vendredi 9 mars 2018

Israeli expert on islam explains how to achieve peace

Chaîne YouTube : Vlad Tepesblog

C : "We will have peace when They love Their children More than they hate Us."

C : If peace to them is synonymous with surrender then submission, then I can see why they call Islam the 'Religion of Peace' and manage to keep a straight face. Those crafty moslems.

C : Very well said - the Islamic concept of Salam is only possible after the other party surrenders. That's why no 'deal' with Israel is an option.

C : The Israeli's turn the Desert into a Oasis, the Arabs are still living in the Desert as if it was still the 7th Century. The Arabs know they cannot defeat Israel so they continue to tell the people how evil the Jewish people are, meanwhile gangs like hamas sit high in their castles laughing at the foolish people blowing themselves up for allah... If, and I say, IF, hamas and PA recognized Israel tomorrow then so much money,food, and the rebuilding of their infrastructure pouring into Gaza and the West Bank would make your head spin, within a year they would all be healthy and living life rather than destroying what they have and so full of hate for people who were there long before islam was even thought of. Get real Arabs because Israel aint going anywhere any time soon. islam only knows about revenge and sees peace, tolerance, compassion as a weakness.

C : How right he is. Know your enemy - and his mindset. Defend your homeland and culture - your Civilization, and Truth. No compromise. No surrender. This is a fight to the death. Civilization, Justice, and Virtue: or Tyranny, Destruction and Oblivion. Now, choose!

C : True. This is the real islamic mindset that once Western countries use to understand

C : True. This is why the greco-roman civilisation collapsed and why we had the so-called middle-ages.
See Bill Warner.

C : The people who imported this plague to Europe as well as the Communist one, and the democratic one, and the feminist one... and pretty much every other form of degeneration of the mind are going to tell us how to fix it... FOOKIN BAAAAAAAASTE!

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