"Killing ExMuslims is not a wahhabi or a salafi law. It is Islam." Aliyah, British-Pakistani #ExMuslim Each time a new ex-Muslim voice rises, a thousand more realize another life is possible. Support the ExMuslim TV platform: https://ex-muslim.tv/support Watch http://ex-muslim.tv and share: http://twitter.com/exmuslimtv http://youtube.com/exmuslimtv http://facebook.com/exmuslimtv ExMuslim TV is a video platform at the service of the ex-Muslim movement. #ReligiousFreedom is the first freedom and now is the time to normalize #LeavingIslam without consequences. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 1: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
jeudi 7 mars 2019
British Ex-Muslim: 'killing us is not a Wahhabi law, it is Islam'
"Killing ExMuslims is not a wahhabi or a salafi law. It is Islam." Aliyah, British-Pakistani #ExMuslim Each time a new ex-Muslim voice rises, a thousand more realize another life is possible. Support the ExMuslim TV platform: https://ex-muslim.tv/support Watch http://ex-muslim.tv and share: http://twitter.com/exmuslimtv http://youtube.com/exmuslimtv http://facebook.com/exmuslimtv ExMuslim TV is a video platform at the service of the ex-Muslim movement. #ReligiousFreedom is the first freedom and now is the time to normalize #LeavingIslam without consequences. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 1: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
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