1/ "The War Against Whites in Advertising." - why is "diversity" pushed so hard in ads? who is behind it?
2/ The follow-up articles to this viral, and now classic piece. Does some investigative journalism into specific commercials, advertising agencies, and discusses the economics.
3/ "Law Enforcement & The Hostile Elite"
Have you wondered if there is merit to the BLM claims of police brutality? Ever wondered what the numbers look like from our side? I crunched the numbers & found some shocking conclusions along with legal commentary.
4/ Sky King.
August 10th, a day that shall live in infamy...
5/ "Civic Nationalism & the Diaspora Question"
A take-down of the idea of "based minorities" and discussing political meanderings of diaspora populations in White nations.
6/ "The War Against White Women: How Feminism & Diversity are Harming Them"
The name says it all. Send this to every white woman in your life.
7/ "Social Media as Psych Warfare."
Banning your account is far more insidious than you know. Learn what they are doing to you psychologically with university studies on ostracism.
8/ "Why I Write."
Part of the story of how I got involved here. A brutal crime in a small white town and watching it all crumble down around me.
9/ "Remember MLK Jr."
The hardest hitting piece against MLK ever written.
10/ 7-11 Nationalism.
"If you can’t walk into a convenience store at 2:30 AM to get a snack on a Friday night while leaving your car running and unlocked with your girlfriend waiting in it, you don’t live in a free country."

11/ Liberalism Unmasked
Here is the book i write. It's probably the most comprehensive refutation of modern liberalism to date, from theory to it's specific arguments, along with an analysis of the liberal mind and behavior.
Liberalism Unmasked, a treatise against the Left, diagnoses and disarms modern Liberalism. With its theory of Liberalism as a diagnosable mental illness and its thorough dismantling of dozens of Liberal arguments, Liberalism Unmasked demolishes the international Left from the ground up.
Supported by historical evidence, ruthless logic, and hundreds of sources, including local newspapers from around the world, academic journals, and government reports, Liberalism Unmasked surveys not only American politics, but also European and global politics, in one of the most relentless assaults on modern Liberalism to date.
Provocative, horrifying, and at times inspiring, Liberalism Unmasked confronts the contemporary globalist project, assails the misgivings of the modern world, and provides a roadmap out of our dystopian nightmare — all by revealing the true face of Liberalism, without the mask.
12/ A review of the book by Dr. Joyce at The Occidental Observer.
13/ The Folly of Civic Nationalism.
No, they are not natural conservatives.
14/ “Hispanics are natural conservatives” — The Dangerous Myth"
I'm serious. So serious I had to say it again in greater depth.
15/ Securing Our Future: The Wall & Border Security
A border wall plan that would have worked had they only listened. Or wanted to, rather.
16/ "Right Wing Authoritarianism & Social Dominant Orientation as political propaganda."
A crushing academic take down on the legacy of Adorno and those pushing the theories in modern academia.
In a sane society, this piece would have ended careers.
17/ Gender Bender.
2+ years ago I was writing about the dangers of the Trans movement before it was even mainstream.
18/ Many of my tweets became viral memes outside of twitter entirely unto themselves.
Here are a few of the more infamous ones.
Well over a million views among what I just sent. I'm sure the Advertising one has a million on it's own.
If you'd like to help me expand my little journalism operation, consider becoming a patron or doing a PayPal. I want to take this to the next level.
there is a well proven track record over over two years of consistent and top-tier work.
I want to make the next 2 years even better, bring more people on board, reach more readers, change my minds, win more hearts. And start an animal sanctuary.
Just need a few more shekels.
People like me are going up agains the MSM, hollywood, ADL / SPLC and more.
The ADL / SPLC EACH get 1,000's of donors per YEAR and several hundred MILLION per YEAR to fight against us.
I just need 2-5% of my readers to throw $5+ my way to do this full time.
If not for people like me and myself writing, not for you supporting the efforts, we have nothing.
Nobody is coming to save us. It's up to us to get this off the ground and do the hard work.
I'm in if you're in.
For less than the cost of Netflix per month, you can ensure high-quality content keeps coming and with greater frequency. Other's can read and learn, and you will be entertained without degeneracy and subversion that you get with Netflix/Hollywood.
It's a proper investment.
I've been pleasantly surprised by the support so far!
It's been more than i expected at such a quick pace. This is all going to help tremendously to grow this.
Thanks to everybody who jumped on board already! Lots of work to do and it's a great start
Haunted Rich 🐺🖤
2/ The follow-up articles to this viral, and now classic piece. Does some investigative journalism into specific commercials, advertising agencies, and discusses the economics.
3/ "Law Enforcement & The Hostile Elite"
Have you wondered if there is merit to the BLM claims of police brutality? Ever wondered what the numbers look like from our side? I crunched the numbers & found some shocking conclusions along with legal commentary.
4/ Sky King.
August 10th, a day that shall live in infamy...
A take-down of the idea of "based minorities" and discussing political meanderings of diaspora populations in White nations.
6/ "The War Against White Women: How Feminism & Diversity are Harming Them"
The name says it all. Send this to every white woman in your life.
7/ "Social Media as Psych Warfare."
Banning your account is far more insidious than you know. Learn what they are doing to you psychologically with university studies on ostracism.
8/ "Why I Write."
Part of the story of how I got involved here. A brutal crime in a small white town and watching it all crumble down around me.
9/ "Remember MLK Jr."
The hardest hitting piece against MLK ever written.
10/ 7-11 Nationalism.
"If you can’t walk into a convenience store at 2:30 AM to get a snack on a Friday night while leaving your car running and unlocked with your girlfriend waiting in it, you don’t live in a free country."

11/ Liberalism Unmasked
Here is the book i write. It's probably the most comprehensive refutation of modern liberalism to date, from theory to it's specific arguments, along with an analysis of the liberal mind and behavior.
Liberalism Unmasked, a treatise against the Left, diagnoses and disarms modern Liberalism. With its theory of Liberalism as a diagnosable mental illness and its thorough dismantling of dozens of Liberal arguments, Liberalism Unmasked demolishes the international Left from the ground up.
Supported by historical evidence, ruthless logic, and hundreds of sources, including local newspapers from around the world, academic journals, and government reports, Liberalism Unmasked surveys not only American politics, but also European and global politics, in one of the most relentless assaults on modern Liberalism to date.
Provocative, horrifying, and at times inspiring, Liberalism Unmasked confronts the contemporary globalist project, assails the misgivings of the modern world, and provides a roadmap out of our dystopian nightmare — all by revealing the true face of Liberalism, without the mask.
12/ A review of the book by Dr. Joyce at The Occidental Observer.
13/ The Folly of Civic Nationalism.
No, they are not natural conservatives.
14/ “Hispanics are natural conservatives” — The Dangerous Myth"
I'm serious. So serious I had to say it again in greater depth.
15/ Securing Our Future: The Wall & Border Security
A border wall plan that would have worked had they only listened. Or wanted to, rather.
16/ "Right Wing Authoritarianism & Social Dominant Orientation as political propaganda."
A crushing academic take down on the legacy of Adorno and those pushing the theories in modern academia.
In a sane society, this piece would have ended careers.
17/ Gender Bender.
2+ years ago I was writing about the dangers of the Trans movement before it was even mainstream.
18/ Many of my tweets became viral memes outside of twitter entirely unto themselves.
Here are a few of the more infamous ones.
Well over a million views among what I just sent. I'm sure the Advertising one has a million on it's own.
If you'd like to help me expand my little journalism operation, consider becoming a patron or doing a PayPal. I want to take this to the next level.
there is a well proven track record over over two years of consistent and top-tier work.
I want to make the next 2 years even better, bring more people on board, reach more readers, change my minds, win more hearts. And start an animal sanctuary.
Just need a few more shekels.
People like me are going up agains the MSM, hollywood, ADL / SPLC and more.
The ADL / SPLC EACH get 1,000's of donors per YEAR and several hundred MILLION per YEAR to fight against us.
I just need 2-5% of my readers to throw $5+ my way to do this full time.
If not for people like me and myself writing, not for you supporting the efforts, we have nothing.
Nobody is coming to save us. It's up to us to get this off the ground and do the hard work.
I'm in if you're in.
For less than the cost of Netflix per month, you can ensure high-quality content keeps coming and with greater frequency. Other's can read and learn, and you will be entertained without degeneracy and subversion that you get with Netflix/Hollywood.
It's a proper investment.
I've been pleasantly surprised by the support so far!
It's been more than i expected at such a quick pace. This is all going to help tremendously to grow this.
Thanks to everybody who jumped on board already! Lots of work to do and it's a great start
Haunted Rich 🐺🖤
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