[ How to solve Mass Shootings in America 101 ]
( 1 ) INVESTIGATE PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS like Prozac and Xanax that have time and time again influenced the killers of these mass shootings.
( 2 ) CLAMP DOWN ON ILLEGAL WEAPON SMUGGLING. This is the main cause of Firearm related deaths in America: Illegal weapons trafficking and Gang warfare .
Prosecute and imprison illegal weapon traffickers both out government and in government (like Commiefornia (Dem) Weyland Yee).
Make acquiring legal weapons easier, increase the amount of shooting ranges both privately and publicly, and Run LARGE Information campaigns on Weapon Awareness and Firearm Safety , as to inform the general populace on the #1 rule of Firearm ownership: SAFTEY!
This one in particular would help more Americans become informed on Firearms and would increase the intelligence of debate.
DO NOT report on the murderer as some sort of anti hero by describing themselves, their equipment, their killcount, or the aftermath of their devastation, as this will inspire more killers to top the previous for media coverage.
DO NOT sensationalise their killings; no opening with sirens, no killcount reported, no graphic description of events, no message or skewed biases. Only the objective facts , and the motive, abet vaguely but not "lie-by-omission" vague.
( 4 ) FOCUS ON THE VICTIMS of the murderer, and the harm and damage brought to them. Focus on the people killed, and who they were and what they did.
Provide ways for activists and good Samaritans to send aid and support for the victims of the killer . Enshrine heroes to attempted to stop the murderer and save lives.
( 5 ) DO NOT MAKE IT ANTI-GUN. The United States Second Amendment is there to stay , so radical proposals like banning all firearms are just politicising tragedy and should be treated as white noise.
The DEBATE should be on the ability of acquiring firearms, and whether or not the buyer is informed on Firearm Safety , or whether the weapon has been illegally acquired and kept track of by a Firearms Store or Shooting Range.
( 6 ) [ Subjective but important ]
Promote a culture where Mothers and Fathers are important.
Do not promote an environment for Single-Motherhood to thrive, as it has been well documented that Single-Motherhood has a HIGH correlation to crime and sociopathic tendencies (Hitler & Stalin were raised by Single-Mothers).
Stop treating kids like every one of them is a special snowflake that deserves a participation trophy; allow them to fail, and punish them for bad behaviour (this includes Spanking, although some of you may disagree).
Make themselves create an iron clad thick skin that will prevent them from being taken advantage of, and will allow them to wash off offensive words and names like it's nothing.
( 7 ) CLAMP DOWN ON EXTREMIST IDEOLOGIES that have a high correlation of violence. This is primarily Islamic Fundementalism/Islamofascism , the Alt-Left ( ANTIFA ), Communists/Anarcho-Communists , Atheism Plus , and Racialists like BLM , & the KKK (If they even exist anymore? They're outdated)
(8) Spread this message so we can make some change for once, instead of wallowing about how America is full of shootings and waiting for the next one.
Also so these damn Attacks can get out of my newsfeed.
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