Jerusalem
Reclamation Project, The Center For Defense of Democracies, the AISH Center,
AMCHA; Coalition for Jewish Concerns, The Jewish Political Education Foundation
and the Endowment for Middle East Truth.
Radio talk show host Steve Malzberg and columnist Rabbi Aryeh Spero served as
the masters of ceremony as they introduced a litany of speakers representing a
broad spectrum of both Jewish and non-Jewish support for Israel. Rabbi Yaakov
Spivak of Monsey, NY, a longtime Jewish activist, radio talk show host and a
Daily News columnist intoned, "President Obama, we're here today to tell
you something. In Warsaw, they told Jews where we could build, in Lodz they
told Jews where we could build, in Paris they told Jews where we could build.
You will never tell us where to build in Jerusalem. We are home and Israel is
our country. You are not our landlord and we are neither a vassal state nor a
banana republic. Our mandate to be here today is none other than our holy
Tanach, our bible which says, 'For the sake of Zion I will not be silent and
for the sake of Jerusalem I will not be quiet."
"The Jewish people are G-d's chosen people" said Rev. Michael
Faulkner, an African American minister representing the New Horizon Church.
"I remind those in the Obama administration that those who bless the
Jewish people will be blessed and those who curse the Jewish people will be
cursed. Israel is the only stable, democratic ally in the Middle East and this
relationship must be preserved and protected. The strength of the land of
Israel and the Jewish people lies with their G-d and I call upon all Jews to
return to the mandate of the Almighty G-d of Israel and His holy Torah" he
Holding aloft signs saying, "Jerusalem: Israel's United and Eternal
Capitol", "Hillary Clinton: Pressure Iran, Not Israel",
"Obama: Stand Up for America, Stop Bowing to Saudi Kings!" and
"Obama: Jews Will Not Be Silent", the rally participants passionately
expressed their anger at the shift in US foreign policy as it pertains to
Israel. Jackie Donney, 55, a Christian supporter of Israel who traveled from
Newton, Pennsylvania to attend the rally said, "Look, we all know the
background of Barack Obama. He is a disciple of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, one of
the greatest haters of Israel and America. I think it is downright sinful that
Obama has placed such tremendous pressure on Israel to make major territorial
concessions in the name of a false peace. The Palestinian government is an
Iranian proxy and such is bent on the destruction of Israel and the Western
world. Just look what happened when Israel forcibly evicted Jews from Gush
Katif. It didn't bring peace and now the US is demanding that Israel relinquish
parts of Jerusalem and all of Judea and Samaria. I say, 'Never, Never,
Another rally attendee, Rabbi Joseph Rosenbluh of the Young Israel of Vandeveer
Park in Brooklyn said, "In our Tehillim (the Book of Psalms), we learn
that our ultimate salvation lies with our Almighty G-d. It is up to all Jews to
ferociously cleave to Hashem (G-d), to walk in His ways and to follow His
commandments. In every generation we find that there is no shortage of Jew
haters and other miscreants who seek our destruction. There is a new Pharoah in
town (Obama) who does not know Joseph (the Jewish people) and we comprehend
from our history that G-d will deal with our enemies if only we acknowledge His
majesty and glory."
A formidable contingent of Hindu and Sikh supporters of Israel was also present
at the rally. "We understand all to well that a policy of appeasement
towards Islamic radicalism will never bring peace to Israel or the civilized
world, declared Satya Dosapati of the Hindu Human Rights Watch. "As
Hindus, we have been massacred by Muslims for thousands of years. If President
Obama really believes that isolating and demonizing Israel and publicly
humiliating Israel's prime minister is not emboldening our Islamic enemies,
then something is really wrong. Israel is a peace seeking nation and we
unequivocally support their right to their homeland. The world must realize
that if Israel falls then the entire world will come under the domination of a
blood thirsty Islamic caliphate", he continued.
Meir Rosenblatt, of Passaic, New Jersey said, "At the most recent AIPAC
convention, Secretary Clinton said that Israel must relinquish Judea and
Samaria in order to maintain both a democratic and Jewish state. It is clear
that Israel is sitting on a demographic time bomb that is all too real. 20
years ago there were only two Arab members of Knesset and now there are 10. The
Arab birthrate is skyrocketing while the Jewish birthrate is not. There is no
educated Jew that can honestly say we weren't warned that this would happen.
Rabbi Meir Kahane, of blessed memory spoke of this back in the late 1970s and
everyone called him a racist and a fascist because they didn't want to hear the
painful truth. Now we have boxed ourselves in a corner because we didn't listen
to his prescient message."
Helen Freedman of the Americans for a Safe Israel said, "There is no way
to establish peace with those who call for your destruction on a daily basis.
That is exactly what the Palestinian propaganda campaign is all about. Lies,
half-truths and distortions. AFSI is promoting the idea of "Shalom"
(peace) through the concept of "Shalem" (a whole Israel). There can
only be peace through strength and security. When the Arabs realized that they
could not prevail against Israel militarily, they embarked on a course of diplomatic
destruction and we are here to speak truth to the canards that they
Other speakers included Joan Peters, author of the critically acclaimed book,
"Of Time Immemorial", Mort Klein of the Zionist Organization of
America, Dr. Herbert London of The Hudson Institute, New York State Assemblyman
Dov Hikind who represents the 48th assembly district in Brooklyn and a stalwart
Jewish activist and supporter of Israel, radio talk show host Curtis Sliwa and
founder of the Guardian Angels, Faith McDonnell of the Institute for Religion
and Democracy, Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs, Joy Brighton of Stop Shariah Now,
Rabbi David Algaze of the World Committee for the Land of Israel, Tamar
Edelstein of Crown Heights Women, Bhupinder Bhurji of the Naamdari Sikh
Foundation, Lori Lowenthal Marcus of Z Street, State Senator Reuben Diaz, Susan
Cohen of the Republican Jewish Coalition, Mallory Danaher of the David Horowitz
Freedom Center and Narain Katarian of the Hindu Human Rights Watch.
April 11, 2010
bravery! Let's pray for her protection ... From FoxNews via The New
York Post (emphasis added):
'Arab Idol' Finalist Blasts Clerics on Popular Show
burqa-clad contestant on the Arabic version of "American Idol" landed
in the finals after bravely blasting hard-line Muslim clerics on live
television, sparking outrage among religious conservatives in the Middle East.
Unlike the wildly popular Fox show, contestants in the Middle Eastern version
recite traditional and original poetry rather than sing.
While most regale the audience with odes to the beauty of Bedouin life and
glory of their rulers, Hissa Hilal stunned audiences last week by
attacking Muslim religious leaders as "vicious in voice, barbaric, angry
and blind," and guilty of "preying like a wolf" on people
seeking peace.
She specifically blasted fatwas -- declarations by imams that often incite
violence -- as a side of the extremism that is "creeping into our
"I have seen the evil in the eyes of fatwas, at a time when the permitted
is being twisted into the forbidden," Hilal recited, speaking with
only a hint of her eyes visible through her black veil.
Naturally, her verse has inspired numerous death threats on Islamic
militant Web sites.
But her brave words clearly tapped a nerve, as she was wildly cheered by
the audience and voted into the competition's final round.
"My poetry has always been provocative," said Hilal, a housewife
and mother of four from Saudi Arabia. "It's a way to express myself
and give voice to Arab women, silenced by those who have hijacked our
culture and our religion."
Her poem was specifically seen as a direct assault on a prominent Saudi cleric
who issued a fatwa against those who call for the mingling of men and women.
More broadly, Hilal was also seen as attacking all the hard-line religious
leaders who have widespread influence throughout the Middle East.
"Killing a human being is so easy for them, it is always an option," she
Hilal said she is concerned by the threats, but "not enough to send
me into hiding."
She worries more whether her newfound fame might turn her life upside-down --
facing a fate like that of "Britain's Got Talent" songbird Susan
Boyle, who melted down under the spotlight.
"I worry how I will be perceived after the show is over, when judgment is
passed and people begin to talk about my performance and ideas," she
said. "I worry the lights of fame will affect my simple and quiet
Poetry is hugely popular in Middle Eastern countries, with prominent poets
rising to rock-star levels of fame.
On the show, which is called "The Million's Poet" and is
broadcast from Abu Dhabi across the entire region, contestants are rated by
their voice, style of recitation and the subject matter.
The judges gave Hilal top marks for her impassioned performance and
tackling a controversial topic. Their opinions, coupled with voting from people
in the audience and through text messages by viewers, landed her in the final
"Hissa Hilal is a courageous poet," said judge Sultan al-Amimi, who
manages Abu Dhabi's Poetry Academy. "She expressed her opinion against the
kind of fatwas that affect people's lives and raised an alarm against these ad
hoc fatwas coming from certain scholars who are inciting extremism."
What a
brave lady! May the Lord protect her!
recent criticism of Geert Wilders’ views on Islam by the leading lights of the
conservative movement has created much indignation and surprise in certain
conservative analysts with strong national security credentials couldn’t be
convinced of Islam’s threat, getting the point across to the centrist
politicians who define and execute policy will indeed be even tougher.
In a
particularly striking criticism of Wilders, conservative commentator Charles
Krauthammer asserts that “What he [Geert Wilders]
says is extreme, radical, and wrong. He basically is arguing that Islam is the
same as Islamism. Islamism is an ideology of a small minority which holds that
the essence of Islam is jihad, conquest, forcing people into accepting a certain
very narrow interpretation [of Islam]. The untruth of that is obvious.”
commenting on the merits of Dr. Krauthammer’s critique, it is pertinent to note
that it is his opinion. This is true of Geert Wilder’s
reasoned views on Islam as well. After all,
both have not quoted any scientific study to back their assertions.
If Islam
is a threat as some claim, what would it take to persuade that
certain fundamental attributes of Islam enshrine it a violent ideology of
The key
to settling what Islam stands for is to let science, not opinion,
dictate the debate. This is reality crystallized by an analogy:
was a time when a male lion was seen as an embodiment of a great and dominant
hunter of a pride. This perception reflected the majority of opinions at a
certain time. However, various studies conducted in ensuing years told a different
story: that female lions were the real hunters of a pride. That is, statistics
of female lions hunting for their pride dominated the overall hunting pattern
of a pride. These statistics put to rest the specific question of who hunted
the most in a pride. In fact, these statistics form the
definitive scientific basis of these studies.
than a few Muslims have claimed that they engage in jihad (a religious war
waged to advance the cause of Islam at the expense of unbelievers) because
Islamic scriptures command them to do so.
nations representing Muslim communities—Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Iran—have
taken to sponsoring jihad worldwide, on the basis of the scriptures.
are widely varying opinions on the root cause of this—the dominant one is that
the relevant Islamic scriptures have been misinterpreted. As with the
discussion of the lions, a corresponding scientific query would be to find out
the extent or the statistics of dislike of unbelievers and their conquest in
the Islamic doctrines.
Recently, Bill
Warner of the Center for the Study of Political Islam has
carried out a groundbreaking statistical analysis of Islamic doctrines.
summarize his studies by noting that about sixty-one
percent of
the contents of the Koran are found to speak ill of unbelievers or call for
their violent conquest; at best only 2.6 percent of the verses of the Koran are
noted to show goodwill toward humanity. Moreover, about seventy five
percent of
Muhammad’s biography (Sira) consists of jihad waged on unbelievers.
there might be some subjectivity to the above analysis, the overwhelming thrust
of the inferences should be noted.
overall thrust exposes the sheer absurdity of excusing the Koran-inspired
terror on the so-called “selective interpretation” of the Muslim holy book or
its “verses being taken out of context.”
burden of scientific or statistical evidence suggests that Islam is an
intolerant religion that drives its followers toward a violent conquest of
If such
is the thrust of the Islamic doctrines, their propagation would lead to
increased violence directed at non-Muslims. Indeed, rise in Muslim extremism of
the past decades is directly correlated with hundreds of billions of dollars
spent by government-linked Saudi charities to “propagate” Islam worldwide.
surprisingly, even in the modern context, manifestations of Islamic supremacy
and conquest are the norm, rather than the exception. Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin
Laden outlined a condition for terror attacks against America to cease: “I invite you to embrace Islam.” During the past sixty years
most non-Muslim minorities—tens of
millions—in all Muslim-majority regions of South Asia were
terrorized into leaving for nearby non-Muslim-majority lands. All of this points to conquering
land and people for Islam.
policy approach to the Muslim world has been clouded by misrepresentations of
Islam’s character. For instance, in one of the most important foreign policy
initiatives of his presidency, in the now-famous Cairo speech, Obama observed that “[America and
Islam] overlap, and share common principles—principles of justice and progress;
tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.”
We are
left with the grim reality that at the fundamental level America’s policies
toward the Muslim world are based on false premises—and hence, are
untenable. This reality must be acknowledged widely before alternate policies
can be devised.
We live
in the era of science that has brought unprecedented security, development,
health and prosperity. Yet, we have allowed opinions to dictate debate and
policy on an existential threat. The importance of letting science drive policy
couldn’t be clearer on the subject of Islamic radicalism.
writer is a U.S.-based nuclear physicist and author of the book Defeating Political Islam: The New
Cold War. His email is
April 9, 2010
On Thursday evening, April 8th, the vaunted hero of the American left and the
denizens of the "politically correct" intellectual enclaves made his
return appearance at Cooper Union in New York City. In a panel discussion
entitled, "Secularism, Islam and Democracy: Muslims in Europe and the
West", Tariq Ramadan, the formerly "exiled" professor of Islamic
Studies at Oxford University took center stage at the forum sponsored by the
American Civil Liberties Union, the American Association of University
Professors, PEN American Center, the American Academy of Religion and Slate
Magazine. The audience of approximately 600 people consisted of those who call
him “slippery,” “double-faced,” “dangerous,” but his left-wing apologists refer
to him as “brilliant,” a “bridge-builder,” and a “Muslim Martin Luther.”
Controversy has swirled around Ramadan, for the better part of his adult life.
He is the grandson of Hassan al Banna, who in 1928 founded the Muslim
Brotherhood in Egypt and is the son of Said Ramadan who is credited with
bringing the Muslim Brotherhood to Germany where it eventually spread
throughout Europe.Born in Switzerland, when his father was exiled from Egypt by
Gamal Abdul Nasser, Ramadan studied philosophy, literature and social sciences
at the University of Geneva and pursued a Master's degree in philosophy and
French literature. He received his PhD in Arabic and Islamic studies. He is
best known for his dangerously duplicitous positions on Islamic radicalism. His
passive and ostensibly reasoned posture while speaking to Western audiences
betrays his bellicose commitment to the furtherance of Sharia law that he
reserves exclusively for Muslim only gatherings.
The web site of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy says of Ramadan:
"Ramadan is a self proclaimed Salafi-reformist whose version of reform
appears to basically be a modernization of the political system prevalent at
the time of the Prophet Mohammed rather than advocacy for individual liberty
and the separation of mosque and state. A 'rock star' among the many European
Muslims, namely Islamists, Ramadan is considered the most cited individual on
Islam in Europe. Ramadan eloquently uses language that supports the precepts of
non-violence and involvement in western society, yet he does not distance himself
in any way or nearly adequately from the supremacy of political Islam and the
concept of the Islamic State. His excuse is that he is speaking "from
within Muslims". But this prevents a real understanding of his ideas on
political Islam, the Islamic state and Sharia versus constitutional republics
and the establishment clause. It prevents a real understanding of his position
on the Muslim Brotherhood and thus becomes actual tacit support of the agenda
of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Ramadan has been unacceptably deceptive on issues related to Sharia such as
laws against apostasy, proscribed punishments under Islamic law, the continued
viability of the Islamic state and the Ummah, one law versus Sharia law, and
real equality for women in all settings to name a few. His positions remain
essentially in line with the Muslim Brotherhood-which remains against the best
interests of Muslims. His access to media portrays a homogeneity to Muslim
opinions which is outright false and denies the real diversity in Muslim communities
and ideologies."
Ramadan accepted the tenured position of Henry R. Luce Professor of Religion,
Conflict and Peacebuilding at the Joan B. Kroc Institute for International
Peace Studies at Notre Dame University in February 2004, but that August, U.S.
Customs officials denied Ramadan entry into the country under the
"ideological exclusion provision" of the Patriot Act. The university
filed a petition on Ramadan's behalf but hearing nothing from the government,
he resigned from the post in December 2004. Ramadan was later denied other
attempts to get visas so he could honor speaking engagements with the ACLU, the
American Association of University Professors and the PEN American Center being
among the groups wanting to host him and arguing on his behalf in the ensuing
legal wars. After a federal judge ordered the government to make a decision on
Ramadan's pending visa request, his application was denied in September 2006,
with a U.S. consular officer concluding the academic's actions "constituted
providing material support to a terrorist organization."The government's
evidence was $940 Ramadan gave to two charity groups that the U.S. Treasury
Department linked to Hamas in August 2003 On January 20, 2010, the American
State Department had decided, in a document signed by Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton, to lift the ban that prohibited Ramadan (as well as Professor
Adam Habib from South Africa) from entering the United States. And now, Ramadan
has triumphantly returned to the US for what some call the "Tariq Ramadan
American Islamist Victory Tour 2010".
Ramadan was introduced by Jameel Jaffer, director of the ACLU's National
Security Project, which litigates cases concerning dissent, discrimination,
detention, surveillance and due process. He was counsel to the plaintiffs in
American Academy of Religion v Chertoff, the lawsuit that ended the ban on
Ramadan. Hailing him as the sacrificial lamb of the Bush administration's
anti-Islamic agenda, Jaffer said this evening was dedicated "to creating a
safe political space for the exchange of ideas".
The panel was moderated by Jacob Weisberg, the Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of
The Slate Group, which publishes Slate Magazine and other web sites. Weisberg
introduced the other members of the panel, but noted that the evening would
focus on the philosophies of Tariq Ramadan and that he'd be asking some hard
hitting questions. The other panel members included Dalia Mogahed, a Senior
Analyst and Executive Director of the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies and the
co-author of a book entitled, "Who Speaks for Islam?: What a Billion
Muslims Really Think", George Packer, a staff writer for The New Yorker
and the author of "The Assassins' Gate: America in Iraq", Joan
Wallach Scott, professor of Social Science at the Institute for Advance Study
and the author of the "Politics of the Veil". She is known
internationally for writings that theorize gender as an analytic category.
Ramadan took the lectern and thanked the sponsoring groups for championing his
free speech rights and then went on to say that while he is sharply critical of
American policy vis-a vis Iraq and Afghanistan, he is not anti-Western and
feels that Muslims in Europe can maintain a pro-Western lifestyle while closely
adhering to their Islamic beliefs. He said that Islamic women were now taking
their place in the forefront of those who frame the debate on the dual role of
Muslims in a secular European culture and those who remain faithful to Koranic
"Islam is really a Western religion and Muslims in Europe can and should
be loyal citizens of the countries in which they live. Many people are scared
of the Muslim presence in Europe but we know that we can integrate diversity
through secularism, humility, respect and consistency. Muslim women are informing
the process and if you look at them you think they're oppressed but when you
hear the way they think and speak, they're clearly a driving force in
Islam", said Ramadan.
Concerning his thoughts on the Bush administration, Ramadan intoned, "Bush
implied that all Muslims were 'others', they were different and somehow
dangerous. While I am a vocal opponent of US policy in the Middle East, all I
am saying is that I am against the murder of Iraqi civilians and I am waiting
for the new administration to be an honest broker in the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict. I am still waiting because I don't see it as of yet in the Obama
Ramadan's detractors view his rhetoric quite differently. "Tariq Ramadan's
entry into America needs to be met with open dialogue from the Muslim
Community, non-Muslim organizations and the media on the real threat of
Political Islam," says M. Zuhdi Jasser, the president of the American
Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD). "It is incumbent on all Americans,
especially American Muslims, to engage Ramadan at any opportunity to
demonstrate that the US Constitution trumps the construct of the Islamic
State." He went on to say, "To give Ramadan an unfettered platform
for his dissimulation while also perpetuating his message of victimization is
to give him and his clerical colleagues a status which will forever retard real
reform within Muslim thought. Real reform comes from those Muslim leaders with
the personal strength of character to call for an end to the Islamic state and
the separation of mosque and state. Ramadan has not. Rather he is a soft
tongued global instrument of political Islam against the bulwark of real
freedom and liberty as we know it in the United States."
Pajamas Media columnist and prolific author, Phyllis Chesler stated in a March
25, 2010 article entitled, "Bin Laden Threatens America, NYC Welcomes
Tariq Ramadan", "Ramadan is not my problem, I know him for the snake
he is. Rather, it would be the sight of so many Americans who’ve glamorized him,
who are fooled by him, who have come to worship Death at his feet."
Panelist George Packer of The New Yorker magazine asked Ramadan why he never
roundly condemned his grandfather, Hassan al Banna, for his unyielding support
and succor of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who spent years in Nazi Germany and
advocated the mass extermination of the Jews. Ramadan danced around the
question saying that his grandfather was misquoted and that he never advocated
a totalitarian or fascist regime but only supported the Mufti in terms of his
fierce opposition to the creation of the State of Israel. Packer pressed
Ramadan on this point and asked how his grandfather could flagrantly align
himself with someone who extolled such a pernicious philosophy of classical
anti-Semitism. Ramadan refused to admit that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was
anti-Semitic but rather claimed that he was righteous in his position that
Palestine should not be colonized by the Jews of Europe or the West.
Charges of anti-Semitism have dogged Ramadan since he penned an article in 2003
entitled, “Critique of the (New) Communalist Intellectuals.” Ramadan’s main
argument was that “French Jewish intellectuals” — like Bernard-Henri Lévy,
Alain Finkielkraut, Bernard Kouchner, André Glucksmann and Pierre-André
Taguieff (in fact not Jewish at all) — who used to be “considered universalist
intellectuals” had become knee-jerk defenders of Israel and thus “had
relativized the defense of universal principles of equality and justice.”
Ramadan was trying to turn the tables on those who accuse Muslims of obsessing
about their victimhood by accusing “Jewish intellectuals” of doing precisely
that, thinking of just their own tribal concerns, while Ramadan’s pursuit of
justice for Palestinians was supposedly part of a universalist project.
On the question of the rampant oppression of women in the Muslim world,
panelist Joan Wallach Scott, a Ramadan supporter, asserted that the issue of
gender equality "has been used as a veil" to divert attention from
the "social inequality" of Muslims in the Western hemisphere. Citing
purported discriminatory practices against Muslims in such countries as France,
Scott said that "unemployment is higher for Muslims in France than it is
for French nationals" and that Muslims are viewed as "inferior"
in the West. From a historical perspective she described Muslims as a
"colonized people", subject to prejudice in its most banal form.
Refusing to address such pervasive misogynistic practices in the Islamic world
as forced marriages, stonings, beatings, immolations and honor murders of
women, Scott pointed to what she perceived as the sheer hypocrisy of the
Western patriarchy who she claims are trying to interfere with the reproductive
rights of American women, but are "suddenly concerned and overly involved
in the oppression of Muslim women," She concluded by saying that Muslim
women wear head scarves, veils, burqas and hijab on their own volition and not
because they are coerced by the religious dictums of Islamic culture. She
called gender equality a "political tool" that has nothing to do with
protecting the rights of Muslim women.
Ramadan also heaped criticism on Dutch intellectual, feminist activist, writer,
and politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who also happens to be a prominent critic of
Islam. "Ali believes that Islam is problematic and that one cannot be a
Muslim and open to democracy at the same time. She believes that the only way
to be a Muslim is to become an ex-Muslim", Ramadan exclaimed. He remained
silent on the issue of the religious dogma of Islam that opposes any government
that is not ruled by Sharia law or the practice of religious apartheid that is
practiced in many Muslim countries.
When questioned about his statements pertaining to homosexuals being anathema
in Islamic law and how the Muslim world is being forced to accept homosexuality
in order to appear politically correct and more Westernized, Ramadan deftly
skirted the question by figuratively tipping his hat to "political
correctness" by saying "this is how Muslims perceive the world is viewing
them, not how they perceive themselves. You can disagree with someone being gay
but we should respect that person and not tell him or her that they are not a
Muslim because of this."
The evening concluded with the reading of several pithy questions from audience
members that were read aloud by the moderator. It was not at all difficult to
see that Ramadan had not fooled everyone as challenging questions were
presented to him by the audience and several people commented that in order to
understand the real Tariq Ramadan, they should read the books entitled
"The Islamist, The Journalist, and the Defense of Liberalism: Who's Afraid
of Tariq Ramadan?" by Paul Berman and "Brother Tariq: The Doublespeak
of Tariq Ramadan" by Caroline Fourest.
Ramadan continues his charade in the next few weeks in such cities as Chicago,
Detroit, Washington and Garden Grove, California. May the forces of truth have
the temerity to boldly confront this purveyor of mendacity.
April 6, 2010
Helen Brown (letter, April 6) points out that the cathedral at Córdoba is
inside a vast mosque built centuries earlier, but the mosque was in turn built
atop the Visigothic monastery of San Vicente.
the demand that Muslims be allowed to pray inside Córdoba cathedral is
reasonable, so long as the same rights are granted for Christians to be allowed
to pray inside places such as the Umayyad mosque in Damascus, which was built
over a Byzantine church and contains a shrine that is said to contain the head
of John the Baptist.
Aymenn Jawad,
March 18, 2010
Mus'ab Hassan Yousuf, Son of Hamas
Leader in the West Bank: The God of Islam Suffers from Split Personality;
Muhammad - a False Prophet
The following are excerpts from an
interview with Mus'ab Hassan Yousuf, the son of Sheik Hassan Yousuf, Hamas
leader in the West Bank. Yousuf Jr. converted to Christianity, and recently
revealed that he had collaborated with Israel. The interview aired on BBC
Arabic on March 12, 2010.
Hassan Yousuf: I have said, and I continue to say, that my problem is not with
Hamas or with the Muslims. My problem is with the God of Islam and with the
Prophet of Islam. With regard to... There were continuous conflicts, which
drove me to think about which direction I would like my life to go. Of course,
the torture carried out by Hamas on its people in prison, their stupidity, and
their political inadequacy drove me to speak out.
Are you saying that your views on what you call "the Islam of Hamas"
are what led you to collaborate with the Israelis?
Hassan Yousuf: Who said there is the Islam of Hamas and the Islam of Al-Qaeda?
That's what you are saying, more or less.
Hassan Yousuf: No, I am not saying that. What I am saying is that Islam is
Islam, and the Koran is the Koran. The Koran suffers from a split personality,
and the God of Islam suffers from a split personality. All the Muslims who
follow the God of Islam interpret Islam as they like, but this does not negate
the terroristic and murderous character of Islam, which incites people, through
the Koran, to kill people and blow themselves up.
Where does the Koran call for terrorism?
Hassan Yousuf: Go to Surat Al-Tawba, verses 5 and 29. The problem
is that Muslims do not understand their own religion. I call upon the Muslims
to read their Koran and understand it, before they say that Islam is a religion
of peace and compassion.
I asked you...
Hassan Yousuf: The God of Islam calls to kill any non-Muslim. The God of Islam
calls to kill me today.
But don't you agree that Islam recognizes other religions, exalts Jesus,
recognizes Judaism, and so on? Do you or do you not accept this?
Hassan Yousuf: There are several unreliable views of several Islamic thinkers,
but their authority does not supersede that of the God of Islam, who said:
"Slay the People of the Book wherever you find them."
How can you say that? Did the Koran call to slay the People of the Book?
Hassan Yousuf: He said: "Slay the polytheists wherever you find
them." Read the surah.
But the People of the Book are not polytheists, are they?
Hassan Yousuf: If you want to ague with me – let's argue. Is Muhammad, the
prophet of Islam, the supreme role model for the Muslims?
What do you think?
Hassan Yousuf: Did Muhammad kill the Jews of Khaybar, or didn't he? You tell
me. Why distort the facts? The Muslims must be honest with themselves and with
the rest of the world. Muhammad – the supreme role model for the Muslims –
killed the Jews of Khaybar, of Qureiza, and of Nadhir. He killed their children
and captured their women. This is the supreme role model for the Muslims.
So your problem is with history, not with the present.
Hassan Yousuf: My problem is with that false prophet, Muhammad, and with the
God of Islam.
Muslims are not terrorists by nature. They are among the best nations, in my
opinion. However, if the Muslims continue to cover for the terrorists, and to
glorify and honor terrorists who blow themselves up, killing children, they
will continue to be accomplices. My father is an accomplice.
has been acting with violence, and killed innocent people. It killed people
with or without a reason, but mistakes may happen. Every country on the face of
the earth makes mistakes, not only Israel. The difference between Israel and
When Israel kills innocent people, this is a "mistake," but when
others kill innocent people, it is not?
Hassan Yousuf: Killing is a mistake – regardless of who the killer is – but
Hamas has no principles, no laws, and no limits, whereas Israel is bound by law
and constitution. If there is a racist Israeli, he will stand trial. Give me
one example of a Hamas official who stood trial.
In my
view, if Islam were implemented properly, this would spell the destruction of
the Arab and Muslim world – the whole world, in fact – because every Muslim
would become a Bin Laden.
Christians have been persecuted for the past 14 centuries – not by the Muslims,
but by the God of Islam. The persecution begins in the Koran and in the
behavior of the Prophet of Islam.
March 10, 2010
Heretics Crusade:
As I have reported before in Congress there is a group that purports to
represent the concerns and needs of ALL Muslims working for Congress, and
indeed all Muslims in America and those affected by US policy.
The Congressional Muslim Staffer’s Association website reads in part:
Congressional Muslim Staffers Association (CMSA) was established in 2006,
during the 109th Congress, and is an officially recognized Congressional staff
association registered with the Committee on House Administration. Every
Congressional term, the CMSA receives sponsorship from a Congressional
Member(s) to be registered with the Committee on House Administration.
Congressmen Ellison and Carson are the current CMSA sponsors for the 111th
The CMSA is a valued resource to Congressional Members and staff, conducting
programs that increase their awareness about the diverse Muslim American
community and presenting the plurality of the community’s social and political
perspectives and concerns…
Any Muslim Congressional employee is considered a CMSA member regardless of
their level of participation or the degree that they publicly identify
themselves as “Muslim”…"
So, here we have a group that CLAIMS to represent virtually all Muslims and
former Muslims who happen to work for Congress, they also claim to represent
the views of “mainstream” American Muslims, yet they only invite Islamist
friendly speakers and only link to Islamist friendly resources and to
conservative Islamic Law sites.
In my previous pieces regarding the CMSA I have shown the bias that seems to
permeate almost all the the links and people associated with the group. Today I
want to address a new concern, elections of the CMSA executive board.
Now the CMSA website declares in no uncertain terms that:
"The Executive Board is elected on an annual basis, with its term being
congruent with the calendar year beginning on January 1st and ending December
31st. Board elections are held in late November/early December. Elections are
coordinated by an Ex-Officio Board Member who cannot run for any Executive
Board position. "
The only problem with that is that the Executive Board changed not a single
member from last year, no election was announced on the site and no candidates
were provided, nor was there any listing of votes received.
Read It All...
H/T: Guy DeWhitney
Chants of "Free, Free Palestine" and "Israel Is Here To
Stay" resounded along New York City's Park Avenue, as both anti-Israel
forces and pro-Israel supporters squared off in front of the Waldorf Astoria
Hotel on Tuesday evening, March 9th, while inside the hotel the organization
known as The Friends of the Israel Defense Forces gathered for their annual
gala fundraising dinner. The guest of honor and keynote speaker for this year's
dinner was Lt. General Gabi Ashkenazi, Chief of Staff of the IDF.
As part of their Israel Apartheid Week activities, 13 anti-Israel organizations
including Adalah-NY, American Jews for a Just Peace, Codepink, Jewish Voice for
Peace, American Muslims for Palestine, the International Action Center,
Committee for Open Discussion of Zionism, Jews Say No!, the New York Collective
of Radical Educators, the Green Party of New Jersey, The Islamist Thinkers
Society, Progressive Democrats of America, the National Lawyers Guild - NY
Chapter, the Judson Church, Women in Black and other assorted pro-Palestinian
apologists gathered outside the Waldorf Astoria to condemn the role of the IDF
in the 2008/9 Operation Cast Lead in Gaza. Referring to Gen. Ashkenazi as
"the butcher of Gaza" the demonstrators claim that "Israeli
military forces launched a brutal attack on the 1.5 million Palestinians of
Gaza. Over a 22 day period the Israeli military killed more than 1400 people
and destroyed factories, hospitals and homes."
The 500 demonstrators staged a rancorous protest outside the hotel as they held
aloft such signs saying, "From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be
Free", "Israel is a Terrorist State," "No More US Tax
Dollars for Israel" and “Nuremberg Justice For Israeli War Criminals”.
Lamis Deuk, a spokesperson for the Palestinian contigent said, "The very
same people who murdered Palestinian women and children in Gaza are being
honored here tonight at a $1000 a plate dinner, while the Palestinian people in
Gaza are starving as a result of Israeli blockades that prevent delivery of
food and medical supplies." When asked about the role that Hamas had
played in provoking the Israeli initiative in Gaza through the constant barrage
of lethal Kassam rockets into such Israeli towns as Sderot, Deuk said,
"Israel is an occupying force that has systematically oppressed the
Palestinian people and the very establishment of a Jewish state is inherently
racist. This is why Hamas had a legitimate right to attack the
Chanting, "Free, Free Palestine", "Israel is a Terrorist
State" and "End the Occupation Now" the demonstrators called for
the end of US aid to Israel and condemned the Obama administration for
pandering to the Israeli lobby.
Across the street, about 100 pro-Israel demonstrators representing such
organizations as the Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam, Americans
for A Safe Israel, Stand With Us, and the Zionist Organization of America
staged an intrepid counter-protest as they stood as a bulwark against the
calumnies of the anti-Israel faction. Many members of the group wrapped
themselves in Israeli flags and held signs saying, “Suicide Bombing is Mass
Murder;” “Hamas Targets Civilians, Israel Targets Terrorists;” “The IDF
Protects Jews, Christians, Muslims, Druze and Bahai”.
"The Israeli army is the most moral and ethical fighting force in the
world" declared Rabbi David Algaze of Congregation Chavurat Yisrael of
Forest Hills, New York. "They have displayed the utmost restraint when
battling Hamas terrorists, murderers and criminals and the lies that are being
spewed forth by misguided Jews and the forces of radical Islam must be
confronted in the strongest of terms" he continued. 'Let the world know
that the Jewish people will not be intimidated by those who seek to demonize
and delegitimize Israel. We are exceptionally proud of the members of the IDF
and we will continue to support the right to defend ourselves from those who
seek to eradicate us."
Concerning the conclusions of the UN mandated Goldstone Report, Rabbi Algaze
said, "The Goldstone Report is replete with glaring inaccuracies and
omissions. It was a terribly biased investigation and these people here today
who are excoriating Israel are just using this report as a pretext for the
expression of their venom for Israel. What they are really saying is that
Israel has no right to exist at all and neither do the Jewish people."
Helen Freedman, president of Americans for a Safe Israel said, "Why is it
that the oppressed has been turned into the oppressor? The world knows that
Hamas intentionally used their own women and children as human shields in Gaza
in order to vilify Israel. The world knows that Hamas is an Iranian proxy and
is being bankrolled by oil rich Islamic countries. The world knows that
countless Jewish lives in Israel and around the world have been snuffed out by
Islamic suicide bombers and the world remains deafeningly silent."
Arish Sahani of the Indian Intellectuals Forum and a member of the Human Rights
Coalition Against Radical Islam said, "The Palestinians are inciting war
against Israel and Israel has every right to defend herself and her citizens
just like any other country in the world would. Why is Israel held to a higher
standard and why are Jews compelled to be constant victims. Why aren't they
given the right to fight back against sworn enemies just like everybody else.
The answer is that the forces of radical Islam are guided by the Koran which is
in essence a manual for war; a manual for the disrespect for the sanctity of
life. The Koran obligates Muslims to murder all civilized people who are not
Muslims and this war against freedom and democracy will never stop."
Other demonstrators such as Chuck Waxman from Queens, a representative of the
Jabotinsky movement and a former member of Brit Trumpeldor of America, also
known as Betar, an activist Zionist organization said, "these Islamic
radicals incessantly preach hatred of Jews and anyone who is not Muslim. Their
mission is to murder Jews, to denigrate Jews through cleverly disguised
propaganda and bald faced lies. Rather than Hamas and their terrorist
supporters making demands on Israel, we call upon Hamas to release Corp. Gilad
Dr. Marvin Belsky, the chairman of the Human Rights Coalition Against Radical
Islam said, "The tragedy of today's demonstration lies in the fact that we
are severely outnumbered by our enemies. Every Jewish establishment
organization was informed of this counter-protest and none of them showed up to
support Israel and the Jewish nation. The HRCARI is a nascent movement who has
its collective finger on the pulse of radical Islam and we are cognizant of the
dangers to the Western world that such a movement represents. Fascists come in
all stripes and radical Islamists are in the forefront of usurping our freedoms
and liberties. Make no mistake about it; if the world remains mute while Israel
is being raked over the coals, the US, Europe and the rest of the free world
will be next. The time is long overdue for Jewish organizations to take a
leading role in exposing the nefarious agenda of radical Islam and to stridently
oppose the deleterious ramifications of their well oiled propaganda
March 7, 2010
Artists 4 Israel Counter Anti-Israel Propaganda through Education
Hip Hop artists and graffiti virtuosos from New York painting their way
throughout Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Sderot? Who'd a thunk it, but it appears
that a new organization called Artists 4 Israel will be doing just that.
Founded about a year ago following Operation Cast Lead in Gaza, young artists
in the New York area had just about enough of the incessant anti-Israel
propaganda being spewed forth by the "politically correct" denizens
of the radically left-wing enclaves that figure so prominently in the eclectic
world of the New York artist and decided to do something about it.
Taking a courageously bold stance in their support for Israel, a cadre of young
artists led by New York artists Craig Dershowitz, Tara Lyn Gordon and Seth
Wolfson and several others were determined to debunk the ubiquitous myths that
circulate about Israel being a racist, apartheid state and a callous war
machine bent on the destruction of its enemies. Thus, Artists 4 Israel was born
as an umbrella organization for graffiti and street artists, alternative poets
and playwrights, hip hop musicians, modern dance troupes, photographers,
sculptors and rap chanteurs to express their support for Israel as an open and
free pluralistic society that fosters artistic license and expression. Through
the implementation of highly inventive educational modalities as well as
original street theater and other creative outlets they have succeeded in
opening the hearts and minds of a new generation.
"Hamas started a culture war. We decided to be pro-active rather than
defensive. Artists 4 Israel is the offense. Rather than countering the
misconceptions, lies and hate preached by the terrorist funded Hamas culture
war against Israel, A4I utilizes the arts to tell our own stories and create
our own narratives highlighting the rights, beauty and strength of
Israel", intoned Craig Dershowitz, a founding member of the group.
For the last year, this seminal movement of collective artists and culture
warriors has virtually exploded within the parameters of the chic art scene by
"creating their own narrative" and garnering support in the bastions
of the downtown art gallery world. "When the war in Gaza broke out, our
artists started painting really great signs for the pro-Israel demonstrations
that were held and people took notice of the fact that our signs were way more
powerful than those of Israel's detractors. Subsequently, we held a pro-Israel
art gallery showing in Manhattan that drew close to 500 people and 85% of those
in attendance were contemporary artists under the age of 30. It was then that
we knew that Artists 4 Israel could really have a major impact in the liberal
arts community", said Mr. Dershowitz
Other awareness initiatives began soon thereafter including "The Keffiyah
Exchange Program" which was modeled on the NYPD's Cash for Guns program.
While the keffiyah fashion craze has gripped the artists community, many in the
Jewish world are disturbed by the jihadist symbolism that it represents. As
such, Artists 4 Israel is offering "Free Stuff for Stupid Scarves" in
partnership with a number of clothing brands, bars and restaurants and is
giving away gifts to anyone who gives up their keffiyah at any of their drop
off locations.
In order to spotlight the brutal oppression of women by male hegemonies in
Islamic countries, Ariists 4 Israel
has created a campaign to "dress down radical Islam" by sending out
their own civilian cops or "fashion police" to hand out what appears
to be tickets to immodesty dressed women on New York's most populous streets.
In actuality, these tickets are postcards addressed to the Saudi Arabian
embassy in Washington, DC protesting their nation's treatment of women as
inherently inferior beings. The A4I web site says, "Israel is a country of
many freedoms, including equal rights and protection for women. By contrasting
these liberties with the oppression and subjugation practiced by Israel's
neighbors Artists 4 Israel demonstrates the strength of Israel's
Empowering and educating young artists is also a major tenet of Artists 4
Israel and as such the group conducts programs on high school and college
campuses. Artists 4 Israel teaches students that they have the power to use
their individual talents and creativity to become advocates of their chosen
causes. A4I offers practical guidance and leadership training to help students
affect change."What makes our organization effective is the fact that we
are totally inclusive and we reach out to everyone, irrespective of religion,
race or nationality. While we are an advocacy group for Israel, we are
non-political and we do not take stances on issues pertaining to the conflicts
between religious and non-religious factions in Israel or the disparity of
viewpoints between the left wing or right wing parties", said Mr. Dershowitz.
The highlight of this year's A4I activities will take place from April 24th
until May 2nd, when Artists 4 Israel will be sending some of America's most
famous street and graffiti artists to Israel on their "Murality"
project. Murality joins the words "mural" and "morality" to
display an ideal of justice within and through art. "Israel is a country
that is predicated on the highest levels of morality and ethics" said Mr.
Dershowitz and "we want our artists (who are not Jewish) to experience
this first hand."
The artists will be traveling to Sderot, Kiryat Gat, Herzliyah, Jerusalem and
Tel Aviv to battle terror and rockets with messages of unity and peace. In
Sderot and Kiryat Gat the artists will be conducting art therapy classes with
the children of these war torn communities who often experience post-traumatic
stress disorder. These children and the entire community will join with the
artists to transform the grim reminders of terrorism into soaring masterpieces
of freedom and expression. While in Sderot, they will paint bomb shelters,
Chabad's rocket defense walls, army bases, the Jewish National Fund's Indoor
Recreational Center and Ateret Esther, the only school not fully protected from
rocket attacks. In Kiryat Gat they will transform bombed out buildings into
living art installations. In Jerusalem, they will design murals for "The
Story of Hope", a haven for Jewish women trapped in abusive relationships
with Arab partners. In Tel Aviv, the artists will organize a large scale art
exhibit of their works for the entire community in one day.
"Our art ambassadors will be painting from the time they wake up in the
morning until the time they go to bed", said Mr. Dershowitz. We want them
to maximize their time and efforts as the artists hope to share their gift with
as many of Israel's residents and organizations as possible" he continued.
Artists 4 Israel has also attracted the attention of Israeli performance
artists including Meital Dohan, a leading actress in the Showtime series
"Weeds", who contacted A4I indicating her interest in becoming
involved in this endeavor and has been chosen to be the official spokesperson
for the "Murality" project in Israel.
"It is our fervent hope that this trip to Israel will prove that America's
avantgarde arts community supports Israel by sharing a message of hope and
peace from America to Israel" said Mr. Dershowitz.
February 25, 2010
It can't be easy being a moderate Muslim when the Politically Correct
authorities and media treat YOU like the bad guys while using Jihadists as
Unfortunately this piece is only a LITTLE satirical; mostly it is just sadly
February 9, 2010
As a teacher myself, I found the
following news story disconcerting (emphasis added):
teacher 'forced out' after complaining Muslim pupils praised 9/11 hijackers as
A Christian teacher yesterday claimed he was forced out of his job after
complaining that Muslim pupils as young as eight hailed the September 11
hijackers as heroes.
Nicholas Kafouris, 52, is suing his former school for racial
He told a tribunal that he had to leave his £30,000-a-year post because
he would not tolerate the 'racist' and 'anti-Semitic' behaviour of Year 4
The predominantly Muslim youngsters openly praised Islamic extremists in class
and described the September 11 terrorists as 'heroes and martyrs'.
One pupil said: 'Don't touch me, you're a Christian' when he
brushed against him.
Others said: 'We want to be Islamic bombers when we grow up', and 'The
Christians and Jews are our enemies - you too because you're a Christian'.
Mr Kafouris, a Greek Cypriot, taught for 12 years at Bigland Green
Primary School in Tower Hamlets, East London.
According to Ofsted 'almost all' its 465 pupils are from ethnic minorities and
a vast proportion do not speak English as a first language.
The teacher claims racial discrimination by the school, its headmistress and
her assistant head after they failed to take action about the comments made by
pupils to him.
He said there was a change in attitude of the pupils after the atrocities of
September 11, 2001. They told him: 'We hate the Christians' and 'We
hate the Jews', despite his attempts to stop them.
He said he filled out a Racist Incident Reporting Sheet but claimed
headmistress Jill Hankey dismissed his concerns.
In a statement submitted to the Central London Employment Tribunal he said:
'Miss Hankey proceeded to excuse and justify the pupil's behaviour, conduct and
remarks to me as if I had no right to be offended by the child's remarks and
'Amongst Miss Hankey's justifications for the child's remarks, she said,
"If the child was older, say 15, I might take it more seriously. He's only
nine - he's only doing it to wind you up".'
He added: 'I felt the head's behaviour and conduct towards me amounted to
direct religious discrimination. I was intimidated in the way she spoke to me
which indicated "Don't come back with such issues again".'
Mr Kafouris, a bachelor, said the comments became more frequent after the head
did nothing about the initial incidents.
There are
several factors here to consider: With Kafouris being a Greek Cypriot, could
that trigger ethnic discrimination? If Kafouris' claims are, indeed,
truthful, how can the school and its administrators not act? What if the
situation involved White students harassing a Black teacher, or vice
versa? Would the administration also just say the problem is due to the
students' young age and should, therefore, not be taken seriously?
Source: UK's
Mail Online
H/T: Hummers
& Cigarettes
February 8, 2010
Free speech is not merely an
ornamental bauble found in liberal democratic societies. It is the well-fought
ground upon which the structures of such societies have been constructed.
It is free speech in practice, or its ideal subscribed to, that has
distinguished Europe and western civilization from all others past and present.
Its absence or suppression is the main feature of totalitarian culture.
Yet free speech has never been entirely free from siege by special interests.
Except for the United States where free speech is constitutionally protected by
the first amendment, the exercise of free speech can still be constrained by
the guardians of public interests as we see in the case of the Dutch MP Geert
Wilders, indicted and brought to court for offending Muslims in Holland.
The trial of Wilders is as much a step backward from the ideal of free speech
as it is indicative of how free people willingly compromise their freedom by
forgetting their history.
In indicting Wilders for hate speech, the Dutch, and their Western supporters,
have turned their backs to the long line of defenders of free speech as the
cornerstone of liberty, from Spinoza and Voltaire to Emile Zola.
Mere footnotes
No modern thinker has written as clearly and forcefully on liberty, and what it
means in the most fundamental sense of freedom of conscience and freedom of
speech, as did John Stuart Mill.
All subsequent writings on the subject are mere footnotes or parenthetical
circumlocutions of those who have not abandoned the quest of abridging free
speech — even as they present themselves as defenders of freedom — by claiming
to protect the rights of others.
Mill contended it would be wrong any time for a government, even if it
represented completely the will and opinion of the entire people under its
rule, to control or suppress the opinion of an individual. Such coercion, in
Mill’s view, was illegitimate.
He wrote: “The best government has no more title to it than the worst. It is as
noxious, or more noxious, when exercised in accordance with public opinion than
when in opposition to it. If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind
would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the
power, would be justified in silencing mankind.”
Western societies in general have fallen short of Mill’s expressed ideal of
liberty, but any infringement of that ideal has smacked of bad faith. In recent
years, multiculturalism was propounded as if to ease the conscience of liberals
— those who believe in liberty as Mill wrote about — when they do illiberal
things such as penalizing free speech.
The irony lost upon those eager to protect others from being offended by the
exercise of free speech, particularly when it comes to the subject of religion,
is that such offence was the necessary solvent for the reform of Christianity
and the church — reforms that contributed to the making of the modern, secular,
liberal and democratic West.
In protecting Muslims from those who offend them, the West ill-serves Islam and
those Muslims who seek its reform. Muslims need untrammelled free speech to
awaken to the awareness of how totalitarian and comatose is their culture.
Source: Toronto
H/T: Poste de veille

Pourtant, la liberté d’expression n’a jamais été complètement exempte des
assauts que lui livrent des intérêts particuliers.
Sauf aux États-Unis, où elle bénéficie de la protection constitutionnelle du
premier amendement, l’exercice de la liberté de parole peut toujours être
limité par les gardiens des intérêts publics, comme on le voit avec le cas du
député hollandais Geert Wilders, inculpé et traîné en justice pour avoir
offensé les musulmans en Hollande.
Le procès de Wilders représente tout à la fois un pas en arrière par rapport à
l’idéal de liberté d’expression et une illustration de la manière dont des
peuples libres laissent sans s’y opposer remettre en cause leur liberté en
oubliant leur propre histoire. Lire
la suite...
Source: Toronto
Sun (Traduction par Poste
de veille)
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- Will Spielberg’s 9/11
Documentary Take Up Where Is...
- Defense minister hosted in
Ankara as an Israeli to...
- Burqa has no place in Denmark,
says PM
- Far-right MP Geert Wilders on
trial for discrimina...
- In the name of Allah,
Malaysia's conservatives cli...
- A
Step Backwards for Iraq
- Daniel Pipes: Why I Stand with
Geert Wilders
- Palestinians: "Their
Charters Call for Dismantling...
- What Drives Arabs to Hamas and
- The
suborning of American intelligence
- Mauritanian
Muslim Leaders Ban Female Circumcision...
- 5 Americans Detained in
Pakistan Allege Torture
- UAE buys four nuclear power
- Iran
- Pakistan: Jihadists bomb,
destroy boys' school
- Toronto
18 'bomb plot chief' jailed
- Iran Responsible for Jordan
- Four die as pirates squabble
over ransom
- GOP rep.: Ft. Hood report
- MASH Latest Recipient of the
Face of Evil Award: S...
- Shariah (Islamic) Law: Muslim
Little Girl Stoned t...
- Yemeni jihadists: "The
duty of our Muslim nation i...
- Iran hails UN indecision over
further sanctions
- Palestinian human rights groups
seek Hamas investi...
- Pope
gunman leaves Turkish prison
- Dozens
die in Nigeria clashes
- Muhammed
cartoons update
- A Little Sharia? Tech
Business Builds on Li...
- Alleged Bali bomber may face
trial in Washington
- Opposition Groups: Iranian
Professor 'Killed by Ar...
- Islamic sect’s plan to build
mega-mosque next to O...
- Update:
Pirates release supertanker
- Robert Spencer: Victory for
Free Speech in Texas
- Holder Flip Flops on Geneva
Convention Protection ...
- Gun battles rage in Afghan
- T.
E. Lawrence, American Strategist
- Islamic Terrorism isn't about
Foreign Policy Anymo...
- Raymond
Ibrahim : Comment la taqiyya modifie pour ...
- Generation
- Saudi billionaire eyes new
links with News Corp.
- Huge ransom paid to Somali
- Bosch Fawstin: Calling Islam
- Saudi Arabia: 80-year-old man
marries 11-year-old ...
- UK:
Fatwa against suicide bombings
- We're the TSA and You Can Count
on Us! (to overrea...
- Why ignore lessons from years
- US drone kills dozen in
- 'Chemical
Ali' sentenced to death
- Iran: "Loving Executions
Too Much"
- Christmas Bomber Met With al
Qaeda, Radical Cleric...
- Associated Press: Numerous
firebombed churches = r...
- MASH Latest Recipient of the
Distinguished Islamof...
- FBI admits Photofit of Osama
Bin Laden had Spanish...
- Hood massacre report gutless
and shameful
- The
curse of Muslim lands
- Hamas
In Their Own Voices
- Anjem Choudary: I’m smiling
because sharia is comi...
- British political party calls
for ban on burqas
- French air passenger jailed in
Abu Dhabi for bomb ...
- Iraq
captures al-Qaeda suspect
- Finland: Honor-related violence
against Finnish wo...
- Israel sabotaging Iranian
nuclear facilities says ...
- Muslim
Brotherhood Update
- War & Peace at the Car Wash
- Iran
- No
Joy in Riyadh
- Taliban
denies Mehsud's death
- Eight-year-old Michael Hicks
named on terror watch...
- Obama official says Fort Hood
jihad was "an act of...
- Honor Killers: Prosecuted in
Europe, Seen as Psych...
- Israel and Turkey Hope to
Salvage Their Damaged Al...
- MASH Award Latest Recipient:
Lord Carey, Former Ar...
- New York Dems: We Can't Afford
KSM Trial
- Yemen: Al Qaeda Military Chief
Killed in Yemen Air...
- Iranian Diplomat Resigns Over
Regime's Brutal Ways...
- Fr0m Th3 Cyb3r Battle L1nes:
Who Should Lead the C...
- Continuing on the path of Qutb:
Dr Mohamed Badei, ...
- Islamic jihadist teaches at
London School of Econo...
Institutionalized Islamic Pro...
- David Horowitz: The
Anti-Semitic Jihad On Campus: ...
- Former Archbishop of Canterbury
Cautions against I...
- Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan
Calls to End Of Coope...
- Israelis
survive Jordan bomb blast
- Robert
Spencer: Google Goes Jihad
- Canada redirecting Palestinian
aid from UNRWA
- Who Owns the Dead Sea Scrolls?
- The Islamic infiltration, parts
1 and 2
- Sophisticated FBI pictures show
'older bin Laden'
- Muslims
sue CAIR for fraud
- Americans Arrested in Pakistan
Plotted to Bomb Nuc...
- Atlas Event at CPAC: Jihad: The
Political Third Ra...
- The
Palestinian paradox
- 2 Chicago Men Indicted on Federal
Terrorism Charge...
- Terrorism’s
Triumphant Techniques
- OneWorld 2011: Ambitious
project launched in Dubai...
- Gaza residents enraged over
Hamas' attempts to pro...
- Somalia
'ripe for resolution'
- Pakistan
drone attack 'kills many'
- Web
- US 'face jihad' if they hunt
al-Qa'ida in Yemen
- Scuffles mar funeral of
murdered scientist Dr Maso...
- Geert Wilders Faces Jailtime
for Pointing Out Hate...
- Pat
Condell: Islamist dickhead
- Wahhabism
and the First Amendment
- Gaza
Under Siege
- Jihad
Watch Award winners 2009!
- MASH Latest Recipient of the
Face of Evil Award: C...
- Jordan calls on United Nations
for help to reclaim...
- Saudi and Yemeni forces claim
victory in renewed f...
- Somalia, Like Yemen, Growing as
Training Ground fo...
- Six
Die in Clashes as Afghans Protest Koran Destru...
- Deadly blast lays bare CIA's
- Not All Muslims Are Suicide
Killers–But All Suicid...
- Britain bans Islamist group at
centre of march row...
- Arab Dictators: Why Are They
Hiding the Newest Tru...
- Israel's Muslim Problem is Not
- The
terrorists are winning
- Iranian
scientist killed in blast
- Muslim
Europe – by Jamie Glazov
- Israel to build fence on
Egyptian border
- Head Scratchers at Pentagon:
"review of the shooti...
- Saudi Preacher: No-Fly to US to
Protest Anti-Terro...
- Call to throw out Guantanamo
- Pakistan's
drug problem
- Malaysia
still dodging the issue
- Gingrich:
I'm deeply worried,,,
- Obama Ally Code Pink Invites
Muslim Brotherhood: ‘...
- Radical Yemeni Cleric Warns
Against U.S. Occupatio...
- Saudi students studying in U.S.
whine about "unfai...
- Jihadist who tried to murder
cartoonist for depict...
- Malaysia: Ninth church
vandalized by Islamic supre...
- Iran
- Denmark:
Financing terrorism in Somalia
- Yemen
offers deal to terrorists
- Obama taps Muslim for top job
at Federal DHS
- MASH Award Latest Recipient: Dr
Wafa Sultan
- NarcoIslam: Hezbollah Traffics
Drugs to Finance Te...
- Iraqi Oil to Help American
Economy, Hurt America’s...
- PA demands apology from cleric
who called for ston...
- Why the Rich Muslim Boy Became
a Terrorist – by Ja...
- Israeli Jews oppose Swiss-style
minaret ban
- We're so stupid to pay them to
hate us
- We Must See the Real Threat to
'Connect the Dots'
HATES" By: Wafa Sultan
- The
Islamists Are Not Coming
- Israel shrugs off Mitchell's
loan threat
- The
Origins of Islamic Economics
- Jihadists groom children in the
UK under 10
- Iran can be bombed says General
- Islam4UK decides to avoid
public humiliation
- Guantanamo closure delayed amid
rehab failures
- UAE President's brother avoids
torture charge
- Update: Six churches attacked
in Muslim protests
- MASH Latest Recipient of the
Dhimmi Award: The Met...
- Egypt’s Steel Wall: An Attempt
to Placate the U.S....
- 'Jihad'
jitters at Met
- Flight 253 jihadist was
"singing like a canary" un...
- Surprise, surprise:
"moderate" Muslim TV channel i...
- Muslim Sheikh Pays Solidarity
Visit to the Jews of...
- Three Great Articles on
Moderate Muslim Action
- Geert Wilders Warns America:
Israel Fights for the...
- Fourth church attacked in
Malaysia as Allah row de...
- Amil Imani: Empowering Iranians
to Dislodge the Mu...
- The
Resurrection of Al Qaeda
- 139 Muslim American Planned
Attacks Since 9-11... ...
- War march fanatic Anjem
Choudary runs secret shari...
- The
incredible expanding rally
- CAIR loses round in attempt to
quash book exposing...
- Yemen's Conflicts Flare Amid Al
Qaeda Fight
- U.S. Envoy: Aid to Israel Could
Be Cut if Peace Ta...
- Ahmadinejad Demands
Compensation for WWII Invasion...
- Germany: Lebanese drug trade
financing Hezbollah
- Iran leader for action over
- Egypt
bans Gaza aid convoys
- Yeah, About Those Gitmo
- Fort Hood Intel Lapse Mirrors
Detroit Case
- M. Zuhdi Jasser: It's time to
root out political I...
- Three arrested after London
airport scare
- Taliban Blames Drone Attacks –
Not Gitmo – For CIA...
- Massachusetts college alters
policy banning face c...
- Charles
Krauthammer: The Gitmo Obsession
- How to Recognize and Fight a
Terrorist on a Plane
- Nonie Darwish: Obama’s New Year
Gift To The Saudi ...
- Details: Not Guilty plea
entered for Christmas Day...
- More
than responsible
- Why
Heads Should Roll
- Israel’s
Arab Settlements
- France Imposes Designer Priced
Fines for Bastille-...
- The Obama Tragedy in the Terror
War – by Jamie Gla...
- Dubai: Female tourist reports
rape to police, is a...
- Man is arrested in NY city
terror bomb probe
- Panty Bomber Goes to Court –
- 'Gun
attack' on Iranian politician
- Egypt deports UK MP George
- 11 Convicted in Spain For
Planning Subway Bombings...
- Semantic Confusion: “The Religious
Right”, Allies ...
- Hamas squeezed between Iron
Dome, steel wall
- Neda's death was faked, says
Iran state TV
- Denmark: Westergaard attacker
worked for Red Cross...
- CAIR attorney for apostate girl
Rifqa Bary's Musli...
- Hamas-linked CAIR whines about
airport search of w...
- Screening
must include religion, ethnicity
- Law & Order and Double
Standards – by Jamie Glazov...
- Report: Attack on CIA Planned
by Bin Laden Aides
- Malaysia Church Set Ablaze Over
Use of 'Allah'
- Al-Qa'ida recruited Umar Farouk
Abdulmutallab in L...
- Christopher Hitchens: Mullahs
indubitably fancy a ...
- Man who threatened 'to kill
Jews' on Detroit-bound...
- "It is all religious now. This
is a religious war ...
- US security officials planned
to question Umar Far...
- HUMAN EVENTS Petition to Move
KSM Trial From NYC
- How Taqiyya Alters Islam's
Rules of War
- Iron Dome successfully
intercepts of Kassams, Katy...
- CIA deaths revenge for drones,
says al-Qaeda
- 'Turning'
- 14 jihadists kill themselves
when their explosives...
- Islam’s
Legacy is Constant War
- Can Hamas Be Stopped from
Seizing West Bank?
- Iran hasn't won the cold war
- CIA believed killer a lead to
al-Qa'ida No 2
- Denmark: Somali terrorist was
role model for integ...
- Iran hides nuclear secrets in
web of tunnels
- People’s Republic of China
Blocks Additional UN Sa...
- Iran
- Yemen
'al-Qaeda commander held'
- Police
killed in Dagestan attack
- Clash in Egypt over Gaza aid
- Obama: Raising the White Flag
to America’s Terrori...
- Stopping the Next “Underwear
Bomber” – by Alan M. ...
- Legal Jihad to Silence Christian
Action Network? –...
- Obama attacks US spies over
failure to uncover Chr...
- Jihad, Stealth Jihad, Legal
Jihad - Now Tennis Ji...
- Obama imperils secret briefings
that could prevent...
- UK jihad leader to Brits:
surrender to Islam
- Daniel Pipes: Mickey Mouse air
- Sudan: Danish movie to be next
Mohammed cartoons?
- Norway: Liberal Muslims want
pro-Westergaard demon...
- CIA base bomber was a
- Editor says Emirates story led
to sacking
- The
Jihad Decade Cometh
- Muslims
threaten Swedish Motoonist
- Appeals court confirms life
sentence for September...
- Freed Guantanamo inmates are
heading for Yemen to ...
- Tehran University Professors
Denounce Crackdown in...
- U.S. Requests Pat-Downs on All
Flights From 14 Nat...
- Detained American in Pakistan
Says Aim Was to Wage...
- US seeks to pressure Iran, revolutionary
- Napolitano
postpones visit to Israel
- The Terrorists’ Best Weapon:
Intelligence Failures...
- Islam Convert Associated with
Al-Shabab Spent Year...
- Somali insurgents threaten to
join the new front
- One woman's account of having
to cover her head in...
dénonce le portrait « démoniaque » de l’isla...
- 120,000 sign up to Facebook
protest to stop Islami...
- Travellers to US face tougher
security measures
- This is Not Our Father’s War
- Obama adviser: No smoking gun
in airline bomb plot...
- Reports: Cartoonist assailant
plotted attack again...
- Egypt court upholds ban on
veils in exams
- British universities have
become centers of jihad ...
- Obama to offer deal to Flight
253 jihadist
- Hamas TV airs blood libel, says
Israeli settlers d...
- UK: "Profiling may be
price we have to pay", says ...
- Charles Krauthammer : War? What
- Iran
- Update: Anger growing after
Pakistan bombing kills...
- White House believes Iran
'vulnerable to new sanct...
- US and Britain shut embassies
in Yemen after al-Qa...
- Egyptian Christians Refuse to
Open Stores After Mu...
- Gordon Brown calls summit on
Yemen terrorism
- Barack Obama is vulnerable on
terror – and he know...
- World's Tallest Building to
Open in Dubai
- Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab: one
boy’s journey to ji...
- Flight 253 jihadist's father
"leader of Sharia mov...
- Jordan asks Canada to seize
Dead Sea scrolls
- What Can Israel Teach the U.S.
About Airport Secur...
- The West Must Ban the Burqa and
Nix the Niqab
- Iran’s Script to Get the Bomb
- Ron Paul Wants Me To Have a Day
Off From Thinking ...
- 'Allah'
Ruling May Challenge Malaysia
- Al-Qaeda's second banana calls
on Muslims to "disi...
- Al-Reuters
Runs Anti-Israel Propaganda (Again)
- Yemen rebels say ready to talk
if war stops
- Israeli warplanes hit Gaza
after rocket attack
- Jihad
- A New Decade and the Mutants of
- Update: Somali terrorist
targets cartoonist's home...
- Danish police shoot man trying
to enter Mohammed c...
- Sex and the city of Beirut
- Danny Ayalon: Israel's Right to
the 'Disputed' Ter...
- Iraq
'to appeal Blackwater verdict'
- Spike in number of Arabs
volunteering for National...
- Iran's Mousavi Says He Is
'Ready for Martyrdom'
- Somali pirates seize Indonesian
chemical tanker
- Update: 88 dead from suicide
car bomb at volleybal...
- Suicide blast kills three at
Pakistan volleyball m...
- MASH Award Latest Recipient:
Jasper Schuringa
- Iran Attempted to Smuggle 1,350
Tons of Uranium
- Pakistan to Seek Terror Charges
Against 5 Arrested...
- Iran
- Christmas Day Bomber Invited
'Jihad' Cleric to Add...
- Bomber's Last Phone Call to His
- Houston: Rocket launcher,
jihadist writings found ...
- Judge rules security guards'
rights violated in Ba...
- Pakistan kills Arab,
Bangladeshi al Qaeda operativ...
- Waterboard
- Misunderstanders of Islam
attack security forces i...
- Houston Muslim group hawked
Al-Qaeda imam al-Awlak...