vendredi 24 novembre 2017

Masud Ansari, Psychology of Mohammed: Inside the Brain of A Prophet (2007)

The book proves the absurdity of the Koran and the prophetship of Mohammed. It substantiates that the Koran is saturated with illogical and mendacious absurdities that cannot be believed. 

The goal of Mohammed was to gain power by pretending prophethood. 

He founded Islam by the dint of sword and prompted the nomads of Arabia to Islam by plundering the properties of those who rejected Islam. Thus, Islam is founded on the bases of terrorism and bloodshed. 

No one can disbelieve that Allah - the God of Islam - represents himself as a deceitful entity, an avenger, subduer, tyrant, killer, and so on. 

The verses of the Koran openly encourage Islamic followers to mercilessly kill non-Muslims. 

Allah also disavows pacifists, but promises to help those who fight in his name. Non-Muslims are unclean and should not be loved. 

Muslims who befriend infidels can no longer be considered Muslims. 

Opponents of Allah and His Apostle should be mutilated, executed, and crucified. Mohammed said, "Paradise is under the shadow of swords." 

Mohammed ordered his opponents to be murdered inhumanly. 

Allah permitted Mohammed to commit any crime against his opponents. 

In brief, the Koran is actually a manual for terrorism and Hadith is the terrorist manifesto of Islam.

Masud Ansari, B.A., M.A., Ph. D., D.C.H., F.C.H., holds a B.A. in law, an M.A. in International Relations from the University of London, and three doctorate degrees, two in political science, one from the Tehran University, the Second from the George Washington University, and the third in hypnotherapy from the American Pacific University. He is the author and translator of 33 books on Psychology, law, political science, philosophy, theology and hypnotherapy - in addition to two works of fiction. One of his books, Nationalism, won critical acclaim in 1968. The outcome of his teaching and research in the London University, American University of Beirut, UNAFI (Japan), and Iranian and American Universities has been: Phi Beta Kappa and three President awards - one from the National Guild of Hypnotists (1991) and two from the Eastern Institute of Hypnotherapy (1995).

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*Masud Ansari, Psychology of Mohammed: Inside the Brain of A Prophet (2007)*
The book proves the absurdity of the Koran and the prophetship of Mohammed.
It substantiates that the Koran is saturated with illogical and mendacious absurdities that cannot be believed.
The goal of Mohammed was to gain power by pretending prophethood.

He founded Islam by the dint of sword and prompted the nomads of Arabia to Islam by plundering the properties of those who rejected Islam. Thus, Islam is founded on the bases of terrorism and bloodshed.

No one can disbelieve that Allah - the God of Islam - represents himself as a deceitful entity, an avenger, subduer, tyrant, killer, and so on.

The verses of the Koran openly encourage Islamic followers to mercilessly kill non-Muslims.

Allah also disavows pacifists, but promises to help those who fight in his name. Non-Muslims are unclean and should not be loved.

Muslims who befriend infidels can no longer be considered Muslims.

Opponents of Allah and His Apostle should be mutilated, executed, and crucified. Mohammed said, "Paradise is under the shadow of swords."

Mohammed ordered his opponents to be murdered inhumanly.

Allah permitted Mohammed to commit any crime against his opponents.

In brief, the Koran is actually a manual for terrorism and Hadith is the terrorist manifesto of Islam.

Masud Ansari, B.A., M.A., Ph. D., D.C.H., F.C.H., holds a B.A. in law, an M.A. in International Relations from the University of London, and three doctorate degrees, two in political science, one from the Tehran University, the Second from the George Washington University, and the third in hypnotherapy from the American Pacific University. He is the author and translator of 33 books on Psychology, law, political science, philosophy, theology and hypnotherapy - in addition to two works of fiction. One of his books, Nationalism, won critical acclaim in 1968. The outcome of his teaching and research in the London University, American University of Beirut, UNAFI (Japan), and Iranian and American Universities has been: Phi Beta Kappa and three President awards - one from the National Guild of Hypnotists (1991) and two from the Eastern Institute of Hypnotherapy (1995).

Top customer reviews

VINE VOICEon October 5, 2008
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

The author presents himself as a lawyer and a Washington, D.C.-based hypnotherapist. He doesn't brag much about himself in the "About the Author" paragraph, and barely presents a few more details about his academic credentials on his website. It is clear in this self-published book that the author is well read on the topic of Mohammed, the Koran/Quran, and the hadith; perhaps having something to do with the time he spent living in Iran and Lebanon. From his readings, the author concludes that the Muslim prophet Mohammed (the revealer of Islam) is no believable prophet, but instead is a religious charlatan. From the titles of the book's chapters, one can tell that Muslims will take umbrage with this book: (1) The life of Mohammed. (2) The Koran: a manual for terrorism. (3) Absurdities of the Koran. (4) Astronomy of the Koran. (5) Hadith: The terrorist manifesto of Islam. (6) Mohammed orders death to his opponents. (7) Were Mohammed's inspirations genuine? (8) The mendacious strategies of Mohammed's prophethood. (9) Exile and massacre of the Jews from Medina. (10) The intimidating character of the Koran. (11) Psychology of Mohammed (epilepsy; his inferiority complex; moral insanity; megalomania; the combination of inferiority complex and megalomania; sex maniac). (12) Evaluation of Mohammed's personality in history. Dr. Ansari is strongly on the critical-realist Mark Gabriel-Robert Spencer school of Mohammedism, rather than the Karen Armstrong-John Esposito line. To his credit in making his criticisms, the author quotes very, very frequently from the Quran and the hadith in his analysis of Mohammed's shortcomings as a Holy prophet. Dr. Ansari's contribution to the debunking of Mohammed's prophecy is from his having studied many books about Mohammed, combing through them, collating and explaining many interesting aspects of Mohammed's nefarious life in this lengthy 378-page paperback with an impressive 684 footnotes. Dr. Ansari draped many psychological theories about personality disorders upon Mohammed like a well-tailored thobe, but I was left a little under-whelmed by the soundness of some of the psycho dressings. While this book alludes that it will be a detailed, scholastic analysis of Mohammed's alleged psychological misfits, that book remains to be written. What I particularly liked about this book was the author's extensive review of the various anti-Jewish battles that the Prince of Peace waged: especially in how the author reviewed and cited numerous sources in discussing a particular battle or murder, and how Mohammed had spontaneous revelations of new Quranic ayats from Allah to justify Mohammed's pillages.
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on January 12, 2014
Format: Paperback

This is an extraordinary and groundbreaking study of the actual historical figure Mohammed, both from a psychological and sociological perspective. The author grew up in MidEastern Islamic society and is uniquely qualified to translate and explain, to the Western reader, the sociology and dynamics of the traditional Arab culture which produced Mohammed in the 7th Century in what is now Saudi Arabia. To the modern Western reader much of Arab culture is profoundly alien, because although Mohammed consciously borrowed heavily from the successful and thriving Jewish and Christian cultures he observed around him, Arab culture itself was and is profoundly alien from, and largely hostile to, most of the core principles of Judao-Christian philosophy. This creates a profound cognitive dissonance within the psychology of Islam and therefore within the minds of Islamist believers. The author analyses and explains the origins and effects of this complex belief system in a way which is enlightening both to a Western reader but also to readers who grew up with Islam and are seeking answers or insights into the origins and contradictions of that culture and mindset.

The author is clearly a serious scholar of the Koran and quotations abound which the author explores as a means of understanding the psychology and mindset of Mohammed, both as it arose from a violent 7th Century pagan Arab tribal warfare culture and as it evolved through Mohammed's gradual writing (or dictation) over many years of the collection of instructions and exhortations that became the Koran. Dr. Ansari traces the marked change in tone and philosophy once the historical Mohammed gains sufficient followers to achieve status as a local warlord capable of imposing and enforcing his will by beheadings and force, and how the tone of the Koran changes dramatically once he acquires the military power to change tactics to spreading Islam by violent conquest. The author unflinchingly analyses the deadly legacy of violence which has been central to Islam's success and to its appeal since its beginnings. Indeed, one of the great challenges to any study of Islam is that its rapid spread during and immediately after Mohammed's lifetime came by violent force, with all that entails.

This book is essential to anyone seeking a better understanding of Islam through a look at the mind of the historical Mohammed, as revealed in his own words in the Koran.
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on March 24, 2012
Format: Paperback

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on January 12, 2014
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on May 10, 2017
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