Let's talk about security guards in the United States and look at some trends!
According to the Census, the number of those in the security profession has increased from 250,000 in 1960, to OVER 1,100,000 today!!
Researchers attribute this rise to a loss of social capital.

Security Guards per Census.
1960 - 250,000
1980 - 600,000
2000 - 1,000,000
Today - 1,100,000++
Why do we need so many more security guards? Well, as diversity increases in a nation, the trust falls, and crime will increase.
The Median number of security guards per 1,000 workers is 8.20.
This is a ranking by city.
What do the above median and below median cities have in common? anything?
Of course.
Miami security guards per 1,000 - 17.83 (Second highest)
Miami white population - 11.9%
Grand Rapids guards per 1,000 - 5.31 (Second lowest)
Grand Rapids white population - 64.6%
Memphis guards per 1,000 - 14.94 (fourth highest)
Memphis white population - 29.4%
Portland security guards per 1,000 - 5.53 (third lowest)
Portland white population - 76.1%
Baltimore guards per 1,000 - 12.53
Baltimore white population - 29.6%
Minneapolis guards per 1,000 - 4.77
Minneapolis white population - 63.8%
Conclusion: this is not a function of merely a large population as many might suggest, this article fails to understand why equally large cities have disparate needs for security, the answer is of course very simple - demographics.
Post Script --
The cost of these guards is another of the litany of "diversity taxes" whites must pay as they are factored into costs. Shop lifting, more car wrecks, property crime, etc, all are carried by white society. We have to pay more to live, just because of diversity.
@ShelteredDoggo did some heavy data lifting for me, charted the points, we ran a correlation and found -0.578, pretty solid, showing that as the white population % decreases, the number of security guards goes UP.
this will be featured in the upcoming Mall Rat article.

@Morgans_Journal : Funny story, when I moonlighted security for Walmart I would arrest 1 or 2 shoplifters a week in "hick country" town.
When I went to "hip" liberal town I arrested 4 to 6 a DAY.
Both town's had similar population, but not similar demographics.
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