vendredi 23 février 2018

We are under the dictature of the European Union

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L'enfance dans l'Europe multiculturelle.
"C'est la faute de la société. Cela n'a rien à voir avec l'islam !!"
Pancartes : Apostat, Pute, Mangeur de porc.

Our political leaders, medias and also the justice are puppets of Qatar, European Union, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, NATO, UNO and political correctness. My country France is like Sweden. See the last video of Paul Joseph Watson. The judges and the medias protect the criminals and condemn those who criticize immigration and islam. Tariq Ramadan has not been accused of being a representant of the Muslim Brotherhood which seek to kill all non-muslims in Europe in 2050, but of having raped brutally two women. Even the most leftist medias couln't hide the truth. They spek of big killings (Charlie Hebdo, Nice, Barcelone) but they omit the rapes and murders and drug traffic that occur everyday in the suburbs of the big towms.

>>> Alain Wagner : un document officiel annonçant la stratégie pour islamiser l'Occident

>>> Bat Ye'or. Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis (2005)
This provocative and disturbing book is about the transformation of Europe into "Eurabia," a cultural and political appendage of the Arab/Muslim world. Eurabia is fundamentally anti-Christian, anti-Western, anti-American, and antisemitic, while striving for Israel's disappearance and the vilification and isolation of America. The institution responsible for this transformation, and that continues to propagate its ideological message, is the Euro-Arab Dialogue, developed by European and Arab politicians and intellectuals over the past thirty years. With all the drama of a master writer, Bat Ye'or presents a wide range of historical and contemporary documents and facts to tell the story of how the European Union is being subverted by Islamic hostility to the very ethics and values of Europe itself. Readers who seek a fair resolution of the Arab-Israel conflict will be shocked by the evidence produced in these pages of unfair pressures and deliberate distortions. Europe's independence of spirit is shown in the process of being undermined. This book challenges the current demonization of Israel and should be essential reading for everyone interested in true peace in the Middle East

>>> Philippe de Villiers, Les cloches sonneront-elles encore demain ? (2016) : in french, but you should do a translation in english and other european languages because this problem concerns every occidental nation. They are all impacted with Soros and NGO's policies of destruction of nations, with islamisation and future civill wars.

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