Nigeria: 15 Christian Villages Wiped Out… |
Man Who Carried Out Sharia Amputations Touts His 'Leniency' |
Number of Schools in UK Which Mandate Hijab Rises to 150… |
Iran: No Room for Referendum in 'Religious Democracy'… |
German Woman March Against Migrant Violence… |
Sweden Slammed for Not Taking More Migrants… |
Morocco Law Against Violence on Women Exempts Wife Beaters… |
'Moderate' Malaysia Bans Concert over Singer's Support for LGBT… |
Hindu Women Put in Hospital for Passing Too Close to Mosque… |
Iran Claims Environmental Lawyer Took His Own Life in Prison… |
'Asylum Seekers' Set Fire to Asylum Center… |
'Mobile Mosques' to Be Installed at 2020 Olympics… |
Iranian Wrestler Threw Match to Avoid Facing Israeli Opponent… |
Mass Grave Found with Bodies of British Jihadi Executions… |
Malaysian Rapper in Trouble over 'Like a Dog' Video… |
'Feminist' Sweden Allows Men to Marry More than One Woman… |
Berlin Mosque Attended by Terrorists in Multiple Plots… |
Women Not Allowed in Turkish Bar in German Suburb… |
Caliphate Will Cost Iraq $88 Billion to Rebuild… |
Muslim Family Beheads Hindu Landlord… |
Turks in Canada Pray for Military Success of Turkey… |
Hollywood Director's Son Converts to Islam, Joins al-Qaeda… |
Turkey Messes with US Embassy by Changing Street Name… |
Cleric Kills Neighbor over 14-Cents |
NZ Judge Turns Terror Plotter over for 'Proper Islamic Counseling'… |
New Church Dedicated to Memory of Beheaded Christians… |
Terror-Linked CAIR Issues Order to US Naval Academy: Drop Critic… |
Bishop: Muslim Persecution of Christians Didn't Begin with ISIS… |
Nineteen Blown Up at Fish Market… |
'Asylum Seekers' Rob and Assault 97-Year-Old Woman… |
Culture Clash in Italy as 'Migrant' Barbecues Dog at Welcome Center… |
Iraqis Paid to Make Up False Abuse Complaints Against EU Troops… |
French Government Turns to Sharia Law in Calculating Housing Benefits |
UAE Fines Soccer Player for 'Unethical Haircut'… |
Sydney Would-Be Shooter: Wouldn't Hesitate to 'Take Down' a Baby… |
New Zealand Teen Planned Mass Killing 'for Allah'… |
Liverpool Football Fans Chant: "I'll Be Muslim Too"… |
Muslim Lawyer: Try Not to Rough Up LGBT When Arresting Them… |
Actress Called 'Bad Muslim' for Posting Picture of Feminine Pad… |
US Imam: Muslim Source of Power: Faith, Unity & 'Armaments' (2013)… |
Judge: Australia Under Attack from Muslim Group Following Quran |
Turkey Sentences Journalists to Life in Prison… |
Hamas-Linked CAIR Announces 'Win' in Court over Travel Ban… |
Pew Survey: 23% of Muslims in America Leave Islam… |
Video Shows Iran Moral Cop Scolding Woman over Hijab… |
Hoax Story Alleged Trump Ordered FBI to Arrest Muslims… |
(UK) No Jail Time for Man Who Threatened to Blow Up School… |
Man's Own Wife Wants Him Beheaded for Leaving Islam… |
Migrants to Belgium Beat Their Children for Being 'Too Western'… |
Christian Students Beaten, Stabbed for Refusing to Convert… |
(Rome) Colosseum to Be Lighted in Red for Persecuted Christians… |
Sweden Gives Domestic Violence Advocate an Islamic School… |
Indonesia: Cleric Behind 2016 Suicide Attack on Shopping Mall… |
Rapist Ordered to Return 12-Year-Old Christian Victim to Parents… |
Malaysia Removes 'Year of the Dog' Images: Offensive to Muslims… |
Macron's Plan to Tame Islam in France Hits Muslim Resistance… |
France's Muslim Zones Described as "Very, Very Fragile"… |
Sunni Arab States Seek Nuclear 'Programs'… |
Texas Councilman Told to Resign over Call to Ban Islam in Schools |
(Swedish) Migrants Demand Free Apartments… |
Swedish Schools Install Bullet-Proof Windows… |
Man Who Rescued Sex Slaves Inspired by Bees… |
Terrorists Profit from 'Taxing' UN Humanitarian Funds… |
al-Shabaab Forcing Families to Hand Over Children as Young as 8… |
US Military Helps Free Muslim Children from Islamist Captivity… |
UK Doctor 'Applies Himself' to the Job |
Honor Killer Turns to 'Sticks and Knives' after Gun Jams on Aunt… |
Canadian Hotel 'Violates Human Rights' - By Not Offering Halal Food |
Malaysian Domestic Worker Dies after Horrific Abuse… |
Website Selling Children Based on Hair, Eye Color… |
Terrorist Who Helped Kill 165 was a School Teacher… |
Pakistani Investigators Destroy Evidence in 'Most Rape Cases'… |
Nigerian Student Group Defines Hijab Ban as "Oppression", Cites Quran Verse Sanctioning Killing… |
Florida: Self-Described 'ISIS Sympa-thizer' Says "Muslims are Not Bad" |
Islamic Teacher Slams Valentine's Day: 'Women are Not Girlfriends'… |
al-Qaeda Gloats over US Stock Market Turmoil… |
Texas Parents Lied to Protects Sons' Roles in ISIS… |
Woman Threatened with Rape after Trying to Show 'Muslim Tolerance' |
Muslims in Sweden Demand Call to Prayer: "We're Not Visitors"… |
Swedish Church Backs Broadcast of Islamic Call to Prayer… |
(France) Policewoman Gets 'Radicalized' - Steals Weapons… |
Archbishop Condemns Muslim Abuse of Christians - in Germany… |
Indian Singers Arrested over Song 'Hurtful' to Muslims… |
Egypt Bans 'SNL Arabia'… |
Jihadist Funded Terror Plot with Wedding Loan from Barclays… |
Hungary's Border Fence Cuts Illegal Migration by 99%... |
Tillerson: Hezbollah 'Part of the Political Process' in Lebanon… |
Newspaper in 'Moderate Malaysia' Runs "How to Spot a Gay" Checklist |
Saudi Man Marries Four Women on Same Day… |
Iranian Advisor Accuses West of Using Lizards as Spies… |
Syrian Refugee Throws Dog Out 3rd Floor Window… |
Tunisian Cleric Praises Protest of Holocaust Exhibit, Slams Jews… |
Mosque Turns Away Families Who Vote for 'Wrong' Party… |
Widow of Beheaded Aid Worker Asks UK Muslims to 'Return' Body |
EU Fears 'Radicalization' of Muslims in Police and Security Ranks… |
EU Official Says Muslim Ghettos Will Become 'Nuclear Bomb'… |
Fundamentalism Rising in German Classrooms… |
Germany Investigates Carnival Float as a Hate Crime… |
Olympics: Lack of Prayer Building Called 'Dangerous Precedent'… |
Researcher: Islamic Radicalism Flourishing in Sweden… |
Transgender Assaulted, Gang-Raped in Pakistan… |
Turkey Stops Italian Oil Operation with Military Blockade… |
Palestinians Nearly Lynch Woman and Her Children… |
Child Killed by Father over Quran Recitation Mistakes, Prayer Lapse |
Turkey's Islamist Newspaper Calls for Murder of Secular Paper's Editor |
Buddhist Monk Forced from Home |
Turkey Recruiting ISIS Fighters to Attack the Kurds… |
British Town Gears Up to Celebrate al-Quds Day… |
Brussels Wary of Saudi-Backed Mosque… |
Islamic State Promises New Attacks on France… |
Documents Show Bin Laden Wanted to Press Arial Attacks on U.S… |
Terror Suspect Gets a Job at Heathrow Airport… |
Chuck Schumer Too 'White' for Linda Sarsour's Liking… |
Antifa Celebrates Murder of Anti-Terror Cop… |
German Region: Islamic Extremists Numbers Triple in One Year… |
Sweden Gives Housing to Jihadis, But Moves to Deport US Student… |
Churchgoers Attacked with Sword… |
(Antwerp) Refugee Removes Mezuzahs from Jewish Homes, Puts Quran in Synagogue… |
UK: Ex-Chaplain: Inmates Forced to Convert to Islam for Protection… |
Death Fatwa Issued Against Sikh Man for Not Closing School… |
Scout Master Fired for Comparing Niqab to 'Darth Vader'… |
CAIR to Moderate Forum for Ohio's Gubernatorial Candidates… |
Asylum Seeker on Trial for Mowing Over Five in Stockholm… |
Beloved Family Man's Stabbing Caught on Camera… |
(US) Diversity Visa Recipient Sent $1 Million to Terrorists… |
UK Religious Teacher Charged with Inciting Child to Engage in Sex… |
(Sweden) 'Arabs' Attack Staff at Hospital… |
Syrian Refugee Stabs Wife to Death in Front of Children… |
Sleeping Melbourne Man Stabbed in Terror Attack… |
Woman Publicly Beaten After Being Discovered 'with Man'… |
Rapist to British Woman: You Can't Be a Virgin Because You are White |
Minneapolis Terrorist: 'Why Would You Live Under Manmade Law over the Law of Allah?'… |
Coffin Bomb Kills 2… |
Female Professional Alleges Forced Conversion, Sexual Assault… |
UK: Muslims Furious over Private Call for Oath of Allegiance… |
Iran's Mullahs Stand Behind Quran-Reciting Serial Pedophile… |
Man Accidently Kills Own Mother During 'Honor' Slaying… |
Boy's Genitals 'Ironed' as Punish-ment for Being Sexually Abused… |
Islamic Foundation Member Arrested on Child Porn Charges… |
Ireland's Top Muslim Scholar Endorses FGM… |
31 Pakistanis Convicted for Lynching 'Blaspheming' Student… |
Islamists Hail Lynching Acquittals… |
Fatwa Against Life Insurance Seems to Presume It Guarantees Life… |
12-Year-Old Christian Girl Abducted, 'Converted'… Ready for 'Marriage'… |
Britain Charges Man Who Fought Against ISIS with Terror… |
Caliphate Women Demand Equal Rights to Jihad… |
Islamic State Running Online Casinos for Funds… |
Sunnis Spray Hate Slogans on Shiite Mosque in Britain… |
Mass Migration Wears Out Its Welcome Among Young Italians… |
Vienna Businesses Begin to Keep Out 'Asylum Seekers'… |
Singer Notes Mosque Loudspeakers are 'Forced Religiousness'… |
Turkey Targets Lone Christian in Village… |
Cairo's Finest Take Down a Belly Dancer… |
Saudi Hardliners Blast 11-Year-Old Girl for 'Immorality'… |
UK: Sheep Slaughtered without Being Stunned Doubles in 6 Years… |
AUS Muslims Furious over Rule Banning Covered Faces in Court… |
Oklahoma Man Shouted 'Allah' as He Stabbed Victim… |
UK's FCO Offers Free Hijabs to Women Who Try It On… |
France: Icon of Muslim Assimilation Exposed as Hater… |
Finnish Bill Against Animal Cruelty at Odds with Islamic Slaughter… |
Female Pilgrims Speak Out about Sexual Harassment During Haj… |
Video Shows Libyan Children Acting Out ISIS Mass Execution… |
Indonesian President Tells UN That He Won't 'Over-Criminalize' LGBT… |
Minneapolis Woman Indicted for Trying to Burn Down Catholic Univ. |
(India) 'Heartbroken' Terrorists: 'We Hate for the Sake of Allah'… |
Former CAIR Poster Child Calls America the 'Enemy'… |
Iran's Spiritual Leader Says America is 'Worse than ISIS'… |
Man Attacks Moscow Women to Steal Their Underwear… |
Turkish Foundation Floods Latin America with Qurans… |
Muslim Human Rights Activist Supports Israel… |
lundi 19 février 2018
The Religion of Peace 19.02.2018
This year's Ramadan Bombathon included the murder of a Muslim shopkeeper in Sri Lanka during riots that followed the Islamic Sta...
Horreurs et massacres. Oui, cela ne s'est jamais arrêté, ainsi : 3030 DATES D'EXACTIONS répertoriées ici pour l'islam ...
Dans les hadiths, nous apprenons que le Prophète Mohammed suce la langue des petits garçons et que le Prophète se fait sucer la langue pa...
L'immigration, une chance pour la France ? Émeutes, agressions, meurtres, escroqueries, bandes, viols, attentats… Source de la liste...
About 90% of Muslims do not bother to read Quran with its translation. But still, they believe that Quran is a “miracle” of Allah. If Musli...
C’est un sujet absolument tabou en Occident, mais il est temps d’en parler. Les mariages consanguins entre cousins germains dans les popula...
Selon des courriels divulgués par WikiLeaks, le Pape conservateur Benoît XVI n’a pas vraiment démissionné de sa propre initiative en 2...
Certains historiens estiment qu’entre 1000 et 1515, environ 80 millions d’hindous ont été massacrés lors de la colonisation musul...
La règle de l’abrogation constitue une clé absolument indispensable pour la compréhension du Coran et donc de l’islam. Si on ne connaît...
- reprendre une à une les règles de soumission de l'islam (faire un chapitre pour chacune) - invasion islamique de l'inde à reman...
Articles riposte laïque à faire
- reprendre une à une les règles de soumission de l'islam (faire un chapitre pour chacune) - invasion islamique de l'inde à reman...